Well what do you think (of the canadian navy that is)? My friend wants to become an offiicer as well and can't decide whether or not he wants to go Air Force or Navy (he's not interesting in being a pilot, he just wants to be an officer), so naturally I told him Air Force.
But he pointed out a lot of good things about the Navy, and now I'm having second thoughts, I know there are no naval aviators in the navy other then helicopter pilots, but I also know that I won't be getting into an F18 cockpit anytime soon (due to vision), I can only fly transport stuff, something that doesnt appeal to me very much.
To cut to the chase, I just wanted to know, would you go Navy (in my case helicopter pilot, or radical enough, a MARS officer) or stay with Air Force?
At this point in time I can change my initial engagement from Pilot (air force) to an NROTC title, like helicopter pilot or MARS officer, since I haven't done any training or the Air Force itself hasn't actually given me any training yet I'm not obliged (until next summer if I don't switch before then) to stay in the Air Force.
I must also point out I'm looking for an adventureous life, not a boring one, I would not mind travelling the world at the expense of taxpayers whatsoever. Especially quickly, because to get overseas deployments if you are Army or AF, you need years of experience in your field within Canadian borders, Navy's a diff. story where you ship off as a young officer. I would not mind time spent away from home either, after all, 18 years of living with the same people kind of gets boring real quick.
So what do you guys think? Stay? Go?