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Thread: As Bad As It Seems...

  1. #1
    Infested Cats's Avatar Mike Victory
    Join Date
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    As bad as it seems, never have the audacity to say life sucks...

    Every time some hypocritical peer of mine in their hoody comes up to me and mumbles some vague, profanity laced comment about "life is so unfair to me", it pisses me off to no end. Every little "Oh, what about me?" spouted out by some wishing-they-were-tortured soul really gets under my skin.

    Yes, the government is fucked up. Yes, we're killing the planet. There are millions of things wrong with western society.

    But the people who bitch about their lives oh so much, when was the last time they didn't eat for days? When was the last time they walked 15 miles for a bucket full of filthy water which might kill them? When was the last time one of their siblings died from diarrhea?

    Yeah, your imitation of misery and suffering may nowadays score your social points, but you just think for a fucking second about the people who die of aids, famine or drought as you speak your empty words.

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    WeeMouse's Avatar Small and Squeaky
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    a good point well made, my cat-friend!

    I have read Frank McCourt's book 'Tis, and at one point after being in America for a few years he is dating an American girl, Alberta. He goes to her house and hears her Grandmother complaining about having to look after Alberta and cook and clean the house etc.

    Frank hears this and starts wondering how this woman can complain about cooking and cleaning and looking after one girl when all the poor women from his town of Limerick had nothing and more than their fare share of problems, but still never complained.

    i guess when you have something good, you take it for granted and want more. We're greedy!

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    DarthInsinuate's Avatar Died in battle
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    some good posting today, about serious stuff - none of that "biggest spam post in the world" or "k*****p wars"

    I really hate people who think standing there and moaning to the wall, instead of getting out and doing something about their problems, are actually achieving something
    The Sexay Half Of ABBA And Max: Freelance Plants

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    Got_brains?'s Avatar Poster
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    Yes, I agree with Darth even though I wasn't here and will be leaving soon... (A little off topic)

    I agree that some people need a rude awakening that there is something worse. We have never experienced the pain and suffering of torturing. Did you know that a great king of england was killed because his homo-sectual lover shoved a red hot poker rod 10in up his rectum?

    Ouch. Do you see now?

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Infested Cats-

    Yes-about time for a 'wake-up-and-smell-the-freakin'-coffee' thread.

    Every time I hear, even in the most generic terms, about how 'tough' things are these days, how our parents and grandparents never had it this hard, etc., I want to laugh.

    We-none of us (barring extraordinary circumstances-you know what I mean)-have the slightest idea what 'tough' times are.

    That is the truth.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Oh, shit.. Sorry IC, I didn't realize I needed your permission to feel miserable. How do I apply?

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    Skweeky's Avatar Manker's web totty
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    ...difficult subject here...

    I agree with you, to a certain extent. Most of us do not realize the luxury we have nowadays....still, money doesn't make happy people.
    Everyone feels bad from time to time or is unhappy with things that happen in their lives. You cannot blame them for that, it is only a human reaction...
    Being 'tortured' emotionally can be worse than tortured fysically...yet, not always ofcourse. The circumstances you describe are worse than any mental pain one CAN experience.
    The thing is: when u feel depressed, you are not reasonable, or objective and YOUR problem seems immense at the moment. It is only afterwards that you can relativate.

    Try to see things from other people's point of view, (which I'm sure you try often enough, but no one succeeds to do that ALL the time) any problem seems rather futile as long as it isn't yours....

    I probably forget to add things and say things that aren't entirely clear or may sound rude...
    As I said: it's a difficult subject and I'm not all too sure about what is right or wrong here...

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    Infested Cats's Avatar Mike Victory
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    Brooklyn, NY
    Originally posted by Petri@15 May 2003 - 18:59
    Oh, shit.. Sorry IC, I didn't realize I needed your permission to feel miserable. How do I apply?
    Petri, it was a general statement.

    I was venting, and I'm sorry if i upset you.

    We're only human, and being dependent is our nature. We turn to others to give us happiness. If they fail, we label our self as 'abandoned'. Depression becomes our next dependence. We feel the need to be depressed to be human. Then, of course, we blame others as being materialistic, selfless, or even criticize them for being themselves. When actually they are just being more human than us by thriving off of their dependence.

    I indeed am guilty of blaming those preppy ass fags for myself not being rich, beautiful, and popular like them. But hmm... i wouldn't dare think of trying making myself happy....what a concept....

  9. Lounge   -   #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by Infested Cats@16 May 2003 - 04:30
    Petri, it was a general statement.

    I was venting, and I'm sorry if i upset you.
    Yes, I know... It was just a bit hard for me not to take it personally. Sorry about that.

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    Pain is very personal...

    most people would still be in "therapy" or have commited suicide after the shit I witnessed and experienced as a child. Yeah, we live in a great privilidged country... The next time you see your mother anally raped infront of your step father's friends while you are too young and powerless to stop the carnage, call me and tell me about suffering... Yeah, other people suffer, and like me, they get on with thier lives... Opportunity is what is needed for these suffering souls, not pity. I can not offer them opportunity, and I will spare them my pity. Thus, my own suffering can be healed and I am allowed to take it seriously instead of trying to save a world not worth my fucking time...

    yeah, this is a great world we live in

    I lived with this kind of shit for about 12 years, thenwas kidnapped by a relative after they discovered the truth... I learned alot of good things from Silas, but I also learned to hate... Now, I may not have learned forgiveness, but I will not belittle my and my mother's suffering for some 3rd world stranger whom I can not help...

    everyone's pain is as real to them as the people in what ever country you pick to sponser... we all hurt, we all bleed... get on with life.

    My rant is over, and this is not directed to anyone personally, just venting...


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