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Thread: Activboard For My Keyboard..

  1. #1
    I have a Packard Bell computer with small extra buttons above the usual buttons on my keyboard. When I baught it, it hade a software called ActivBoard" and it managed these buttons functions. Does anyone know where I can get "ActivBoard" again?

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Den Haag, The Netherlands
    I just did a search with Google (you should do the same btw) and i found this:
    1. Packard Bell Keyboard drivers
    2. Or this Packard Bell Home Page
    3. Google Search results to check for yourself..

    Good Luck!

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Thanks for the links Rocktron, but none of them were of any use for me.

    I did som Googling and I found this link.. Gonna see if it'll do the thing..

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
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    Den Haag, The Netherlands
    Originally posted by PersianBulldog@18 April 2003 - 10:05
    Thanks for the links Rocktron, but none of them were of any use for me.

    I did som Googling and I found this link.. Gonna see if it'll do the thing..
    Chips... i will try something else mate... just be patient!

    Edit: Okay maybe this one?

    1. ActivBoard Download site

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
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    Den Haag, The Netherlands
    Hhehehee amazing... we found the same site!

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    Amazing.. But it doen't work..

    Bah, fu ck it.. What am I gonna do with some goddamn ActivBoard?

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #7
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
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    Den Haag, The Netherlands
    Originally posted by PersianBulldog@18 April 2003 - 10:23
    Amazing.. But it doen't work..

    Bah, fu ck it.. What am I gonna do with some goddamn ActivBoard?
    Well i must say the last link looked very promising.. but why didn't it work?
    And what happend to your original disc in the first place?
    Can't you get it from a local Packard Bell dealer?

    I give up sorry.. because i can't tryout the search results.. sorry okay?
    Hope you find a solution soon!

    Good Luck man!

  8. Software & Hardware   -   #8
    Do you know where I can see what port my keyboard is connected to (COM)
    I just gotta know that.. Then it might work..
    There never was an original disk. It came on the harddrive when I baught the CPU.. It don't think I can get it from alocal dealer.. It only comes with new PB computers. If I only knew what COm-port my keyboard was connected to I just might make it..

  9. Software & Hardware   -   #9
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
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    Den Haag, The Netherlands
    Originally posted by PersianBulldog@18 April 2003 - 11:11
    Do you know where I can see what port my keyboard is connected to (COM)
    I just gotta know that.. Then it might work.. 
    There never was an original disk. It came on the harddrive when I baught the CPU.. It don't think I can get it from alocal dealer.. It only comes with new PB computers. If I only knew what COm-port my keyboard was connected to I just might make it..
    Uhm good question... it's not on any COM port as far as i know.. it's on a serial port! (or that the same thing?)
    What options does it give you?

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #10

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