here's the start of what I hope becomes a nice list of ftp sites that contain complete pc games. thanx in advance to all who contribute to this list
Please post all of you ftp sites like this thanx
here's the start of what I hope becomes a nice list of ftp sites that contain complete pc games. thanx in advance to all who contribute to this list
Please post all of you ftp sites like this thanx
thanks hot
what wrong with ftp yoshi?
Thanks, I`m glad I managed to get that link before someone screwed it up
EDIT: just realising what a goldmine that link really was, I guess I should add thanks a lot
And sorry don`t know of or have any ftp site of my own.
Hot, I love you, literally. Ive always wanted to do my own FTP, havent got round to setting it up, would need some help probably, but yeh maybe we can sort something out. Im downloading Unreal II off you now, just hope my connection doesnt go off! Whats your max upload speed?
THATS Cool Man, If you teach me how to do that, I will share Like that
I have a lot of Complete Tested Games
Its quite Handy
8. Posting of direct download links to copyrighted software, private ftp sites, serial numbers, and Warez sites (including Serial Sites) are prohibitedOriginally posted by TheDave@17 April 2003 - 14:26
thanks hot
what wrong with ftp yoshi?
I'm sorry hot, as much as I like your initiative, it's not allowed on this board.
Forum Rules
Nobody can forbid you to PM your URL to the people who ask for it, by the way.
EDIT: I forgot to add this: mIRC Setup / FTP Setup
are users allowed to post inactive ftp links? for example: f*p.<insertaddresshere>.com?
but i have soo many good ones to posttt