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Thread: boycotts of Danish goods in middle East!

  1. #331
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
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    I used to know a Danish girl, she was filthy.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #332
    BawA's Avatar FST Pioneer BT Rep: +1
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    I saw Talibans blowing up buddhist statues, I saw Bin Laden and other Talibans claiming responsibility for planning terrorist attacks, I saw people being interviewed after the Talibans had been driven off, and they didn't seem very unhappy.
    And burning up mosque's and hanging pig's head at their doors after killing Danish director in Denmark is noting?
    U must agree that religion racism is in every where.
    The binladen thingy is different thing; they had noting to do in Afghanistan government.
    Ohh and mercenary operation is done by all country's, like US interfering in Africa.
    in all governments there are some peoples who are with them and who don’t that why there are opposition parties, if u see 80% of population of Afghanistan still continue the left over rules(women in scarf’s), its the way those people think, same thing goes for Iraq.

    I've seen Auswitch, I've seen where the showers were, and were the massgraves were situated. I've seen recordings of witness-statements from both germans, civilians and soldiers and non-jewish soldiers on the allied side. I've seen pictures from the camps, and heard the stories of survivors, I even saw one hold a speech, when I was very little. Saw the tattoo and all.
    Did u saw any thing in graves, making graves and Set's r easy, what so doubtful is the numbers, where in the hell they got 6million Jews at that time.

    Personally, I think you are growing more unpleasant with every post you make.

    Neither myself, nor any member of my family, nor my nation had anything to do with the creation of the state of Israel, and it's my understandning that those people who went there, went there willingly, even eagerly. Which at least in part had to do with their religion.

    Furthermore, there are plenty of Jews all throughout the western world, here too, whose families never left for Israel, and who most certainly were never driven out, and who, again, has the rights that everyone else does, in my country.
    Do u even read history, it’s was British who give Jews that peace of occupied land, its was America who armed Jews to take what they want by force. Who did u think were Nazi people, they were the same German blood and they hated Jews (what u guys say), how can u deny that in Europe there was no hate for Jews. Let face that in history the Jews were hated by all (no offence meant).

    If he stands up and says it never happened, that is certainly him metaphorically spitting every survivor in the face, and a denial of the fact that they suffered.
    Then how u can’t sue condalisa rise for denying secret prison camps in Europe with thousands of Muslims whom r being tutored.
    Why nobody sues Sharon for 100's of mascaras (instead they support him).
    Furthermore, there are plenty of Jews all throughout the western world, here too, whose families never left for Israel, and who most certainly were never driven out, and who, again, has the rights that everyone else does, in my country.
    That’s now (maybe) but in WWII the only advantage they was staying away from war (Soviet Union), they simply could leave the country cuz they were not welcome in army.
    The cartoons on the other hand, were by all accounts not intended to hurt the average Muslim on the street. And, it would be a Muslim bloke's right to draw the same sort of cartoons about jesus, if he felt like it, in Denmark.
    How u can say that, Prophet Mohammad was every Muslim’s Prophet, he means a symbol of our religion to us.
    And we don’t draw other prophet cartoon to show that what they did was offended, as I said before all prophets (Noah, moss, eissa and Mohammad) are named in Quran and we respect them not just because we fear god, during our education we’re regularly thought about them.

    "You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went; you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go"
    Benjamen button

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #333
    Afronaut's Avatar Xenu
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    Muslims being tutored, perhaps by Sharon of 100 mascaras?

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  4. The Drawing Room   -   #334
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Quote Originally Posted by Afronaut
    Muslims being tutored, perhaps by Sharon of 100 mascaras?

    You being a mod should know not to post something that is off-topic AND instead of making a point, just pointing out someone's grammatical errors. 2 things have been shown here by Afronaut:

    1) Mods are pretty damn hypocritical
    2) Generalization that everyone on earth speaks perfect English, and those that don't...well they're just labeled stupid.

    Sorry, I'm just really pissed off today, as for BaWa's post:

    1) You can't really counter-argue Iran's PM speech about how the holocaust never took place by saying something like there are tourture camps in Europe. Such a thing not only does not exist (and if it does, it changes very little things about your rebuttle), it is counter-productive.

    Instead of saying that Iran's PM was wrong in saying that, you just countered it by saying "what about such and such"? Well that's like subtracting unlike variable, it doesnt make sense.

    (I don't know who Bawa quoted, so this is directed to whoever was quoted in Bawa's last post)

    2) (Not Bawa's post): You must really be fuckin smart eh? Shiz, did you get your history pHD at the school of shitology? Or are you just pulling some sort of colorful crap out of your ass? This is exactly what is happening to more and more people nowadays, they are believing the media more and the past is now becoming whatever the media wants it to be. Ask your average Joe or Jane (no not Americans, this is targeted towards everyone) about the current situation in the ME and who is right. I can guarantee a lot of the answers are going to be "Israel is right" or something along the lines of that, such things make me wanna puke in their faces. Israel WAS created by the UK and with support from the US. (However I must point out that the UK did give weapons to the Palestinians). Where do you think Israel get it's annual military budget from? I dont know about you (and trust me, if you disagree on me on the next point doesnt matter who you are, you're either a fuckin liar and a hypocrite, or a just backboneless individual), but I certainly would pick up a gun and fight for my country and my freedom and my land if some other occupying force just happened to come over and take over Canada because some UN resolution passed allowing another party to legally take over my country.

    The last sentence is true for everyone (unless you were obviously being oppressed before...even then it has anamolies). Would you not fight for your right, fight for your country, and your land that you have been leaving on peacefully for oohhh I don't know, generations upon generations?

    Another thing is that the Jews and the Arabs lived peacefully before Hitler came to power. It's when the Jews started to move out of Europe and into Palestine (pre-1945) that things got heated (UK giving weapons to Palestinians).

    If anything (and this goes for BaWa and every other Jew hater, or Arab hater, or w/e), Hitler is the one to blame. If it was not for him, there would be no WWII, there would be no Israel (albeit it probably would have been created sometime in the future if the set of events went the way it did, but who's to say for sure?) and most of all there would be 6 million more Jews on this earth (that last statement is not racist, I hate it how when people say something that "sounds" racist and is targeted towards Jews, they automatically and spontaneously consider it to be racist).

    So in conclusion, everyone STFU.

    Muslims chill the fuck out, they're pictures, it's not the end of the world. FFS, we're not even Muslims. ANY MUSLIMS THAT SAYS HE'S A MUSLIM nowadays is just plain out lying. Real muslims died out years ago. I can tell you taht a real muslim would not kill, maim, burn and steal/riot over a bunch of stupid pictures and use Islam as a shield.

    It's very very disgraceful. The other day (yes I'm muslim, and yes that last statement was oxymoronic and a paradox for sure. I'm muslim in the sense that I was born into a "muslim" family but I don't really follow it what-so-ever) I received an email from some el-fago that said to spread the word about boycotting Danish goods. What in the fuck? And at the bottom of the email the dumbfuck had the nerve to put "Remember, one day Muhammad (PBUH) will ask you what you did for him and Islam, so do the right thing."

    I literally wanted to punch the guy out if I knew who he was, and worst of all, all "muslims" are buying into this chain-letter bullshit. Muslims are giving Islam a badname, any shred of respect for Islam from the outside world (non-"muslim") have diminished into an infinitismely small amount.

    [/rant muslim]

    [rant everyone else]

    So ya, STFU everyone, the sooner we can ignore the so called "muslim" (population), the sooner this will die down.

    And the cartoonists that made those pics, I support you 100%, freedom of speech cannot be usurped away by radicalism because it seems Islam is the official shield for wreaking havoc.
    [sarcasm] It's totally fine to kill others and go fucking crazy over a bunch of pictures because it's against our religion...[/sarcasm] even though such things (murder, rioting, stealing) are completely against our wait? Paradox anyone.

    Everyone's a fucking hypocrite (yes even me, I won't be a hypocrite and I'll add myself to the list).


    If you actually read this entire post, kudos for not having a brain seizure due to bad grammer and inconsistent sentences (me no good english). And if any of it made sense, then at least someone out there understands where I'm coming from.
    Last edited by cpt_azad; 02-24-2006 at 12:57 PM.

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #335
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpt_azad
    Heh heh. You said "fag".
    Last edited by Cheese; 02-24-2006 at 01:53 PM.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #336
    maebach's Avatar Team FST Captain
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    U must agree that religion racism is in every where.
    being a hindu, I find it hard to believe how many muslims there are in India, and how many mosques. I've seen mosques built where hindu temples were built.

    The binladen thingy is different thing; they had noting to do in Afghanistan government.

    Ohh and mercenary operation is done by all country's, like US interfering in Africa.
    If they didn't interfere, everybody would be dead by now, from AIDS and STD and civil wars.

    Did u saw any thing in graves, making graves and Set's r easy, what so doubtful is the numbers, where in the hell they got 6million Jews at that time.
    Where do you fucking think they'd find the jews? It's not hard, there were plenty of jews living there. They killed 6 million jews from: Germany, Poland, Austria-Hungary and the surrounding countries. You sound as if you tihnk Jews are a minority everywhere. and when you see one, you should be able to say, 'Hey look its a JEW, I thought I'd never see one, can I have your autograph'

    Do u even read history, it’s was British who give Jews that peace of occupied land

    thats all I have to say.

    I read all of azad's post, very interesting thoughts. BAWA's gonna flame you for not being pure-blooded muslim.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #337
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
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    bawa's a prick though so it doesn't matter

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #338
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by BawA

    Don't you think it is a little hypocritical to post a cartoon mocking the Jewish Holocaust in a thread were you are complaining about people publishing cartoons mocking your own faith.

    Also, can you read what the top left hand corner of your cartoon says? Or, more importantly, can you understand what it means? Maybe in future you should not get your holocaust jokes from an Israeli site?

    From the same page:

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #339
    Snee's Avatar Error xɐʇuʎs BT Rep: +1
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    Bawa, who the fuck feeds you this nonsense?

    Mosques being burned in Denmark, director being killed?
    When, and what the fuck are you talking about?
    Torture camps... <-That's a lie, made up, a fabrication, not real. Get it?
    And I dunno' what you mean about mascaras, I really don't.

    As for the talibans, well, maebach said it: They ran the fucking place!

    As for the holocaust, how stupid are you, to think it's made up. What sort of fucktard propaganda have you been fed?

    It would, as I've already said, have been impossible to make that up, and fool us all. Discounting the graves and whatnot that exist today, there's a whole lot of history they had to have faked.

    Most people back then had nothing to do with the jews, but they saw enough to believe, unless you are trying to say it's a vast conspiracy spanning generations everywhere in Europe, and beyond.

    And we don't all hate jews, most people here and elsewhere don't worry more about the jews than any other people. And Europe isn't a country, you can't point at what some Germans did in the 1930s and 1940s, as an example of what people think in my country today, you jackass.

    As for the creation of Israel, it was felt, by certain parties that the jews were owed something because of what they'd been through, because some had waited so long to act, and to see what was going on, I reckon.

    I'm sure there were other, more political reasons as well, but hatred of jews was not the motivator.

    And yeah, there were and are lots of jews all around the world, many more than the six million said to have been killed during the holocaust, certainly.

    And those six million were, again, as maebach says, gathered together from more than one country. How few people do you think there are in the world, really, If you think six million members of an ethnic group such as the jews is an impossible number?

    And captain azzz, I hope your #2 wasn't directed at me, especially so since I'm european, but neither british, nor american, nor a citizen of any country that was a major player in the war, hence my country had fuckall to do with the creation of Israel.

    Don't fuck with afro, Bawa really doesn't deserve respect, not after what he's been saying, and the lies he's perpetuating.

    And as for the cartoons themselves, I've said this like three times already:
    The cartoons seem to have been aimed at fanatics, you know, the blokes who tell people to grab a bomb and go and blow up innocents.

    It's a way of saying: "This is the mohammed you believe in, this is what you've turned him into" to them.

    Unless you really think mohammed and allah want people to kill innocents, that's not the mohammed you believe in.
    Last edited by Snee; 02-24-2006 at 10:20 PM.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #340
    maebach's Avatar Team FST Captain
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnnY

    Mosques being burned in Denmark, director being killed?
    When, and what the fuck are you talking about?
    I think he's talking about Theo Van Gogh. He was called by a muslim radical because he made a fil on women in islam, or something like that. I guess after he was killed, people burned down mosques in Denmark
    At least I think thats what he meant.


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