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Thread: Where Do You Find The New Releases?

  1. #1
    some other sites have featured areas where they post newly released hashes.

    Where do you find yours? Is there a way to do it on this site other than going to the last page of a verified thread?

    On other sites where I search for a title it lists the threads that my keyword shows up in... then my keywords are highlighted in yellow. It does not highlight my searches in a color of this site. Is there a preference to turn on the highlighted feature.

    It seems like it is a mandatory feature when your search results pull up threads that have many pages and possibly 1000s of titles listed.

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    baccyman's Avatar n00b BT Rep: +11BT Rep +11BT Rep +11
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  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    You could try hitting the 'show results as posts' button. That way you only have to search within a post.
    This still isn't ideal with huge multi-hash posts or searches with lots of results though...

    Alternatively I also use the Google Toolbar. You can type your keywords in there and search within a page (similar to Ctrl+F) and it also features a highlight button.

    Hope this helps...
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