please help me
i uninstalled spyware doctor beacuse of a license issue and after restrting the computer windows asked me to reenter the validation code,, and i did that but it wouldn't recognize it and now i have 3 days left to validate the windows.
please help me
i uninstalled spyware doctor beacuse of a license issue and after restrting the computer windows asked me to reenter the validation code,, and i did that but it wouldn't recognize it and now i have 3 days left to validate the windows.
Call Microsoft and tell them you need a new Product ID.
I miss the days of random nut '03
Click for more activation options, then activate by telephone. Run the keygen.if I call them, aren't they going to get me? (you know, down there)
Yea , if your windows is geniune , then call MS and just tell them you reinstalled Xp and theyll give you a new Vailidation Key
Edit : Done It A Million Times, Dont worry about it =D
I have two computers and both genuine and one I had to reformat the HD and re-install windows so i called windows and got this 16 digit product key...if your windows is legit you have nothing to worry about!!
Temptations The Ultimate Flaw In Humans
"I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg