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Thread: Half-life

  1. #1
    I have the Half-life (Class Rip) installed and I don't find Game fixes that works with it does anybody know where to get the ones that are for this game?????

  2. Games   -   #2
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I'd hazard a guess that patches won't work with a rip. Get a disc image off of eMule.

    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t


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