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Thread: "Graduating" to better services:The natural progression of the informed downloader...

  1. #11
    sArA's Avatar Ex-Moderatererer
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    Excellent....and on the button

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    Join Date
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    Glad you all enjoyed it Nostalgia is good!

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    muchspl3's Avatar muchspl3 > muchspl2
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    stay away from news groups

    only fools fuck around with that shit, its full up with bad files and fakes, I just got a trojan from them

    `anyone from Argentina on this board?

    I need your help and if you can help me pM me

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    brotherdoobie's Avatar Long live Hissyfit BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by muchspl3
    stay away from news groups

    only fools fuck around with that shit, its full up with bad files and fakes, I just got a trojan from them

    The RIAA sued me after using Newsgroups!


    Peace bd

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    lol ya i followed this time line haha

    i love news groups except my service provider has a dowload limit of 5gb/month

    so i can get approx. one movie(dvdrip) a month :| so its good if u dont have a download limit

    Powered By Firefox and Ganja.

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    Nice time line lol...i'm in high school too...

  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    orcutt989's Avatar Blargh
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    Haha is very funny!

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
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    I only downloaded a couple of files from IRC myself. Usually too much of a hassle.

  9. File Sharing   -   #19
    BawA's Avatar FST Pioneer BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by SodiumChloride
    There has to be some kind of timeline that a newbie follows when they decide to get into p2p. They start off with one program and then move on to better p2p programs. Do you remember the first program that you used to download files with? Do you realize that it sucks now? Here is the timeline that i think MOST people follow when they decide to get in to p2p.

    Stage 1: Kindergarten. They've heard about KaZaA (or Napster back in the day), they download it, use it, and they are happy as clams. But all those pop-up ads are starting to get annoying.

    Stage 2: Elementary & middle school. They hear about KaZaA Lite from a savvy friend. They download it, use it, and now they are, once again, happy as clams. But all those fake files are starting to piss them off, and they can't often get a good fast connection for most files.

    Stage 3: High school. They have heard about bit torrent, emule, soulseek, shareaza, and the other alternatives to KaZaA, and they want to try them. They get less fake files, they use peerguardian, they feel like they know what they are doing, and they are mostly right. They are getting what they want with less bullcrap like fake files and viruses. They learn how to burn ISO images and BINs and CUE files to a CD. Nero, Alcohol 120%, and DAEMON tools become their favorite software programs.

    Stage 4: University. IRC... you knew all about it in stage 3, but you thought it might be too much effort to learn and to use. After all, those IRC groups are all elitists, anyway. But you look around, and find some good IRC guides (THANKS, ADSTER!!!) and put them to good use. You get a good connection, and a relatively high degree of safety. One problem: queues. You agonize over your 4 hour wait to get the latest release, only to have your seeder bot die in the middle of your download. You know there's something better than IRC, but you've barely heard much of it. When you see it in a random post, you just skip over it. You saw the dinky little forum for it on a few months ago, and you decided that it must not be a big deal, since so few people seemed to be interested in it. You know it is a complicated way to download, but you decide to give it a try...

    Stage 5: Graduation. Newsgroups, bitch! The most complicated form of downloading pirates' booty. You are immediately bombarded with TMI: too much information! NZB files, PAR1 files, PAR2 files, SFV files, news servers, retention times, completion rates, articles, binaries groups, servers, repairing damaged or incomplete files, and don't forget the programs you use to actually download your files... and if you want to contribute files to the newsgroups, you'll need even more info! And furthermore, if you want to get a good connection, you need to PAY FOR IT! Yes, you do! So you spend a while learning how to use newsgroups, you find some good guides (THANKS, REALITY!!!), and after shelling out $15 or so, you are in business. And you cannot stop! You download so much so fast that you can't believe your eyes. Every file needs only ONE seeder. One seeder can serve millions of people and not even be connected after they upload to the newsgroup; the news server does it all! You feel confident that you are virtually free from "the man" (RIAA, etc) because you don't download from a random anonymous person, you download from the news server that YOU pay to download from. Your only concern is making sure your ISP can handle you (my ISP, Cox, allows 40GB/month). You download a 4.75GB DVD movie in 3 hours, and you are, once again, happy as a clam. Now if only someone would post an NTSC version of the Blues Brothers... I'm on a mission from God.

    Stage 6?: Underground. I thought about including close "inner circles" in the timeline, such as people becoming members of a release group, or some small, close-knit closed bit torrent group, but so few pepole do that, and you never know if the 1337Cyb3rd00d you are close friends with online is really a cop. And if you REALLY want to get into the scene, you need either some serious hardware to help them or some serious FAST coding skillz to crack for them. If you ARE a member of the scene, more power to ya! Being in the scene isn't really a p2p service for the masses, so it's not really appropriate to include it in the list

    Anyone else follow this timeline?
    wow, exactly what ive been thro except i never went into newsgroup.
    • started with Imesh found it from my lil bro who was downloading Music, never used it much(didnt have any intrest in it cuz of DialUp Connection, i was Noob anyway).
    • Morph, again my bro was the reason cuz he moved on, started to download some porn(pic's)
    • Kazaa was were i realy picked up, mainly for porns and some game Rips along small tools.
    • imesh... started to use it cuz i joind thier forum(dont even remember why), stayed there for some time, then somebody from klite made a post over there and found the url to this board, last thing i downloaded from imesh was "pamela and tommy lee" porn.
    • klite was my next step, found it a very good rip from kazaa, i never cared about adds on kazaa till i found Klite, main thing i loved was Klite extension(KLE), started to post Verifeds and went realy into it, mainly for TMD Ripped movies.
    • Bt, at that time bt was just started, wasnt that big deal, few sites like bytemsoon were there which werent that fast, few more other sites and suprnova were just picking up but all were slow so i decided go back to klite or find another way up.
    • then found a cool IRC guide here(i think RTJ's guide) and used it, found very promising and used to get wanted files so fast then as "SodiumChloride" said the long queues was anoying and waking up to see that the bot went down at 99% and not being able to resume your download from diffrent bot was driving me mad, but i didnt give up that easy... i kept using it untill i found "TorrentBite".
    • TorrentBite is were i came back to using BT, i found it amazing as how much BT was gone up, maxing up my speed, fast realeases as IRC and no more queue headace. untill that time i didnt stoped sharing Klite verifeds and kept posting it on this board, then a time came up that i couldnt go with both BT and Klite cuz of Ratio controls in private Bitttorent trackers so i had to kiss the klite goodbye, it hirt for a while but i manged to forget it, i still use it once again just for porns. many times specialy when TB went down i thought not to go with private tracker cuz of loss of all the hard works(ratio and uploads) but then i moved on to elite Torrents which once again went down, this time i desided that what so ever i wont go to use private trackers at all and stick with Suprnova which happened to have good speeds on it last days and "AGAIN" the all mIghty goes down and i had no choice to find an alternative which was a torrentbyte(aka TB2).

    so here i am stucked with BitTorrent and am happy with it on TorrentBytes.
    btw thanks for great thread, its been so long that ive read a decent thread, i realy aprecated it.
    Last edited by BawA; 09-29-2005 at 12:20 PM.

    "You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went; you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go"
    Benjamen button

  10. File Sharing   -   #20
    Vargas's Avatar gone fishin'
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    the poopdeck
    i started in preschool with BBS, FIDONET, newsgroups and FTP before napster was born.

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