The first of these furballs I ever met was a gray tabby named Farruco, and it effectively turned into a lifelong fondness for the entire species. Sadly my childhood home was too cramped to keep pets.
One of my friends had a turtle... :unsure:
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The first of these furballs I ever met was a gray tabby named Farruco, and it effectively turned into a lifelong fondness for the entire species. Sadly my childhood home was too cramped to keep pets.
One of my friends had a turtle... :unsure:
A funny coincidence... both Boom by The Bay and the new Permitless Concealed Carry Law starts tomorrow around here... The former is just fireworks, the latter is just scary...
As they say... when in Rome...
My two fur babies sleeping...
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Just so you know, I reminisce and post a lot when I'm nervous, so I have some spinal surgeries in the week ahead after the 4th of July... the last one cost me 3 paralyzed toes (I was lucky) and I hope these go off without a hitch, so indulge my scattered brain, but such is life... as someone said before, "It sux to be old."
Umm... I now think I remember what I stopped by for... oh yeah!
The fur babies above are named "Skye" (mellowest best friend I ever met) the shepherd and... well the tabby he was left by some tenants who left him homeless and I believe called him "tree top" ...why I don't really know... :unsure: ...he does seem to answer to "Shithead" when I bring him food every morning... come to think of it, he perks right up when I don't even call him anything!
He has 6 claws on each of all 4 paws, so he's kinda special. :)
Maybe we should have a naming contest! He's only about 12 yrs old.
Sorry to leave you hanging, but it seems my mind works like that now.
Just lie back and think of America :gunsmilie Shouldn't be too hard, I see two compelling reasons to stay positive on that picture.
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Best of luck, and prayers things go well, Stehle.
Being old certainly does suck - seems I spend all my time rehabbing from something...
As anon says, stay positive - it's what we have left, you see.
And, just cuz you may not have seen this:
Who would have known squirrels can weasel their way out of trouble too.
Awww... Thank you both so much for the smiles and laughs just now!!! :)
And no, I hadn't seen either one! Thanks! :D
I wonder how the other three amigos are doing... Meg, Idol and our intrepid world traveler Cab, who I can only hope still has a big smile on his face!
What a weekend and week... I started this morning with big breakfast... truth be know, I haven't experienced one of those in many years!
Inspiring calm, you both know some of my history... when it comes to adversity... well hell yeah, I should change my middle name to "Survivor".
Now I have this warm and fuzzy feeling all over... then again.... it's probably just that big breakfast. ;)
You just need to take a dump....
Yeah... {chuckles} ...yeah you may be partially right. :)
If I where to put my finger on anything it would probably be that my meds and that big meal didn't agree.
I'm going to go back to my espresso and a cup of juice in the morning or at least before noon. I just wasn't thinking.
The hospital just called to confirm July 5th for my first surgery. {sigh}
At this point I just want to get it done.
I am hard to take at the best of times, but add pain into that equation...
Perhaps it was the super moon, air, heat or other factor but by 2pm yesterday I was toast. Yeah perhaps today will be better. :happy: