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Thread: eMule server

  1. #1
    Hi everyone,

    I work for a small company in the UK thats looking to create a centralised file store that the small number of employees that there are can upload to as well as download from. Because the company is small, and because we dont rent an office space, a commercial ISP package isnt practical, therefore we cant host our own ftp server or anything like that. Also most WAFS solutions are far too grand in scale. So we've started looking at P2P solutions, and emule being my personal p2p client of choice is, I believe, our best chance.

    Using the emule/edonkey server program we could set up our own protected server, limited for certain users to log in to, and then download files from it. I have two main problems/questions:

    1) Is there anyway functionality included in eMule to allow remote uploading of files onto the servers shared space? I can obviously see why normal p2p usage would never require such a function, and also why it might represent a huge security risk, but for us its sort of essential.

    2) Is there anyway to retrieve a list of all shared files on the server, like a directory tree?

    Finaly, if eMule cant be made to do either of these things then does anyone know of a piece of software out there that will? VPN is my last choice really, as everyone is behind routers which can make VPN extremely hard to set up (and to KEEP working). Plus its microsoft, so its generally about as usful as a rectangular condom :/

    Thnanks in advance anyone that can help with these issues!


  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Livy's Avatar Simpleton
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    i'd imagine a ftp server was your best option, and easier to control.
    i know on blueyonder you they allow you to use ftp servers, as long as they are not open to the public and you know who's using them.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Ok, thanks for the info, I'll give the BlueYonder site a look!



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