Book Details

Title: Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings
Authors: Jean Baudrillard, Mark Poster (Editor)
Publisher: Stanford University Press; Expanded edition (January 2001)
Hardcover: 288 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 0804742731
List Price: $22.95
Amazon Sales Rank: #120,125

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Book Description:
Jean Baudrillard, alternately provocative and astonishing, is one of the leading theorists of media and culture. Regarded by many as the chief prophet of postmodernism, his writings raise important issues about the changing nature of social and political life in our contemporary, media-saturated age.This book makes his most important writings available in a single volume. It includes selections from the entire range of his work, from his early writings on consumer culture and the political economy of the sign to his more recent work on desire, simulation and the 'hyperreal'.This new edition includes five new extracts from Baudrillard's writings in the 1990s, including his writings on the Gulf War, on the internet and his autobiographical reflections. It also includes an updated introduction by Mark Poster which provides an extremely lucid overview of Baudrillard's work.Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings is an excellent introduction to the thought of one of the most important and influential thinkers of our day.

1. The System of Objects
2. Consumer Society
3. For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign
4. The Mirror of Production
5. Symbolic Exchange and Death
6. On Seduction
7. Simulacra and Simulations
8. Fatal Strategies
9. The Masses: The Implosion of the Social in the Media

10. Cool Memories
11. The Gulf War Did Not Take Place
12. The Illusion of the End
13. The Perfect Crime
14. Paroxysm: Interviews with Philippe Petit

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