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Thread: Why switching from P2P programs to bittorrent is a smart move!!

  1. #1
    Gish's Avatar Seeda from Hell BT Rep: +14BT Rep +14BT Rep +14
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    This is the thing!!
    most P2P apps are old and run down. even if they arn't run down they are filled with that four letter word that we all hate to say(so I won't say it) also filled with spyware and viruses
    most of us that are not 13 to 19 years old remember napster in it's prime!
    it was new and it was FREE!!!
    But now there is Bittorrent! A way of sharing bigger and better files safer with out AS MUCH fear of that four letter word agian( torrent of course has its share of bad things). I'm still not sure why people still like kazaa, edonky and limewire. infact last time I was on there(which was not to long ago) I tryed to dowload a song that had been out a while. But every copy I got had spyware or was a sample, shit copy (and yes I have tryed all the P2P software)
    I'm just puzzuled as to why people use such things as limewire,kazza,emule or morfeus. is it that bittorrent is to complicated?? I'm not trying kick down the P2P community because they were the ones that started it all and why were here today!
    Today there is a faster and safer way of getting things, so why not use it?

    I give up just let me know what you have to say!!
    if you think I'm full of shit just tell me why

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    4play's Avatar knob jockey
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    limewire and emule are pretty good apps for older things. bittorrent and newsgroups tends to be for the latest and greatest.

    all of them have there place in the p2p landscape(except kazaa that just plain sucks monkey balls).

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Gish's Avatar Seeda from Hell BT Rep: +14BT Rep +14BT Rep +14
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    Every serial number I have gotten on P2P apps are expierd!
    people a afraid to share new things on these networks, thats what I would asume!!
    Last edited by Gish; 08-30-2006 at 10:58 PM.

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    Poster BT Rep: +1
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    I'm 13 and I remember napster in it's prime. It was the first time I ever heard of P2P. I didnt use it much because we were on dialup (and I was too young to figure out how to use it)

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    I agree that in terms of adwares bundles.... P2P programs have more than Bittorrent....

    But P2P progrms can help you find old stuffz whereas Bittorrent helps you find new stuffz...

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    oo3's Avatar Supa Friendly AviatR
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    Ah yes...napster was the best...limewire uses up too much lags my computer when i use it.

    I agree, p2p has way too much spyware and viruses.

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    Broken's Avatar Obama Supporter
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    Don't pull a musle patting yourself on the back.

    BT is the most unsecure form of file sharing. The IP's of an entire swarm can be logged in just a few minutes and then the letters go out.

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by gish View Post
    This is the thing!!
    most P2P apps are old and run down. even if they arn't run down they are filled with that four letter word that we all hate to say(so I won't say it) also filled with spyware and viruses
    most of us that are not 13 to 19 years old remember napster in it's prime!
    it was new and it was FREE!!!
    But now there is Bittorrent! A way of sharing bigger and better files safer with out AS MUCH fear of that four letter word agian( torrent of course has its share of bad things). I'm still not sure why people still like kazaa, edonky and limewire. infact last time I was on there(which was not to long ago) I tryed to dowload a song that had been out a while. But every copy I got had spyware or was a sample, shit copy (and yes I have tryed all the P2P software)
    I'm just puzzuled as to why people use such things as limewire,kazza,emule or morfeus. is it that bittorrent is to complicated?? I'm not trying kick down the P2P community because they were the ones that started it all and why were here today!
    Today there is a faster and safer way of getting things, so why not use it?

    I give up just let me know what you have to say!!
    if you think I'm full of shit just tell me why

    Welcome to 2004 2005 2006.


  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    Gish's Avatar Seeda from Hell BT Rep: +14BT Rep +14BT Rep +14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skizo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gish View Post
    This is the thing!!
    most P2P apps are old and run down. even if they arn't run down they are filled with that four letter word that we all hate to say(so I won't say it) also filled with spyware and viruses
    most of us that are not 13 to 19 years old remember napster in it's prime!
    it was new and it was FREE!!!
    But now there is Bittorrent! A way of sharing bigger and better files safer with out AS MUCH fear of that four letter word agian( torrent of course has its share of bad things). I'm still not sure why people still like kazaa, edonky and limewire. infact last time I was on there(which was not to long ago) I tryed to dowload a song that had been out a while. But every copy I got had spyware or was a sample, shit copy (and yes I have tryed all the P2P software)
    I'm just puzzuled as to why people use such things as limewire,kazza,emule or morfeus. is it that bittorrent is to complicated?? I'm not trying kick down the P2P community because they were the ones that started it all and why were here today!
    Today there is a faster and safer way of getting things, so why not use it?

    I give up just let me know what you have to say!!
    if you think I'm full of shit just tell me why

    Welcome to 2004 2005 2006.
    no shit??????????????????????
    Last edited by Gish; 09-02-2006 at 12:03 AM.

  10. File Sharing   -   #10
    Gish's Avatar Seeda from Hell BT Rep: +14BT Rep +14BT Rep +14
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    if you disable your DHT Setting on your BT clint. your IP will be not seen and there for not logged. thats why when you join a private site they tell you to disable it. your IP will only be seen by those DL from the private site and there for hopfully the letters will not be sent out

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