Lot of faith in the company producing a good game considering they can even spell challenge right.
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Lot of faith in the company producing a good game considering they can even spell challenge right.
Well, here we are, talking about it. Besides, they can always fix the typo with a 1 GB patch later.
Bicycle challage.
Fifty seconds in. Take that, road.
"It was the speed bump there..." :lol::lol::lol:
Seriously, LOL'd for about 15 seconds after he said it the first time
Normally I would harangue you about your seeming indifference to human suffering but in this case Alex Jones assures me that they were all just crisis actors.
They were just cyclists-- it's not like they have feelings or anything.
Whoever created that course really should have taken into consideration that the speed bump probably was not meant to be taken at 50mph. :glag:
After seven hours in the saddle, not in their groinal areas at least.