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As the American soldier death toll is fast approching the 3,000 mark (I don't know for other countries) the question I ask is
What did our soldiers die for?
It is easy to say "well they signed up" but do you find solace in that our soldiers are literally being wasted for....
well....will someone tell me.
Your government is paranoid that there are people in some parts of the world that don't like them so much that they are prepared to tell people to crash your aeroplanes into your tall buildings.
Therefore they are sending your young soldiers over to those places, to improve relations between your people and their people.
Surprisingly, it's not working too well.
What your government fails to understand is that not everyone wants a democracy. Your government is not alone in this misconception
Some people actually like just being told what to do, so long as their is food on their table, clean water in their taps, and electricity in their TV. Unfortunately, these seem to have got AWOL for alot of the people in Iraq and Afghanistan.