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Thread: "leeches..."

  1. #1
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    In a different thread I responded to a post from Ozhog in a manner that, in retrospect, I now think was innappropriate and unhelpful. I offer no excuses just an apology.
    I'm sorry.
    ( "Thank you sir! May I have another!").

    That having been said...

    The question "How do I stop...", "Is there a program...", etc. concerning "leeches" seems to pop up in the forum with depressing regularity.
    In my admittedly limited experience, I have yet to come upon a single user who refused to share a file or bragged about not sharing. Yet this seems to be an almost hourly occurance for others. The passion with which some profess to "hate leeches" is usually reserved for topics like "Chevys suck!, Ford Rules!" or "Screw the Oakland Raiders!".
    So the question (finally&#33 that I ask is...
    Would any long time p2p users care to hazard an (informed) guess as to how widespread the scourge of "leeching" really is?
    I realize that hard numbers will be impossible to derive, but is this problem as widespread as it's frequency of appearance in the forum would lead one to believe?
    Or not?...
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    I seriously doubt that it's as widespread as it would appear to be by looking at the forums. And thanks to the "privacy patch" it would seem that nobody is sharing files, especially to someone thats really not familiar with the program, I think you'd agree that most of these posts come from those type of people. I have had several very similar situations where I had 1 particular IP address show up on up to 30 different ports.. I thought I was being attacked.. until it was explained to me by Paul that "each request" uses a different port. IMHO.. this is abuse, there is no reason for this.

    I once had a user try to download a 123Mb file with a 0.13kb connection, and I'm sure that if I asked how to block this user in the forum,I would of caught all kinds of hell for it.. because according to some, this is wrong, it would make YOU a leech etc, etc..

    Im sure that if you're sharing ALOT of files..your alot more likely to run into this. People just have to learn to use a little more common sense when downloding files.. like using multi-sourcing.

    I openly share ALL my files with anyone who wants them regardless of how fast or slow their connection is.. but a little "common sense" also goes a very long way. Happy Burning ! B)

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Oh, please...
    Originally posted by clocker@12 April 2003 - 12:40
    In a different thread I responded to a post from Ozhog in a manner that, in retrospect, I now think was innappropriate and unhelpful. I offer no excuses just an apology.
    I'm sorry.
    ( "Thank you sir! May I have another!").

    That having been said...

    The question "How do I stop...", "Is there a program...", etc. concerning "leeches" seems to pop up in the forum with depressing regularity.
    In my admittedly limited experience, I have yet to come upon a single user who refused to share a file or bragged about not sharing. Yet this seems to be an almost hourly occurance for others. The passion with which some profess to "hate leeches" is usually reserved for topics like "Chevys suck!, Ford Rules!" or "Screw the Oakland Raiders!".
    So the question (finally&#33 that I ask is...
    Would any long time p2p users care to hazard an (informed) guess as to how widespread the scourge of "leeching" really is?
    I realize that hard numbers will be impossible to derive, but is this problem as widespread as it's frequency of appearance in the forum would lead one to believe?
    Or not?...
    When I was on dial-up it was a bitch-if I had the temerity to attempt to DL a 10K or greater file (I am exclusively music) I could almost bank on getting dumped within a minute or so before completion-this, after being connected for 1-2 hrs or more. Got REAL depressing, but made me appreciate the P2Pers who hung in 'til I was done.
    I made up my mind I wouldn't do that, and I haven't.
    I have noticed (not too much recently, though) those who would post about the enviable SIZE of their shared file, and act like they were talking about their dick or something. I would occasionally catch one of these characters while I was DLing from them, and, sure as shit, they were canceling ME. These malcontents act as though this is a zero-sum game and they can't win it if they share.
    Gladly, as time passes, there seem to be fewer of these idiots, and P2P (at least as we practice it) is humming along nicely at the moment-for me, anyway. I have to say, DSL has lowered my aggravation level exponentially, and allowed me to upload faster, so I feel better about my participation overall.

    My conclusion is that the offenders are fewer, but the offendees are just as noisy as ever-I expect this will be the case until dial-up dies a deservedly horrible death.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain


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