Great song
I was bopping my head and shaking my booty:whistling
Defiantly not an environment to do businesses:lol:
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Great song
I was bopping my head and shaking my booty:whistling
Defiantly not an environment to do businesses:lol:
Trump likes to vacation on his own properties where the US taxpayer has to pay millions to house his security detail and whatever staffers he drags along. Other Presidents went to Camp David because it was secure and cheap. Trump goes to his properties to (a) make money and (b) to promote his brand to make money. And don't even get me started on that so-called trust he put all his assets in to avoid any conflicts while in office.
And his so-called tax reform bill that is supposed to benefit the middle class while "people like me will pay more" is one big con game on the American people that just moves this country another step closer to a kleptocracy.
I'm with Idol on this one.
So you are right about all of it....
Can you actually name a President that didn't shit on the Middle Guy?:unsure:
And when it comes to government everything is supposed to be transparent?? Is it really??
The real question Cabby, of the two choices, are you a "Fox News" guy or "CNN" ;), it is amazing what that can reveal in a person:)
It is like trying to have a conversation with a guy that respects "RT" news, no matter what you say the Americans are always
wrong :slap:
Just my opinion.......
I'm with Idol on this, too. Trump is absolutely disgusting in *every* aspect. We need these politicians dragged into the streets...
Ya, like your opinion matters....:sleep:
Edit:... Now debating on CNN.... All taxes in every level from Lower Class to Upper Class everyone's taxes is going down!!!!
But But But upper class is going down more;)
Trump is doing what he says he was going to do!!!! Middle Class Taxes are going down period :happy:
Here is a news station that we all know hates/bias to Republicans, and absolutely hates Trump, but had to admit taxes are going down...
Now you have a Democrat on CNN......
Trumps tax plan is an atrocity!!! Americans will save money on there taxes but put the Government in more debt!!!! That is terrible :huh:
And the Democrats have a much better solution :rolleyes:
Reality: All politicians are full of shit:yup:
I pride myself on being open to other viewpoints but no one seems able to put forward any good reason why the current administration is doing anything they're doing. I mean beyond the obvious not caring who they hurt in a quest to line their own pockets.
Please 'plain why put in charged of important agencies almost without exception people on record who are against said agencies and in most cases have absolutely no experience in those fields. When you're done there please 'plain why the need to destroy hundreds of thousands of acres of previously protected wilderness so a very very few cretins can further profit.
As for all politicians being full of shit, maybe but I still would choose to go with those less full of it or at minimum those not so full of it it gleefully streams from every orifice of their bodies.
What is even funnier on your first point LOL....
If you go back and remember Trump is not taking the Presidents salary right, now you take Cabbies point and instead of utilizing the luxuries that are automatically paid and up-kept no matter the use or not eg. Camp David, he likes spreading his name and brand by using his name or owned places and the large expense to the tax payers of the US... Better he takes the salary and actually pays for his Pistol Pete lifestyle :) I guarantee a huge savings there.....
Again Idol his logic is to stir up the pot and actually put people in there that do have common sense, Is There is a downfall to that??..
I don't know if i am right or wrong in this but here it goes... In every department of Government there is advisers and researchers and actual people that do know what they are doing right?? Now that person in charge you say has no experience has to make a decision on multiple suggestions from the lower advisers??
There i could say may lead to a problem:unsure:..
Now look at it this way.... What happen if you put someone in charge and he/she is a one minded person and doesn't really look at any other side??
I think if you have some knowledge in reality and not a hardliner in a position, you look at things differently....
Saying that.... What is right or wrong?? That depends i guess on your views, but when you take Trumps voters which is not even half the population, anything The Administration does is going to be wrong for the other side no matter what....
Politicians less full of it or kind of honest.. Once they are in office/elected When you find one let me know;)
And that goes for anywhere in a democratic society....
I get my news from the BBC and other mostly European news organizations. Contrary to what the people in the heartland may think, you actually do get a more balanced view from them than from most US sources. Certainly more balanced than from Fox or MSNBC.
And to answer your first questions, I'd like to think that Franklin D. Roosevelt was motivated by more than just selfish greed.