Watched the latest episode of Gotta Call Saul, amazing and unexpected appearances from Hank and Steve! :smilie4:
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Watched the latest episode of Gotta Call Saul, amazing and unexpected appearances from Hank and Steve! :smilie4:
I liked when Mike broke that thugs arm and instead of his mates violently swarming him they all ran off from fear of his old man strength. I very much enjoy Saul, I've watched every episode and still couldn't tell you what his blonde lawyer lady friend is called. I can tell you that I want her to sit on my face.
I envisioned Mike tackling them one by one like in a martial arts movie, but evidently the script said they would rather not have their asses kicked.
Kim is a cutie, indeed :wub: But she's been ping-ponging between being frustrated by Saul's sleazy tactics and being attracted to him because of the very same since the first season, she should make up her mind already.Quote:
I very much enjoy Saul, I've watched every episode and still couldn't tell you what his blonde lawyer lady friend is called. I can tell you that I want her to sit on my face.
She wasn't in Breaking Bad so I'm guessing they will split sometime before the series finale, but just because she was never seen or mentioned in The Walter White Show it doesn't necessarily mean she and Saul weren't together anymore, right :unsure:
The last season of Better Call Saul promises to give us some after Breaking Bad action.
People who think Better Call Saul is great should go back and watch Breaking Bad and then go fuck themselves.
To be fair BCS does give you two minute shots of ants eating ice cream though.
I much prefer Better Call Saul to Breaking Bad. It's the not much happening thing, that I love.
You'd love The Outsider. It's undeniably at times brilliantly written and yet literally entire episodes pass with nothing happening. The only downside is that it was only 10 episodes so sadly the lack of anything happening isn't permanent. To compensate you could maybe look into buying a sensory deprivation tank though.
Have to admit, I am/was on the fence about The Outsider. Started watching it not realizing it was a Stephen King supernatural story, so was a little turned off when the story drifted into that direction. But once you overcome that, it was really good. I guess there will be a Season 2.
Started binging Baghdad Central yesterday. I'd give it a thumbs-up.
I am sure there are way better shows out there than most of the above mentioned crap .
Anyway cannot access fst from firefox .
I googled and maybe an outdated tls something is the issue