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Thread: 't Koffieshop (DUTCH)

  1. #11
    thewizeard's Avatar re-member BT Rep: +1
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    Een Belg, een Amerikaan en een Nederlander werken op een wolkenkrabber en gaan aan de rand zitten lunchen. De Amerikaan zegt: "Bah alweer hamburger als dat morgen weer zo is spring ik naar beneden."
    De Belg zegt: "Bah alweer jam als dat morgen weer zo is spring ik met je mee."
    De Nederlander zegt: "Bah alweer kaas" en hij belooft hetzelfde.
    De volgende dag doet de Amerikaan zijn broodtrommel open en ja hoor hamburgers en springt. De Belg doet zijn broodtrommel open en ja hoor jam en springt ook. Met de Nederlander gaat het ook zo. Na een week komen de drie weduwen samen.....
    Zegt de Amerikaanse: "Als hij eens wat anders had gewild, had hij dat moeten zeggen."
    De Nederlandse: "Na 20 jaar getrouwd te zijn geweest, wist ik niet dat hij niet van kaas hield."
    Zegt de Belgische: "Ik snap er helemaal niets van, hij maakte elke ochtend zelf zijn brood klaar."

    Op de zesde dag sprak God tot de aartsengel Gabriël: "Vandaag ga ik een land creëren, genaamd Vlaanderen. Het zal een land zijn van buitengewone natuurlijke schoonheid, met grote bossen, vol met herten, zwijnen en eekhoorns. Grote rivieren, gevuld met alle mogelijke soorten levende wezens. Het zal een binnenzee krijgen met enorme hoeveelheden vis, en ook aan een buitenzee komen te liggen, die men vanaf prachtige goudgele stranden zal kunnen overzien." God ging verder: "Ik zal het land rijk maken door de landbouw en de inwoners zullen grote welvaart kennen. Ze zullen bekend worden als Vlamingen. En zullen het vriendelijkste volk op aarde zijn."
    "Maar Heer", vroeg Gabriël, "Denkt u niet dat u misschien een beetje TE genereus bent voor deze Vlamingen?"
    "Niet echt", antwoordde God, "moet je eens opletten wat voor Noorderburen ze krijgen........"
    Last edited by thewizeard; 06-29-2006 at 06:19 AM.

  2. Lounge   -   #12
    jetje's Avatar former star
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  3. Lounge   -   #13
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
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    isnt it against the rules to post in a language other than English?

  4. Lounge   -   #14
    thewizeard's Avatar re-member BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB
    isnt it against the rules to post in a language other than English?

    You can if you get permission...

    Eigenlijk niet Danb, mits men toestemming vraagt...

    ik heb dat gedaan aan mijn eigen forum ( Invision) en toestemming vroeg aan Invision, om de belangrijkre Europees talen o/a Nederlands, op mijn forum te mogen gebruiken...en dat mag van hem.. hier heb ik dan ook toestemming gevraagd...

    Ok back to business... White Widow te koop, 6 € per gram Northern Lights 5...
    Last edited by thewizeard; 07-04-2006 at 07:44 PM.

  5. Lounge   -   #15
    tesco's Avatar woowoo
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    Since I keep accidently clicking this thread hoping to read a joke, I've added "(DUTCH)" to the title.

  6. Lounge   -   #16
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    Quote Originally Posted by translation
    It is my intention here a number of Dutch collecting jokes…and it must not only concern wiet!
    You are too long in the Netherlands as…
    you for coffee to coffee hops do not go.
    you the difference weet between Pakistani and Surinamese wiet
    you if you bicycle is stolen you to the police force do not go, but
    another one steals.
    you think that Barcelona is a Dutch football team.
    you if the train comes on time, you will doubt to your watch.
    A belgian and a Dutchman sit in a café. They do a game which it can drink most. After three kratten of beer they must both to w.c. The Dutchman goes as first. Then the belgian hears all of a sudden 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
    When the Dutchman of W.C. descends, the belgian asks: Where does that store getel?
    Then lays the Dutchman from:
    1 button loose and gulp are open.
    2 trousers is omlaag.
    3 velletje is to behind.
    4 is go to the bathroom.
    5 velletje is forward.
    6 trousers is omhoog.
    7 gulp dense and button are fixed.
    Then the belgian goes to the toilet. The Dutchman hears suddenly: "1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5.
    Belgian king goes to beatrix and says:
    I am very angry, you make always all joke concerning belgians but we are not stupid!
    Beatrix: Oke, do you do want make then jokes concerning our?king: yes, you must something stupid do where we joke concerning can make. construction for example. but a bridge in the desert!
    beatrix: Oke we will do that!
    a month later the king returns to that say the bridge can. beatrix: I, however, want but it is not possible because there all belgians sit fish out!
    why do we get war with the belgians over hundred years?
    antw: because they understand then just our jokes.
    I go in search of the funniest Dutch jokes and as your something weet… feel rather here in t coffee hops, onder her genieten van een jointje ermm ik bedoel een kopje koffie......
    ...more like double dutch

  7. Lounge   -   #17
    thewizeard's Avatar re-member BT Rep: +1
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    A Dutchman,Irishman, Belgian, Russian, Scotsman and a Welshman went to a pub and ordered a beer ...the barmen said, "What's this..some kind of a joke?"

    Waarom kruipen Hollanders altijd door de supermark?

    ...Zij zij steeds op zoek naar de laagste prizen...
    Last edited by thewizeard; 07-05-2006 at 10:15 AM.

  8. Lounge   -   #18
    100%'s Avatar ╚════╩═╬════╝
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossco
    Since I keep accidently clicking this thread hoping to read a joke, I've added "(DUTCH)" to the title.
    was t al niet zeer duidelijk dan?

  9. Lounge   -   #19
    thewizeard's Avatar re-member BT Rep: +1
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    alright, I m sorry..for the unitiated ..

    Two girls are riding their old rickety bikes down the back streets of Amsterdam one late afternoon. As it turns closer towards dusk, the increasing darkness of the streets starts making the two girls a little nervous when one girl leans over to the other and says, "You know, I've never come this way before."

    The other girl says, "It's the cobblestones."

  10. Lounge   -   #20
    thewizeard's Avatar re-member BT Rep: +1
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    Still..this must be a joke!
    Belgians cry foul over 'smart Dutch' IQ study
    28 March 2006
    AMSTERDAM — Belgian academics have criticised research that suggests the Dutch and the Germans have the highest IQs in Europe.
    Both countries score 107 in the league table of European IQs drawn up by Professor Richard of the University of Ulster. Belgians - traditionally the butt of many Dutch jokes - are in 10th place in the ranking on 99, tied with Denmark and Finland.
    "It is very difficult to compare results from different countries - it's really very unscientific. You should only make comparisons with the same population," Professor Jo Lebeer of the medical sciences department at the University of Antwerp told newspaper 'Gazet van Antwerpen' on Tuesday.
    Lieve Willems of the career guidance centre in Antwerp agreed. "A globalised IQ test seems a little crazy to me," Willems said.
    According to Willems, Belgians are absolutely not dumber than the Dutch. "Certain tests show the Dutch score higher than we do in terms of maturity, but weaker in terms of insight and spelling. But these are elements that say nothing about global intelligence," Willems said.
    Professor Lynn caused controversy last year by suggesting men were more intelligent than women by about five IQ points on average. He now hypothesises people living in the more challenging environments of Northern Europe developed larger brains than those in warmer climates further south.
    A "normal" IQ ranges from 85 to 115 but exceptionally gifted people have scores starting at 145.


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