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Thread: I Need Girl Help Lol

  1. #151
    dude, youre gonna be alright.... youve got tonsa time... i mean TONS.. youve got all of HS, and thats when it gets good, i tell ya, especially as you get to be upperclass

  2. Lounge   -   #152
    Yea, don't worry. The worse or best thing you can do is try to find out why she broke up with you.

    From experience, the best way to feel better to talk with her. Dig inside her heart and see what you come up with. This can maybe answer some questions. If she doesn't want to talk, then persuade. Show/tell her how hurt you are and ask her why. Get stuff off your chest.

    But yea, high school is the place. ^_^ imma be a junior (11th grader) next year!

  3. Lounge   -   #153
    namzuf9's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Armpit Of The Universe.
    Dude that sux but plz dont get to bent up on it. Shit yeah its gonna hurt like hell but thats life man.
    You've been giving some great advice here by the guys, give it a go.
    Good luck man.

  4. Lounge   -   #154
    I am probably going to sit down with her tomorrow and talk with her alone where no one can bother us.. But the thing that really pisses me off is that she had no problem dumping me, none wat so ever.. She didnt even feel bad or ne thing..

  5. Lounge   -   #155
    Originally posted by sk8punk151@21 May 2003 - 00:42
    But the thing that really pisses me off is that she had no problem dumping me, none wat so ever.. She didnt even feel bad or ne thing..
    You don't know that dude. Things can seem really complicated and confusing (even after you've been at it for 18 years) when it comes to dating and all the crazy shit that comes with it. Don't you think that maybe it's just as tough for her? She could even just be too nervous because she likes you too much (sounds funny, but it happens all the time). Give her the benefit of the doubt, and don't push. Act like it's not a big deal (cause really, in the long run, it isn't), and just be her friend (that happens to think she's beautiful if she asks). If you can give her the space she needs to not freak out, and also let her know that you think she's great without being creepy, you'll be fine. But don't take this shit so seriously, man. You'll have a breakdown if you don't relax a little dude. There are millions of pebbles an the beach - if you miss one, there are a LOT more to help you forget about it.

  6. Lounge   -   #156
    Ill keep you guys posted if anything new happens between us, but right now it looks like nothing that exciting is going to happen until summer hits. So once summer comes around, Ill bump this topic up once and a while..

  7. Lounge   -   #157
    why are u here?? go get some. now!

  8. Lounge   -   #158
    Fasttracker A
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hey hes gonna have tons of time to work all this out,
    so dont go telling him to chase tail like a walking hard on.

  9. Lounge   -   #159
    1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    girls for the most part, have no clue what they want, they think they do, and they really dont, note i said girls...

    i mean, shit, look at Eve, she had everything... but she fucked it up with one measly apple.... a APPLE for crying out loud... this shows the inherently problamatic postion women put us in... lol... (note i am half joking)

    but in seriousness... they younger they are, the smaller clue they have on what they want... its a shame, i know...try having your fiance, gf of 3 years, meet someone else, date them for two months, while leading you on, still sleeping with you, then accuse you of rape, at her new boyfriends request, and get a ppo order on you... and then have to prove your innocence, and overturn the order... then you can really complain...

    I know it sucks dood, but trust me, it can be alot worse, ive been there, as noted... just suck it up, and do your thing, it will get better

  10. Lounge   -   #160
    i have a difficult girl situation right now as well... i have this one girl, who i asked out like 2 mos ago, that kinda didnt go anywhere .. lasted a week cause she kept avoiding me (never could figure out why)... since then, ive started hanging out w\ this other girl.. now the guy who was her b\f is back from college... one minute she'll be saying how much she doesnt like him, and the next she'll be there with his arm around her.. the next she'll be hugging me and all, and ending a note with "love, *namehere*" so, while im all confused about this.. this other girl messages me today, and says she'd like to go out w\ me again.... so im totally confused as to what to do... i still have feelings for both of them.. and going out w\ the first girl (who, btw is 3 years younger than me)... would close the door on the other one (who is in my class, and going to the same coll. as me)... but if i dont, the other girl may not end up going out w\ me anyway...arg its confusing


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