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Thread: Good Charlotte

  1. #41
    im not tryin to pizz ne1 off im jus sayin that i like these bands and u all have ur own opinion of what is and what isnt punk or what u call "power pop" but i woulnt nesisarrly(sp) call them punk or power pop i mean after you think about it they arent really punk but i think thats kinda whut theyre trying to be but maybe they just want to be different then all those other bands(backstreet boys nsync) theyre just being themselves instead of prettyboy bands with singer who sound like girls i mean sure those guys are talented but still everyone my not like them and its the same with every other band thats just the way things are and maybe we all shouldnt argue about who's beter andwho's worse for example u guys are out here saying the people i listen to are poser when really thats just they're personal style and thats the way they are ya kno like i dont like people like the sex pistol and all those other socalled "punk" bands but maybe you guys think they are punk but i dont and well we all have different opinions about music and i think we all should respect other peoples taste in music.

  2. Music   -   #42
    umm uhhh yea errrrrrrrrrr umm.........................................................

  3. Music   -   #43
    OK this post has lots of flaming, but this is just my opinion.. I didnt mean to flame anyone because I dont believe in talking shit online, but its just when ever somebody brings up good charlotte I have to tell them what I feel

    GOOD CHARLOTTE sucks.. They have NO talent what so ever.. All of their songs are the same and sound the same.. The lead singers voice is so annoying its not even funny.. The fucking benji guy sports slipknot wear.. And on all of the guitars in teh band they have stickers for fucking NOFX, AFI, LAGWAGON.. jeesus. Thats wat i call a poser BOY band..

    They are just a BOY BAND that play their own instruments.. How DARE any of you call them punk.. Punk is non mainstream rock (in my opinion).. Good Charlotte is so fucking main stream a cave man would kno the lyrics to one of their songs

    my fucking 9 year old sister and all of her friends listen to GC.. Do you call that punk? What is this world coming to..

    Oh, and if you have never heard of NOFX or any of their songs YOUR NOT A PUNK ROCKER.. clear and simple.. NOFX started it all..AND THEN OFCOURSE THE OLDIES.. MISIFITS, SEX PISTOLS, THE CLASH ETC.. i am sure no GC fans have ever heard of them

  4. Music   -   #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Originally posted by krholmes56@18 May 2003 - 19:56
    im not tryin to pizz ne1 off im jus sayin that i like these bands and u all have ur own opinion of what is and what isnt punk or what u call "power pop" but i woulnt nesisarrly(sp) call them punk or power pop i mean after you think about it they arent really punk but i think thats kinda whut theyre trying to be but maybe they just want to be different then all those other bands(backstreet boys nsync) theyre just being themselves instead of prettyboy bands with singer who sound like girls i mean sure those guys are talented but still everyone my not like them and its the same with every other band thats just the way things are and maybe we all shouldnt argue about who's beter andwho's worse for example u guys are out here saying the people i listen to are poser when really thats just they're personal style and thats the way they are ya kno like i dont like people like the sex pistol and all those other socalled "punk" bands but maybe you guys think they are punk but i dont and well we all have different opinions about music and i think we all should respect other peoples taste in music.
    That is one LONG sentence.

    umm uhhh yea errrrrrrrrrr umm.........................................................
    And what's up with all these spam posts of yours? Can't u just edit the message before to include something you wanted to say? There's about 5 of your posts that are pointless. I'm surprised that no one else has said anything about it yet.

    Punk is non mainstream rock (in my opinion)
    That's my opinion too, sk8punk151.

  5. Music   -   #45
    I dont really like GC but I think the main problem here is these kind of bands are being called punk when there not this is happening so much now punk is the music now and all the labels are exploiting it they know all they have to is say hey this is punk and a whole bunch of kids will buy it.
    As far as them having stickers on there guitars of punk bands whats wrong with that last time i checked you dont have to be punk to listen to punk and one last thing what the fuck is punk anyways?
    In my opinion its not the music its not how you dress its how you think music is just a way of expressing it.

  6. Music   -   #46
    why don't people just be themselves? and like what they actually enjoy, instead of what they think makes them look cool, or listen to stuff they actually hate because they want to be different.

    i think it's silly to follow the mainstream, but i also think it's silly to avoid the mainstream like the plague, as a lot of stuff has become popular because it's actually good.

    Some of the people that name-drop bands that they know are generally considered to be what is considered "true" punk, are trying just as hard to be "cool" as the 13 year old kids that buy Good Charlotte CD's. I'm not saying some of the bands aren't real good, but it comes down to whether you truly like them, or are you just pretending.

    Once again, the bottom line is, start liking the music you actually enjoy listening too instead of what you think you should like, be it MTV-fodder or music from the "underground scene".

    Wake up, smell the coffee, and start making your own decisions.

    PS- i realise it's ironic i have a Finch icon as my avatar, and that it may look like i'm trying to look cool or something. i don't care what it looks like, i like finch, i heard them when my friend gave me a loan of the "what it is to burn" cd, i liked it, we went to a gig, it was good, hence i became a fan. i'm not gonna say "oh i knew about them ages ago, before they were on mtv and in kerrang magazine and all that shit", cos i didn't, well not long before anyways, and if the first time i saw them had been on mtv2 or something, then i would have no problem admitting it. They ain't my favourite band, but i reckon they are damn good. My music taste has changed over the years, when i was 15 i loved ocean colour scene and oasis and blur, because it was the best of the music that was available to me. i'm 20 now, and although i like other stuff now, i still love the bands i mentioned just there, although i don't listen to them as often as i did, because i have more of a selection to choose from now. i don't understand people that used to like a band, then suddenly go off them. i can understand how you can add to what you like, and it can be really different to what you used to like, but why should u stop liking the bands you liked previously.

  7. Music   -   #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Originally posted by 4play@15 May 2003 - 22:59
    they are like the boy bands of the punk world.

    Sorry to say it but they really do suck. almost as much as busted.
    Is it possible to suck more tham Busted?

  8. Music   -   #48
    "Wake up, smell the coffee, and start making your own decisions."

    Thats the problem. Individuals who like "power pop" arn't making there own decisions.


    "....bands are being called punk when there not this is happening so much now punk is the music now and all the labels are exploiting it they know all they have to is say hey this is punk and a whole bunch of kids will buy it."

    Exactly, music companies are taking advantage of the evolving pop generation. Teenagers who were buying BSB/N'SYNC albums are tired of listening to the same "bubble gum" pop and are bombarded with messages by major record companies of what THEY think is "punk."

    When major record companies start to allow artists and bands to releae music that has substance, then there will be no need "to avoid the mainstream like the plague."

  9. Music   -   #49
    ok yall i respect your opinion and umm maybe to you they suck but to me they are a great band ok i like gc and any thing u say aint gonna stop me frum it im still gonna buy theyre records and all that stuff ok i would just appriciate it if you wouldnt burn them soo much i mean i kno its ur oppinion and yuor intitled to it but still repaeting gc sukx hairy ballz aint getting u no where and all im sayin is I LIKE GC ok i think theyre awsome ok :flame: AND GC ISNT THAT POWER POP CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Music   -   #50
    Originally posted by krholmes56@19 May 2003 - 21:58
    ok yall i respect your opinion and umm maybe to you they suck but to me they are a great band ok i like gc and any thing u say aint gonna stop me frum it im still gonna buy theyre records and all that stuff ok i would just appriciate it if you wouldnt burn them soo much i mean i kno its ur oppinion and yuor intitled to it but still repaeting gc sukx hairy ballz aint getting u no where and all im sayin is I LIKE GC ok i think theyre awsome ok :flame: AND GC ISNT THAT POWER POP CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Your obviously, 11, 12, MAYBE 13 years old.. No offense, but that sentence was so fucking long. What is your current grade in English?? JEEZ

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