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Thread: boycotts of Danish goods in middle East!

  1. #351
    BawA's Avatar FST Pioneer BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheese
    Correcting Grammar

    "You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went; you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go"
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  2. The Drawing Room   -   #352
    Biggles's Avatar Looking for loopholes
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    I think there is perhaps too much distrust and inaccurate reporting on both sides.

    The mosques in Europe are not on fire - who says they are? Likewise, many of the peaceful demonstrations against the cartoons have been ignored by the Western media. The violence that has occurred and the deaths, about 150 so far, and rising, seems wholly disproportionate to the original problem from a Western standpoint and causes more distrust and unease.

    The original cartoons were not especially cruel or nasty and were making political points about bombers using Islam as a cover not religious ones. To be perfectly honest, few in the West are interested in Islam - it hardly sits well with our culture and lifestyles. I don't think anyone wants to insult Muslims but train and plane bombs do attract attention - mostly the wrong sort of attention. The noisy radicals give the impression that they speak for all of Islam. It is up to the ordinary Muslim to show that they do not. Violent protests with huge numbers of dead do not help this cause. The Turks had a huge demonstration in Istanbul without killing anyone or burning any embassies. Is this not a better way?

    With regards the killing of Jews in WW2, I am baffled as to why this is an issue. The documentation is there. A lot of people died in WW2 - upwards of 35 million and possibly more. Why this sudden questioning of whether the Germans really did what they say they did? The Jewish holocaust was not the only one of WW2. The Japanese death camps in China killed huge numbers and the Germans were responsible for the deaths of 20 million Russians. In turn the Russians killed several million Germans. The only valid gripe that I can see regarding the Holocaust is that it tends to blur the fact that WW2 was a holocaust for a lot of peoples including Gypsies, Slavs and Manchurians. However, the solution is to raise awareness of these other attrocities rather than diminish the one that occurred to the Jews.
    Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #353
    BawA's Avatar FST Pioneer BT Rep: +1
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    to be honest thats one quality post :thums up:
    i can say thats a no sided post.

    but still Prophet Mohd is a symbol of our religion and pointing finger at him is pointing finger at muslims generaly, and people who want to point our negitive points should find better exampels, our Prophet did what he could do to educate us, to direct us at "Right", its some of us who go to so called the "wrong way" he shouldnt be held for that.
    thats my final words in this thread.
    Last edited by BawA; 02-25-2006 at 05:11 PM.

    "You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went; you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go"
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  4. The Drawing Room   -   #354
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
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    At Bawa, I doubt the numbers as well but I have no idea what the real numbers are either.
    Last edited by Busyman; 02-25-2006 at 06:28 PM.
    Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me. Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, Bitchhhh!

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  5. The Drawing Room   -   #355
    JPaul's Avatar Fat Secret Agent
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    Quote Originally Posted by Busyman
    At Bawa, I doubt the numbers as well
    Based on what, pray tell.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #356
    Afronaut's Avatar Xenu
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    Just to inform, im not a moderator anymore. have not been for couple of months.

    I know hope Bawa could type with little more sense sometimes
    so that I as a non-english-linguor could understand the post.

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  7. The Drawing Room   -   #357
    Snee's Avatar Error xɐʇuʎs BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by BawA
    That’s shows your not aware of any sh*t.
    U dont know anything about history (when you said about Israel).
    Again, who has fed you the nonsense you believe in.
    It wasn't hatred of jews that made the british, and americans (AND NOT MY PEOPLE, 'K?) help create Israel.

    If you are going to keep insisting that your idiocies are correct, please provide me with one solid, unbiased source, as evidence of what you said. Please.

    Go for it, genious.

    Theo van Gogh, he was the main reason why those cartoon where made, if he wasn’t to make his freaking movie he wouldn’t piss his murderer and a hate wouldn’t rise in Denmark against Muslims after that, many mosque were burnt and damaged buy local residents in Denmark. FFS watch some news.
    He was dutch, the mosques and churches burned there, after his death.
    Why would the Danes go out their way to pick a fight with you, as you seem to think they wanted, over something that happened in another country?

    Go and get the facts straight.

    As for the holocaust, how stupid are you, to think it's made up. What sort of fucktard propaganda have you been fed?
    I never said "NO JEWS WERE KILLED", I only doubted the numbers, I think that huge number is to maximize whole thing.
    You’re more pissed then the way EU acted after Iran's PM's speech, I wonder if u have same Fillings for Bosniaherzogoving.
    Is there anyone, anywhere, who has claimed that the numbers are off wrt Bosnia, then?

    And before you start rambling about "toture camps" in Europe, please take a moment to reflect on what the things that happened in old Yugoslavia didn't just affect muslims, and that the war wasn't about muslims versus everybody else.

    Some serbs held bosnians and croats in concentration camps, some croats held bosnians, and probably serbs, and so on.

    Those serbs who perpetrated the initial crimes weren't aiming at the bosnians because they were muslims, the were trying to cleanse what they saw as their land from other peoples. Then, as the war escalated, I suppose the other side(s) lost their minds as well, there was plenty of ethnical cleansing, but it wasn't about you.

    They weren't exclusively muslim concentration/death camps, they were camps where one side or another put those who they saw as enemies.

    And it most certainly wasn't Europe as a whole that committed the crimes.

    It was two peoples, in one nation (well, technically three, now).

    Oh yeah, and they can't be the camps you mentioned before, since you wrote:
    Then how u can’t sue condalisa rise for denying secret prison camps in Europe with thousands of Muslims whom r being tutored.
    No one, except for the people who committed the crimes, denied what happened in Yugoslavia, so it can't be those camps you are talking about

    Where are those secret camps where muslims are being tortured then?

    As far as I know, you made them up. So yeah, lies. Evil lies at that.

    Don't fuck with afro, Bawa really doesn't deserve respect, not after what he's been saying, and the lies he's perpetuating.
    I think board members know better who to respect, the guy with poor English or the guy who uses his "good" English to curse and swear.
    What lies ive been telling? If u believe that much in freedom of speech u should respected what I think and my right to say them.
    Have you read what you posted lately?

    You've claimed all kinds of things about Europeans, including my people, things that most certainly aren't true, and you've thrown in a denial of the holocaust, or as you'd have it now, a doubt of the number of people that died, and btw, as long as we are on the subject, would it matter if it was only 3 million people or something who died in that horrible way?

    Feck, claiming that we all think alike, and that we have the same constitution, and all of the statements you've made about us all being some sort of homogenous group, is not just stupid, it's sort of an insult all of its own.

    Or do you like it if someone says that all arabs are the same?

    At least my insults have been personal, I've called you a jackass, I haven't insulted, and accused everyone in your part of the world of being against me, or any other, more horrible things. Without evidence to back it up, at that.

    And as for the cartoons themselves, I've said this like three times already:
    The cartoons seem to have been aimed at fanatics, you know, the blokes who tell people to grab a bomb and go and blow up innocents.

    It's a way of saying: "This is the Mohammed you believe in, this is what you've turned him into" to them.

    Unless you really think Mohammed and Allah want people to kill innocents, that's not the mohammed you believe in.
    U say there r better way for Muslims to show their sadness and their view over those cartoon and they shouldn’t been burning flags well same thing goes to your self, if the cartoonist wanted to prove something he could go with something more decent, he knew the consequences but he choose to do what he wanted and the results r here.
    How does that answer what I said? It doesn't.

    You chose to interpret the cartoons in the worst way possible.

    Now, what is worse - a couple of blokes making a few drawings, insulting nutjobs. Or millions of people rioting, burning flags, killing and getting other killed, or like you do, accusing people who had nothing at all to do with the making of the cartoons, of all sort of idiotic things.

    You made the choice to refuse to even try to understand what the actual purpose behind the cartoons might have been. You have made the choice to alienate yourself from the rest of the world. And you have decided to insult all of Europe, without having a fucking clue what you are talking about.

    In my book, Your bad > His bad.

    So yeah, I'll swear and I'll insult you to my heart's content, 'cos you deserve all you get, by now. And, everything I say about you, is about you, not muslims in general.
    Last edited by Snee; 02-27-2006 at 06:33 PM.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #358
    Snee's Avatar Error xɐʇuʎs BT Rep: +1
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    proxy hiccups.
    Last edited by Snee; 02-27-2006 at 06:30 PM.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #359
    jetje's Avatar former star
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    Dutch mosques burned...? it was just a few dumb kids that had to little to do and were too dumb to think by them selves. Only 1 small fire at a mosque, and 1 school burned down. Still too much but as Bawa proves there are a lot of dumb and ignorant people in the world.

    Bawa, i'm pretty sure that Mo... was a good guy that wanted the best for the people, too bad that the people writing his words in the koran twisted a lot, and even worse, there are a lot of people that use those written words and interpret it the way they like it to be interpreted. With the low education level in most of the muslim countries you get people that haven't learned to think for themselves, taking the words of the people that just can read, as granted.

    btw same thing goes for christianity in general, with the difference that education level in most of the western countries is higher and people start to think for themselves. With that religion gets far less important and the radical and fundamentalistic ideas get lost. So now i'm just hoping they get more education in the middle east and east. Give people the tools to think for themselves, give them work, a good home and a future to care for. And they won't get upset by some cartoons anymore. They will worry about real important things in life....

    Fucking thing is that the ruling people in the muslim countries (most times religious leaders) are just trying to avoid that... Cause that will end their reign! Simple as that....

    I really think that if the people would have a chance and the political/religious leaders would not interfer, there is a solution for palestina (and all the other conflict regions in the world). I'm sure people will live together in peace, no matter what colour or religion they are. Build houses and help eachother out. feed eachoter, trade with eachother, hell, even mary eachother.
    There are no real boundries between people and countries. It's only imaginary lines that too bad are sometimes abused by people that are in search of power.
    Last edited by jetje; 03-14-2006 at 02:20 PM.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #360
    BawA's Avatar FST Pioneer BT Rep: +1
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    Bawa, i'm pretty sure that Mo... was a good guy that wanted the best for the people, too bad that the people writing his words in the koran twisted a lot, and even worse, there are a lot of people that use those written words and interpret it the way they like it to be interpreted. With the low education level in most of the muslim countries you get people that haven't learned to think for themselves, taking the words of the people that just can read as granted.
    You're Wrong there, Quran was writen by Prophet Mohammed once and is never been Editen (Unlike bible), its been untouched and editing it is a big sin for us.
    so u think that people are not allowded to think in religion matters(here), our prophet himself mentioned in quran that not to choose Islam just becuz u were born muslim, he said to reserch and find the answers for "why's".
    religion is big part of our lifes(e.g we have to pray 5 time a day) we cant just leave it.
    not beliving in the religion and not giving it any piority is why u have huge numbers of rapes, molestations, gay and lesbian's over there, there r no bounderies for u guys, u just keep doing what u want(so called "freedom").
    we have strict rules for them, thats why our avarages over above mentioned cases are almost zero. churches have child molestations cases and gay fathers(for god sake is that a god house or devils), we have christians over here, notting wrong goes with them, u know why cuz they have more power in thier beliving then you.

    btw i forgot to tell you that u have a nice vision built up for islamic countries, u think all islamic countries are like iran or pakistan, well that not true, mostly we have a mix compenition of islamic and democratic rules(for eg. we dont allow to drink on streets so u go nuts and make problem for others but we have some special places for them).
    Last edited by BawA; 03-14-2006 at 02:39 PM.

    "You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went; you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go"
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