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Thread: This is quite interesting...

  1. #1
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Question Mark


    All 911 truth seekers appreciate your current contributions toward proving WTC demolition even though explosives and demolitions are not your field of expertise.

    However, while I believe that thermate may have been used to initiate the collapse in conjunction with cutting charges such as RDX, it cannot begin to explain the observed evidence at the WTC and therefore I feel that we must now include fusion devices as well in our demolition hypothesis and research.
    The significance of this line of research is that while thermate alone could be blamed on a small group of individuals impossible to identify, fusion devices can only be supplied by the US and/or Israeli military, according to a Finnish military expert I have consulted.

    I would appreciate your expert comments, and those of other qualified 911 scholars, on the hypothesis that directed energy fusion devices were used at the WTC.

    For the benefit of those in this mailing list not familiar with fusion, it is the nuclear reaction of hydrogen taking place in the sun and does not produce the same radioactive "fallout" as "fission" reactions with uranium and plutonium.

    Fusion radiation is short lived, approx. 7-12 hours, can only be detected by $40,000 instruments, and is contained by the continuous spraying of water. Telltale byproducts that do not normally occur in nature are Tritium and atomic size metals, both recorded in official studies and subsequently ignored by "experts."

    Funding for gradual conversion of the US nuclear arsenal to fusion devices was recently approved. This would allow the mini-nukes practical use in wars and troops to control the sites afterward. Official statements said that testing would not be necessary. I would submit that testing already occurred at the WTC.

    Evidence of fusion devices at the WTC:

    1. pulverization of 99% of concrete into ultra fine dust as recorded by official studies. Concrete dust was created instantly throughout the towers when the fusion device million degree heat rapidly expanded water vapor in the concrete floors.

    2. Superheated steels ablating (vaporizing continuously as they fall) as seen in video clips of the towers collapsing. This requires uniform temperatures roughly twice that of thermate.

    3. 22 ton outer wall steel sections ejected 200 meters into the winter garden. Cutting charges cannot provide the energy required.

    4. 330 ton section of outer wall columns ripping off side of tower. Cutting charges cannot provide energy required.

    5. Molten ponds of steel at the bottom of elevator shafts (WTC1, WTC2, WTC7) Thermate is impractical for lower level demolition due to the thickness of the 47 steel columns.

    6. The spire behavior (stands for 20-30 seconds, evaporates, goes down, steel dust remains)

    7. Sharp spikes in seismograph readings (Richter 2.1 and 2.3) occurred at the beginning of collapse for both towers. Short duration and high power indicate explosive event.

    8. A press weighting 50 tons disappeared from a basement floor of Twin Towers and was never recovered from debris.

    9. Wide area electrical outage, repairs took over 3 months. Fusion devices cause EM pulse with Compton Effect.

    10. Fires took 100 days to extinguish despite continuous spraying of water. Thermate would cool down much faster.

    11. Brown shades of color in the air due nuclear radiation forming sulfuric acid. TV and documentary footage changed the color balance to blue to disguise this fact indicating complicity in the coverup.

    12. Elevated Tritium values measured in the WTC area but not elsewhere in New York. Official studies stated that 8 EXIT signs from two commercial Boeing jets were responsible. This is why the "no commercial planes" line of inquiry is very important and should not be ignored or attacked. It can provide conclusive proof of fusion devices and therefore US/Israeli military involvement.

    13. Pyroclastic flow observed in the concrete-based clouds. Only found with volcanic eruptions and nuclear detonations. Jim Hoffman unfortunately missed this obvious observation in his papers.

    14. Huge expanding dust clouds 5 times the volume of the building indicating extreme levels of heat generated far in excess of traditional demolition explosives.

    15. Rubble height was some 10% of the original instead of 33% expected in a traditional demolition. Fusion device removal of underground central steel framework allowed upper framework to fall into this empty space and reduce the rubble height.

    16. No survivors found, except some firefighters in one corner pocket in the rubble who looked up to see blue sky above them instead of being crushed by collapsing debris. Upward fusion flashlight beam of destruction missed this pocket but removed debris above firemen.

    17. 14 rescue dogs and some rescue workers died far too soon afterward to be attributed to asbestos or dust toxins (respiratory problems due to alpha particles created by fusion that are far more toxic)

    18. Record concentrations of near-atomic size metal particles found in dust studies due to ablated steel. Only possible with fusion.

    19. Decontamination procedure used at Ground Zero (hi-pressure water spraying) for all steel removed from site. Water spraying contains fusion radiactivity.

    No bodies, furniture or computers found in the rubble, but intact sheets of paper covered the streets with fine dust. Items with significant mass absorbed fusion energy and were vaporized while paper did not. Paper and Powder theory.

    21. 200 000 gallon sprinkler watertanks on the roofs of WTC1 and WTC2, but no water in the ruins. Heat of fusion devices vaporized large reservoirs of water.

    22. reports of cars exploding around the WTC and many burned out wrecks could be seen that had not been hit by debris. Fusion energy blast and EM pulse caused electrical components in cars to explode and burn vehicles far from WTC site.

    23. EM pulse was recorded by broadcast cameras with high quality electronic circuitry. This occurred at the same time as the seismic peaks recorded by Lamont Doherty during the beginning of the collapse. This is due to the Compton Effect and resulted in a large area power outage at the WTC.

    I sincerely hope that you will help me refine this hypothesis using your expertise in the field of fusion. Statistical probability would suggest that this long list of evidence cannot be easily dismissed and in fact provides the solution to the WTC demolitions.

    I would also appreciate your comments on my seven laws of science in the 911 Eyewitness DVD in order to improve our presentation.

    Please feel free to use any segments from our DVD in your presentations.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to invite you and other 911 scholars to speak in Washington DC this Sept. 11 anniversary and have your grievances redressed as is your constitutional right according to the first amendment. Your presence at the Capital would certainly make a significant statement to those who have the power to change the current state of affairs.

    Best regards,

    David Shaw
    911 Eyewitness
    Don't label me a conspiracy nut for posting this, I don't believe it (obviously) but it just seemed interesting and "funny" (odd funny not haha funny).

    One interesting thing I noticed is that if it were in fact some sort of nuclear/hydrogen/atomic/fusion device, it would be impossible and a sheer out fallacy if it containted plutonium, the radioactivity would obviously be huge to say the least. So, if 1 in trillion chances this is actually what happened, it was probably tritium based, which is in number 12, odd indeed (google this if you didn't learn it in grade 11 physics).

    It's riddled with grammatical errors, that's a huge giveaway right there, and no outside sources for the statements used, luckily google is useful for such things:

    Pyroclastic Flow (#13):

    The powder and paper theory (2 seperate theories from what I can gather, google didn't yield and good results) from what I know, is real, what the hell it is I have the slightest. My teacher in Chem12 mentioned it once during a lesson on products we use in our everyday life (which was based on a lesson on acids/bases), so as far as its validity it exists lol, but it probably has nothing to do with this (or does it?).

    Also, the fact that they mention alpha particles (and tritium) is very suspicious to me, that's why I'm posting this, because it is true that normal asbestos and other contaminants can take weeks to kill, but alpha and tritium particles (hence the word particle because they're atomized) takes mere hours or days depending on exposure.

    It's a nice fact too that tritium decays in Helium-3 (or is it just Helium? I can't remember, I learned this stuff 2 years ago so sorry if I'm wrong, and I don't feel like searching for the answer right now) which is quite abundant indeed so it wouldn't really register any alarm when the clean up crews were investigating.


    I know this is the most far-fetched of all conspiracy theories, but it has some validity to it. If the "bomb" were to be directed upwards into the towers (wait, that would mean 2 bombs required) instead of just radial explosion, it could in theory take them down in the manner suggested and of course the way it actually went down. And an upward shot (channeled) into the towers would mean minimized EM pulses which could only go out a few blocks. I'm no expert, but with the education I have so far it seems intact except for a few notorious comments added in that article such as the whole firefighters being alive by seeing blue sky, why even put that in there, it has nothing to do with anything.

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    I quote myself here, mon Capitan, so please excuse the tone; it was from another thread long ago-I believe it renders most of these conspiracy bits goofy...

    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    In any case I'd think you and all the other conspiracy-mongers here would have tumbled to the rather obvious fact that, for your idiotic scenario to be feasible, the points at which the two collapses were to begin would have had to be known beforehand by the pilots of the hijacked planes (for aiming purposes, you see), and, if that were the case, both pilots would most likely have hit each tower at precisely the same altitude and attitude.

    The second impact is the best refutation of your cockeyed "theory", as the plane's trajectory, relative to the first impact, must be considered as wildly imprecise.

    Lastly, the correct deduction is cemented firmly by the fact that the south tower collapsed first, due to no other reason than that the impact area was significantly lower than the first, causing the greater weight above the impact point to be brought to bear sooner.

    I believe your argument is in shambles, unless you would now care to posit that your "explosive charges" were placed and energized post-impact...

    And just think-I didn't have to google a thing.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    GepperRankins's Avatar we want your oil!
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    I quote myself here, mon Capitan, so please excuse the tone; it was from another thread long ago-I believe it renders most of these conspiracy bits goofy...

    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    In any case I'd think you and all the other conspiracy-mongers here would have tumbled to the rather obvious fact that, for your idiotic scenario to be feasible, the points at which the two collapses were to begin would have had to be known beforehand by the pilots of the hijacked planes (for aiming purposes, you see), and, if that were the case, both pilots would most likely have hit each tower at precisely the same altitude and attitude.

    The second impact is the best refutation of your cockeyed "theory", as the plane's trajectory, relative to the first impact, must be considered as wildly imprecise.

    Lastly, the correct deduction is cemented firmly by the fact that the south tower collapsed first, due to no other reason than that the impact area was significantly lower than the first, causing the greater weight above the impact point to be brought to bear sooner.

    I believe your argument is in shambles, unless you would now care to posit that your "explosive charges" were placed and energized post-impact...

    And just think-I didn't have to google a thing.
    had explosives been planted. they would be controlled independantly. lol

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Quote Originally Posted by GepperRankins View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    I quote myself here, mon Capitan, so please excuse the tone; it was from another thread long ago-I believe it renders most of these conspiracy bits goofy...
    had explosives been planted. they would be controlled independantly. lol
    You miss the point(s).

    The collapses were out of order relative to the impacts.

    First hit, last to collapse.

    Last hit, first to collapse.

    The collapses began at the points of the planes' impacts, only the first of which could be considered to have been accomplished with what might charitably be called "precision".

    The second plane's attitude at impact indicates a sloppy and hurried approach, resulting in a much less centralized but still mortal blow, magnified significantly by it's having struck many floors lower than the first.

    In order to purposely demolish the WTC towers, the perpetrators would have had to been able to cover their tracks in a way that required perfect coordination with the pilots; such is precluded by these facts.

    One might make an argument the first tower was struck in such a fashion, but every detail of the demise of the south (second) impact militates against such an argument.

    There was no conspiracy to demolish the towers.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    I think the only way to get a Fusion Reaction at the moment is with a fission reaction to start it off...

    So, wheres the high level, long half life Radioactivity that a fission reaction would cause?

    If the US military has overcome this obstacle somehow and managed to create a Fusion Device without a fission "primer", then there is still the Radioactivity that a Fusion Reaction would cause. Granted, this is lower than a Fission Reaction and has a much smaller Half Life (6 years as opposed to 1000's of years)... its still enough to cause half of New York to be suffering from Cancer at the moment I think.

    Any Physicists in the room? 'coz thats stuff i remember learning years ago, the science will have moved on a little...

    Unlike J2, I have an open mind on the Conspiracy Theory... there are too many things that dont add up, or would require a huge amount of co-incidence. I have yet to hear one, however, that can't be knocked down outright or covers enough "Bases" to be believable..
    Last edited by Rat Faced; 08-03-2006 at 11:15 PM.

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rat Faced View Post
    I think the only way to get a Fusion Reaction at the moment is with a fission reaction to start it off...

    So, wheres the high level, long half life Radioactivity that a fission reaction would cause?

    If the US military has overcome this obstacle somehow and managed to create a Fusion Device without a fission "primer", then there is still the Radioactivity that a Fusion Reaction would cause. Granted, this is lower than a Fission Reaction and has a much smaller Half Life (6 years as opposed to 1000's of years)... its still enough to cause half of New York to be suffering from Cancer at the moment I think.

    Any Physicists in the room? 'coz thats stuff i remember learning years ago, the science will have moved on a little...

    Unlike J2, I have an open mind on the Conspiracy Theory... there are too many things that dont add up, or would require a huge amount of co-incidence. I have yet to hear one, however, that can't be knocked down outright or covers enough "Bases" to be believable..

    No one on this board believes the whole fusion/fission theory (unless they're ... umm insane or something), because as you pointed out, it would be pretty damn contagious (spelling). But you can't deny the fact that alpha particles are much more quicker to kill then asbestos and it is quickly converted into Helium (or an isotope of Helium which if I remember correctly is Helium-3) thus half of new york doesn't have cancer, but it's all conspiracy anyway.

    But like you (and unlike J2) I do believe that the gov't had a hand in it, like you said, things just don't add up. Whether it was the gov't that planned and orchestrated the whole thing, or if the gov't knew before hand exactly how/where/when it would happen and didn't do anything about it (so it would benefit them vis-a-vis invasion of Iraq).

    But I don't think we'll ever know in our lifetime for sure.

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    GepperRankins's Avatar we want your oil!
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by GepperRankins View Post
    had explosives been planted. they would be controlled independantly. lol
    You miss the point(s).

    The collapses were out of order relative to the impacts.

    First hit, last to collapse.

    Last hit, first to collapse.

    The collapses began at the points of the planes' impacts, only the first of which could be considered to have been accomplished with what might charitably be called "precision".

    The second plane's attitude at impact indicates a sloppy and hurried approach, resulting in a much less centralized but still mortal blow, magnified significantly by it's having struck many floors lower than the first.

    In order to purposely demolish the WTC towers, the perpetrators would have had to been able to cover their tracks in a way that required perfect coordination with the pilots; such is precluded by these facts.

    One might make an argument the first tower was struck in such a fashion, but every detail of the demise of the south (second) impact militates against such an argument.

    There was no conspiracy to demolish the towers.
    i got your point. the collapses could still have been orchestrated with the second plane hitting the wrong place. whoever controlled them would just have to press buttons in a different order.

    maybe the second tower fell first because they pulled it, because they couldn't afford it to be felled like a tree.*

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Quote Originally Posted by GepperRankins View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post

    You miss the point(s).

    The collapses were out of order relative to the impacts.

    First hit, last to collapse.

    Last hit, first to collapse.

    The collapses began at the points of the planes' impacts, only the first of which could be considered to have been accomplished with what might charitably be called "precision".

    The second plane's attitude at impact indicates a sloppy and hurried approach, resulting in a much less centralized but still mortal blow, magnified significantly by it's having struck many floors lower than the first.

    In order to purposely demolish the WTC towers, the perpetrators would have had to been able to cover their tracks in a way that required perfect coordination with the pilots; such is precluded by these facts.

    One might make an argument the first tower was struck in such a fashion, but every detail of the demise of the south (second) impact militates against such an argument.

    There was no conspiracy to demolish the towers.
    i got your point. the collapses could still have been orchestrated with the second plane hitting the wrong place. whoever controlled them would just have to press buttons in a different order.

    maybe the second tower fell first because they pulled it, because they couldn't afford it to be felled like a tree.*

    Oh, right.

    Hadn't thought of that.

    Excuse me, my bad.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain


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