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Thread: Wieso.

  1. #11
    translation through google:

    It is unfortunately amazing, how many allegedly German spoken films are nevertheless English then. Thus the fun and all ever more are spoiled and one must look for each other superior another exchange stock exchange. The spent time goes into the days and the use equal 0. Cannot even be acted here honestly????????????? greeting

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    ringo wrote:

    Es ist leider erstaunlich, wieviele angeblich deutsch gesprochene Filme dann doch englisch sind. So wird der Spass und alles immer mehr verdorben und man muss sich überlegen eine andere Tauschbörse zu suchen.
    Die aufgewendete Zeit geht in die Tage und der Nutzen gleich 0.
    Kann hier nicht einmal ehrlich gehandelt werden?????????????
    (via Google) Dieser konnte ein guter Vorschlag fur die Entwicklungsmannschaft Kazaa sein. In den Suchparametern erscheint nur "alles" - "Titel" - "Kunstler". Da "Sprache" bereits ist, konnen Umbauleute in ihre Filme, es kodieren sollten nicht zu schwierig sein, "Sprache" in die Suchparameterliste hinzuzufugen..., dadurch sieversehen sieversehen Sie mit einer Liste aller deutschen Filme (wo der Umbau enthalten ist).

    Sorry ... this forum has problems processing the German "umlaut" characters. Basically, I was suggesting this. The "language" tag is already part of what Kazaa lists in searches. Currently, the only search selection parameters are "All" - "Title" - and "Artist." Since the tag is already among what's listed in a search, adding the "Language" search parameter would seem like a simple upgrade ... and would allow people to search specifically for films in many languages. (Just a "development" thought.)

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    Jim is correct in that neither the servers nor the hosts of this forum are American - or even English. It is a fact that English is the "Lingua Franca" of the Internet, but to meet someone seeking help in another language with hostility is absurd. In reality, our Dutch hosts are, in a way, writing in English as a courtesy. In any event, I'd druther read a little German than have to decipher their Dutch.

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Okasto din bin gut ania sect

    I need more transcription please

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by ringo@10 May 2003 - 21:34
    Es ist leider erstaunlich, wieviele angeblich deutsch gesprochene Filme dann doch englisch sind. So wird der Spass und alles immer mehr verdorben und man muss sich überlegen eine andere Tauschbörse zu suchen.
    Die aufgewendete Zeit geht in die Tage und der Nutzen gleich 0.
    Kann hier nicht einmal ehrlich gehandelt werden?????????????

    I do sort of agree when in Rome and all that but no need to be so rude.

    There is a German speaking forum HERE that might be able to help you more.

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Over here!
    I'll happily try and help anyone who posts in any language that I can at least attempt to translate using Babelfish

    It is unfortunately amazing, how many allegedly German spoken films are nevertheless English then. Thus the fun and all ever more are spoiled and one must look for each other superior another exchange stock exchange. The spent time goes into the days and the use equal 0. Cannot even be acted here honestly????????????? greeting
    So clearly the guy is fed up of downloading "language" fakes - he tries to download a German film only to find that it's in English.

    Sadly this time I can't help.. Fakes piss everyone off!

    P.S. Babelfish won't do Dutch, which is a bit of a pain, so can everyone write to them and ask them to include it please? Ta!

  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    oldmancan's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tolerance is the key, we probably can agree, Jibbler's not bad, he just got mad, things are cool in the community.

    Pretty bad (sad). I was taken back by Jibbler's first post in the thread. It wasn't that it was so harsh, just seemed out of character. Search his post and it sure seems he just was having a bad day.

    @Jibbler not trying to psychoanalyze ya or nothing. If I'm outta line, I apologise. Peace.

    btw those online translators sure come up with some funny things. Got turned on to Moorhund a couple years ago. German language game, trying to translate hints, cheats etc got to be almost as much fun as the game.

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
    Benno's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by oldmancan@12 May 2003 - 18:01
    Tolerance is the key, we probably can agree, Jibbler's not bad, he just got mad, things are cool in the community.

    Pretty bad (sad).  I was taken back by Jibbler's first post in the thread.  It wasn't that it was so harsh, just seemed out of character.  Search his post and it sure seems he just was having a bad day.

    @Jibbler not trying to psychoanalyze ya or nothing.  If I'm outta line, I apologise.  Peace.

    btw those online translators sure come up with some funny things.  Got turned on to Moorhund a couple years ago.  German language game, trying to translate hints, cheats etc got to be almost as much fun as the game.
    Its Moorhuhn

    Hund = dog

    You Better Keep In Mind That I Can Read Between The Lines

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to there level and beat you with experience!!

  9. File Sharing   -   #19

    My comment here is in German language as ringo does not seem to speak English.

    Wenn Du Deinen Frust über die Moral der Sharer loswerden willst, dann ist dieses Forum wohl nicht der geeignete Ort dafür. Ein Troll-Rundumschlag nach dem Motto "Warum ist die Welt bloß so schlecht?!" hilft keinem.

    Falls Dir Filesharing mit Kazaa - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - ganz besonders nicht gefällt, warum verwendest Du dann Kazaa? Meine Empfehlung: Nicht international Deine "weltbewegenden" Wechselvorhaben ankündigen, sondern es einfach tun.

  10. File Sharing   -   #20
    You tell'im, Max. Wahrscheinlich wird Er nicht zurückkommen.

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