Over 65% of american citizens are obese
The U.S. food industry produces roughly 3,800 calories per person per day.
I consume about 2,500.
I want my extra 1,000 calories, give them back!
you know who you are
Over 65% of american citizens are obese
The U.S. food industry produces roughly 3,800 calories per person per day.
I consume about 2,500.
I want my extra 1,000 calories, give them back!
you know who you are
I don't quite understand the calorie thing.
For example, I consume 3,800 calories a day. Does that mean my body absorbs every single calorie that the food offers? Doesn't my feces contain unused calories? I am sure that human waste is exactly what it is, WASTE. A calorie is a unit of heat, as in increments of BTUs. So if you can burn feces, then that means there were wasted calories, and that your body didn't absorb 100% of the calories in the food you ate.
I am no mathmatician but here is an example...
It takes 144 Btu of heat to melt 1 pound of ice which equals 36287.42 calories/Gram. So if you took a crap and burned it, and it melts one pound of ice, then you know that your body didn't absorb 36287.42 calories.
We humans are built to be very active and work.
We use food and water as fuel to stay alive.. such as a smart robot would use gas to stay alive(lol)
Our immune system can become very strong, but we must make it become that strong.
That's why the the apes>apemen>cavemen>etc of the past did'nt die off.
Today, we have made live very easy...the food we eat is mainly for entertainment and selve pleasure.
We tend to eat more than we burn, even though we dont eat enough. (this is because if you have a daily workout like people of medevil times did, you'd eat twice as much and be fit as hell)
Now we have computers and electronics..
I bet in the future, daily bootcamp style workouts will be required by law
wolfmight, also, stfu.
kab you'll never catch me man. even with the extra weight. <<i really love this guy (not gay)
The Statue of Liberty's waist is 32 feet wide.
Or, in American terms, 'medium'.
I get the impression that Z is about to tell me to st u ...
I recently read that American clothing manufacturers have changed the specs of women's clothing sizes to reflect the ah, enlargement of the average American. Your old size twelve is now called a size eight, etc.Originally posted by Lamsey@21 April 2003 - 08:14
The Statue of Liberty's waist is 32 feet wide.
Or, in American terms, 'medium'.
We were getting much fatter ( and less fit) but have now solved the problem.
I'm going out for more Hagen Daaz immediately...
"I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg
why lamsey?Originally posted by Lamsey@21 April 2003 - 09:14
The Statue of Liberty's waist is 32 feet wide.
Or, in American terms, 'medium'.
I get the impression that Z is about to tell me to st u ...
see, i knew u'd give up kab!