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Thread: Got A Call From My Isp Today, About Piracy...

  1. #71
    zapjb's Avatar Computer Abuser BT Rep: +3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I believe you. But I really really want to see a letter for once.

  2. File Sharing   -   #72

    To whom it may concern:

    XXXXXX has received letters of demand alleging that through your account
    with XXXXXX you are storing media in contravention of the owner's copyright.

    If the allegations made in the emails are correct, your making the material
    available for internet access constitutes an infringement of the exclusive
    rights of the copyright owner to communicate the work.

    The XXXXXX standard terms and conditions provide that it is a breach of your
    contract to make available for download on the internet any material which
    is the subject of copyright of another person in contravention of the
    copyright owner's exclusive rights. This provision is necessary to protect
    XXXXXX which does not approve of use of the internet in a manner which is
    contrary to the rights conferred upon a copyright owner under the Copyright

    If you have the consent of the copyright owner to communicate the work
    through your internet connection, please immediately email me and the
    copyright owner responding appropriately with all relevant details.

    If, on the other hand, you do not have the consent of the copyright owner,
    you are required to contact the abovenamed whose contact details appear in
    the attached to confirm removal of the offending material shared through
    your connection and providing undertakings in a form satisfactory to the
    copyright owner that you will not in future infringe the copyright or moral
    rights in the media.

    If I do not receive a satisfactory response to this email within five days,
    I will take it that you do not have any consent of the copyright owner to
    make the film available on the internet and, regrettably, your internet
    service will be suspended without further notice to you. In order to avoid
    termination of the service, XXXXXX will need to receive confirmation from
    the copyright owner that the situation has been rectified to its


    XXXXXX Network Abuse

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Mediaforce - Copyright Infringement"
    Sent: Friday, May XXXXXXXXX
    Subject: Case ID XXXXXX - Notice of Claimed Infringement

    > Thursday, May XXXXXX

    > RE: Unauthorized Distribution of the Copyrighted Motion Picture Entitled
    > XXXXXX
    > Dear XXXXXX NET:
    > We are writing this letter on behalf of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
    ("Warner Bros.").
    > We have received information that an individual has utilized the
    above-referenced IP address at the noted date and time to offer downloads of
    copyrighted motion picture(s) through a "peer-to-peer" service, including
    such title(s) as:
    > XXXXXX
    > The distribution of unauthorized copies of copyrighted motion pictures
    constitutes copyright infringement under the Copyright Act, Title 17 United
    States Code Section 106(3). This conduct may also violate the laws of other
    countries, international law, and/or treaty obligations.
    > Since you own this IP address, we request that you immediately do the
    > 1) Disable access to the individual who has engaged in the conduct
    described above; and
    > 2) Take appropriate action against the account holder under your Abuse
    Policy/Terms of Service Agreement.
    > On behalf of Warner Bros., owner of the exclusive rights to the
    copyrighted material at issue in this notice, we hereby state, that we have
    a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is
    not authorized by Warner Bros., its respective agents, or the law.
    > Also, we hereby state, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the
    State of California and under the laws of the United States, that the
    information in this notification is accurate and that we are authorized to
    act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive rights being infringed as set
    forth in this notification.
    > Please contact us at the below-listed address or by replying to this email
    should you have any questions. Kindly include the Case ID XXXXXX, also noted
    above, in the subject line of all future correspondence regarding this
    > We appreciate your assistance and thank you for your cooperation in this
    matter. Your prompt response is requested.
    > Respectfully,
    > Mark Weaver,
    > Director of Enforcement
    > MediaSentry, Inc.
    > 304 Park Avenue South, 11th Floor
    > New York, NY 10010
    > (212) 925-9997
    > ------------------------------
    > Infringement Detail:
    > Infringing Work: XXXXXX
    > Filename: [tmd]XXXXXXX.(eso).ts.(2of2).avi
    > First Found: X May 2003 XX:XX:XX EDT (GMT -0400)
    > Last Found: X May 2003 XX:XX:XX EDT (GMT -0400)
    > Filesize: 173,860k
    > IP Address: XXXXXXXXXX
    > IP Port: 1214
    > Network: KaZaA
    > Protocol: FastTrack
    > Username: www.k-lite.tk_Kazaa_Lite@KaZaA
    > Infringing Work: XXXXXX
    > Filename: [tmd]XXXXXX.(eso).ts.(1of2).avi
    > First Found: X May 2003 XX:XX:XX EDT (GMT -0400)
    > Last Found: X May 2003 XX:XX:XX EDT (GMT -0400)
    > Filesize: 176,725k
    > IP Address: XXXXXXXX
    > IP Port: 1214
    > Network: KaZaA
    > Protocol: FastTrack
    > Username: www.k-lite.tk_Kazaa_Lite@KaZaA

  3. File Sharing   -   #73
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by Jibbler@27 May 2003 - 20:23
    Ok fair enough.  Just realize that the "backdoor" is at your ISP headquarters, and not at the end of your firewall.  The method they use to verify that you are sharing a copyrighted file isn't important.  You can't identify every end user who downloads from you.  So in my experience, PG is heavily flawed.
    No, it's not heavily flawed -- it's just heavily limited. What you're asking/wanting seems the same as asking your regular firewall to block RIAA/MPAA/BSA scans/attacks -- or for it to block email viruses. That's not its job -- it's job is to handle the known threats, not unknowns. They're not coming through the 'backdoor' as unusual traffic or something designed to 'glitch up' Kazaa... yet. Their point-of-entry is probably as legitimate Kazaa traffic probably even using regular Kazaa... with a few add-ons.

    And if it's as easy to track us... as RIAA has claimed... then it should be equally easy for us to narrow down who these trackers are, if they're doing millions of tracking attempts daily from fixed ip ranges.

    The method 'they' are using to verify that you are sharing a copyrighted file is VERY important!
    If they're doing hacking attacks on people's computers at random -- just to see if any ip address is running a P2P file sharing program, and potentially locking up the computer in the process -- then they HAVE crossed the line and we need to do everything we can to deny them access.
    If they're seeding p2p networks with trojans (fake files could qualify for this if they include special phone-home features) and viruses -- then they HAVE crossed the line and we need to do everything we can to deny them access.
    If they're launching DoS attacks at ISPs or individual supernodes, causing reduced connectivity/search ability on Kazaa -- then they HAVE crossed the line and we need to do everything we can to deny them access.

    But they're not going to tell US what they're doing -- or even tell our ISPs many details.
    They'll just demand user details from ISPs using whatever evidence they got however they gathered it and threaten ISPs that fail to comply in full with all the copyright charges as well...

  4. File Sharing   -   #74
    zapjb's Avatar Computer Abuser BT Rep: +3
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    Nov 2002
    randm01, not quite the real thing I'm looking for. I want to see the LETTER. Not someone's typed or c&p version. Of course I expect personal info to be obscured.

  5. File Sharing   -   #75
    well thats alll ya gunna get cause it came as an email...whats the diff between a piece of paper with it on or to read it on ya guessing your not a believer...

  6. File Sharing   -   #76
    1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    ill try to find time to today to get that scanner up and going for yall.

  7. File Sharing   -   #77
    zapjb's Avatar Computer Abuser BT Rep: +3
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    Nov 2002
    TY Schmiggy_JK23 I would appreciate it.

  8. File Sharing   -   #78
    Originally posted by randm01@29 May 2003 - 05:26
    well thats alll ya gunna get cause it came as an email...whats the diff between a piece of paper with it on or to read it on ya guessing your not a believer...
    Who is your ISP?

    Also, I am currently leaving KaZaa off to see what my PG does and I am noticing numerous blocks...
    Connection forcefully closed on: - BayTSP

    WTF, I even emptied my shared folder, turned KaZaa off, and jumed IP's, and still 45 more blocks from these guys, what's the deal, who are these guys.

    Considering I changed IP's, am I to figure my ISP is involved on some level or are they randomly slamming through IP's in my range? This whole thing is getting sick, and I am getting tired of KaZaa alltogether anyway.

  9. File Sharing   -   #79
    BayTSP, well HERE is some info, seems they are using the hash.

  10. File Sharing   -   #80
    Having read this topic I am slightly amused about people worrying about sharing files. If you are really worried just stop. If u stop now then you run zero risk end of problem.

    The media companies are going to get more sophistcated in the tactics they use because of the amount of money involved. They are getting seriously worried and rest assured they will come out fighting.

    If I was in the USA I would be worried but I am not. I live in the UK and as far as I know no one in the UK has ever been done for sharing files. My ISP encourages file sharing and it is according to them one of the reasons for getting broadband Whom am I to disagee with this view !

    I used to use Kazza all the time but the last month speed has been crap though my upload speed is always at full tilt. People are getting worried and are not sharing and thats a shame.

    Rest assured the media companies also look at sites like this cause they would be silly not to. Kazza rocked but now bittorent is the biz. Super duper speed for now !!!!

    Dont worry be Happy

    Have I made any sense ?

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