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Thread: Michael Moore...

  1. #21
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by zapjb
    ...I thought Fahrenheit 911 was OK, though obviously he blamed the wrong people for it.

    OK I'll bite. Who's to blame?


  2. Movies & TV   -   #22
    cheap bastard
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    I don't know who did it but the Saudis surely weren't responsible. The official story is obviously bogus as well, the operation must have been funded by a State backed organisation who were aware that a simulated terrorist exercise was being carried out that day. My suspicion is that some semi-official US funded organisation within the US was responsible, possibly as part of a coup d'etait against the Neo-con Bush administration.

  3. Movies & TV   -   #23
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
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    Think Darth Sidious......

    Fuck some shit up behind the scenes then calmly enact laws to give yourself more power.
    Last edited by Busyman; 03-06-2006 at 02:54 PM.
    Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me. Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, Bitchhhh!

    Flies Like An Arrow, Flies Like An Apple

  4. Movies & TV   -   #24
    cheap bastard
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    I agree with the controlled demolition theory- it's the only solid evidence that the attack was pre-planned. We'll never prove who was flying the planes because all the evidence is gone. The 911 Commission's report was certainly a cover up but why? I don't think Bush was "in on it" either, he behaved like a headless chicken at the time and then lied about when he got the news of the first hit.

    PS. I hope this is not a banned topic here?

  5. Movies & TV   -   #25
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Quote Originally Posted by expensive
    PS. I hope this is not a banned topic here?
    Noooo, You can talk about what you like here, just steer clear of the subject of the relative merits of ketchup or brown sauce (touchy subject, 'nuff said).

  6. Movies & TV   -   #26
    Just as in anything you hear/see in the media, you should do extensive research and come to your own conclusion. Oppinions are like assholes, everybody has one. And truth, has become a rare commodity. I personally like and respect Mr. Moore and the movies he has produced in an effort to expose the lies. However, he is a human being just like everyone else and subject to error. So the best advise is to form your "own" opinion based on "your" research not someone elses. Then, and only then will you be able to entertain some independent thoughts/opinions based on "your own" personal beliefs. Don't be afraid to disagree with the mass majority. They are often wrong and lead astray anyway. "Willful ignorance" is what I call it. Blind leading the blind. With that said, whatever you do, don't be a sheep, unless, Jesus Christ is your shepherd. Good luck in your search for truth/knowledge.
    Last edited by krob; 03-06-2006 at 06:00 PM.

  7. Movies & TV   -   #27
    Santa's Avatar dvhyt5er
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheese
    General criticismDefense articles
    Critical views of Bowling for Columbine

    This topic is sooo four years ago. :yawn:
    i think it is time to open a new wing to my library

  8. Movies & TV   -   #28
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by expensive
    I don't know who did it but the Saudis surely weren't responsible. The official story is obviously bogus as well, the operation must have been funded by a State backed organisation who were aware that a simulated terrorist exercise was being carried out that day. My suspicion is that some semi-official US funded organisation within the US was responsible, possibly as part of a coup d'etait against the Neo-con Bush administration.
    Are you being serious? I think maybe you need to stop getting your "news" from INFOWARS and get real. You're so far of base with this that it doesn't even merit an intelligent reply.

    Besides, this thread is about Bowling For Columbine.


  9. Movies & TV   -   #29
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skizo
    You're so far of base with this that it doesn't even merit an intelligent reply.
    It's to your credit that you didn't provide him with an intelligent reply.

  10. Movies & TV   -   #30
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by expensive
    I agree with the controlled demolition theory- it's the only solid evidence that the attack was pre-planned. We'll never prove who was flying the planes because all the evidence is gone. The 911 Commission's report was certainly a cover up but why? I don't think Bush was "in on it" either, he behaved like a headless chicken at the time and then lied about when he got the news of the first hit.
    The way in which the Twin Towers went down is the only thing I find hard to swallow in the whole story, I would have thought the buildings would have stayed up. Other stuff, like USA doing it to themselves, I find pretty much laughable. An abscence of whistleblowers is something all you "conspiracy nuts" should think about with regards to this, an operation this big would have involved a lot of people.

    Other conspiracy theories:

    # The Church of Scientology claims that the 9/11 hijackers were brainwashed by psychiatrists who were the real masterminds behind the attacks, despite the fact that none of the hijackers were ever known to have visited psychiatrists.

    # Some theories claim that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein conspired in the 9/11 attacks. These claims were most commonly made or alluded to during the buildup to the Iraq War by President George W. Bush and members of his cabinet. Some proponents of this theory refer to another theory surrounding the Oklahoma City Bombing, according to which Iraqi intelligence agents were involved. This was reported by investigative journalist Jana Davis in her book "The Third Terrorist."

    # Some relate it to claims of an anti-globalisation movement, specifically to s11, a protest against the Melbourne World Economic Forum meeting on 11 September 2000 that grew to include a number of other protests over the following year. The World Trade Center is considered by many to be the center point of globalization. Since this was a part of the largest anti-globalisation movement in the world, as well as the date of the WTC bombing being 1 year later to the day, this was a popular theory - not the least because their web site was labeled, and 9/11 was alternately called s11. This theory did not get much press coverage and was only covered on internet forums. The official web site closed sometime in 2002 with a block from all members of the public ever accessing the site - yet all of its pages are still displayed on Google thus proving that the site still exists.

    # Some conspiracy theories of 9/11 have included missile pods on the airplanes and holograms hitting the Trade Center. Donald Rumsfeld also appears to admit that a missile hit the Pentagon and that 'similar' devices contributed to the WTC attacks as well in a Parade Magazine interview in Oct. of 2001. However, many articles by 9/11 researchers have debunked claims of missiles and pods.
    Last edited by Cheese; 03-06-2006 at 08:03 PM.

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