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Thread: No Sound In Vids:(

  1. #1
    hi! im new here so this is my 1st time posting, so i figured this might be the area for my problem. Ive been dying to see some Ren and Stimpy shows again, so when i saw Kazaa had them, i jumped all over them and dled 3......35-110megs was the sizes. When the 1st got done, i opened it ready to bust out laughing , but theres no sound, only video , So i figured they cut the sound to save on size(35megs), so i dled a 110meg video, nope, no sound, and same with the 3rd vid,(80 megs)...... No sound in Ren and Stimpy is like no wings on a plane, it doesnt work. The video format they are in is Divx. i have the current Divx, and many other codecs, why wont these 3 work?????? i can open any other sound, vid anything, (after trying those 3 Ren and stimpys) and the sound works great, everything is in order, driver, codecs, everything!!!!!!!!! any help is appreciated

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    Very Large Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    uninstall your codecs and download the k++ codecs.It usually works.

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Or grow up, act your age and get a life.

  4. Movies & TV   -   #4

  5. Movies & TV   -   #5
    Thanks Jay, ive got now. As for jerkoffs like you Jimif, my ass works for 12 hours a day at a moving company, if i wanna come home and watch some fucking Ren and Stimpy, i will. Meanwhile, lazy, good for nothing,300 hundred pound, pimplyfaced, foureyed, disgusting, fatbody, pieces of trash like you are stuffing twinkies in your mouth while u download all day....YOU,get a fucking life, loser.

  6. Movies & TV   -   #6
    and it does take a real loser to talk that kind of shit when the person isnt in front of you Right Jmif?

  7. Movies & TV   -   #7
    Originally posted by Ixnax@17 April 2003 - 01:57
    Thanks Jay, ive got now. As for jerkoffs like you Jimif, my ass works for 12 hours a day at a moving company, if i wanna come home and watch some fucking Ren and Stimpy, i will. Meanwhile, lazy, good for nothing,300 hundred pound, pimplyfaced, foureyed, disgusting, fatbody, pieces of trash like you are stuffing twinkies in your mouth while u download all day....YOU,get a fucking life, loser.
    yeah seriously. sure, its not kool to be immature, but watching occasional cartoons that we used to watch as kids is still fun and if u never laugh ur life is worthless.. i love ren and stimpy its hella funny.. same with roccos modern life and simpson and south park and ofcourse adult swim..


  8. Movies & TV   -   #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    No I have to say the chaps right. He works at a moving company 12 hours a day and watches Ren and Stimpy in the evening.

    You really do have a life. I can see why I don't now. Thanks for enlightening me. Tell me master how do I follow in your footsteps.

  9. Movies & TV   -   #9
    what is this cool shit???? im 30, not a teenager. I work to pay for house, cars, wife, kids, dsl, bills, vegas once a year.....Im not worried about "cool"....... my life is set.....and since when is cursing someone immature? I think ud rather have me typing out words at u, rather than being up in your face screaming them at you ...........Chap huh? sounded like a lazy Brit, guess that confirms it.

  10. Movies & TV   -   #10
    Very Large Member
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    Mar 2003
    Originally posted by Ixnax@17 April 2003 - 22:12
    you sounded like a lazy Brit, guess that confirms it.
    I do hope you are not stereotyping us British!

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