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Thread: Spoofs And Infected

  1. #1
    I seem to remember seeing somewhere to post about infected files - anyone know where.

    Also is there anywhere to post about spoof files? If not, please could we have a separate board to post such things. It aint fun to download for 2 weeks and find its actually Ace Ventura and not Johnny English (thanks guys)


  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    baccyman's Avatar n00b BT Rep: +11BT Rep +11BT Rep +11
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    Oct 2002
    you should have previewed it with avi preview then you would not have had to download the whole file . instead of wasting your time downloading a load of crap . i have started a download and previewed it found that it was not what it was titled as . then i send a message to the person who i am getting the file from to tell them that the file is not what it says . sometimes they answer other times not . but i think a lot of people dont even know what they have got in there files . if i get a miss named file i usually cancel the download or i finish the download and put the proper name on the film .

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Sort of good advice, but you have to pause the download before previewing it. Also VI preview seems to fail 9 of 10 - Virtua dub works better.

    I posted on the other board because I think it would be an advantage to have a board devoted to these painful files. According to what I've read they are going to become more and more common since the file sharing community is being flooded with these to try and reduce the impact on film and music sales

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    baccyman's Avatar n00b BT Rep: +11BT Rep +11BT Rep +11
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    Oct 2002
    i just open avi preview then my shared folder and drag the download onto avi preview and drop it no need to pause downloads it will play the movie ok .


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