I got win xp from a friend and install it on my second drive D" use it for a while decide to clean my hard drive D" so i format it but it did not completely take off the winxp every time i boot up my computer stop and wait for me to choose win98 or winxp. so i try to format it again to clean win xp off but still the same old thing happens on boot up 'it ask me to choose win98 or winxp i say what the hell I'll just reinstall win xp back on my drive D" anyway. Now when I try to reinstall,win xp, it tell me cant fine the file on the hard drive that it looking for. is it a bad winxp I though when you format an Hard drive it clean every thing off the hard drive. can any one tell me what's the world going on how can i get my computer stop ask me to choose the win xp when the drive already been formated.all i would like to do is reinstall win xp on my second drive"D.