That's what I'd always presumed. You mean to say that it's notOriginally Posted by 100%
I found it from the Kazaa Lite Homepage that was in the program lol , i still remeber my first post , It was I have a testing version of a 7gb sony graphics card lol
I was suspended on other forum. So, I just want to find new forum to spam on lol.
Yours Sincerely,
Dark Steno @ Maskawaih
I think I had used some version of the original KMD and noticed quite a few user names being klite.
I then searched for the app and installed it and found the forum in the Web page links...
Like most, I used the link on KLite's main page.
I must've joined about the same time as Rossco; boy, he's come a long way since then!
I was looking for info/news on the original TorrentBytes being down and google led me here.
No.Originally Posted by orcutt989
Ask Clocker; he's a child of the sixties whose love is free.Originally Posted by orcutt989
"Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."
-Mark Twain