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Thread: Post your PC pics

  1. #431
    Your builds are always amazing

    I've wanted to post pictures of mine in this thread since forever, but I gave away one of my desktop PCs last year and sold the other early this month. I was using my laptop basically 100% of the time, so there was little point in keeping the others even "just in case". Also saves me the hassle of having to synchronize files between two computers, now everything is in a single one.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #432
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    State of Grace
    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    Finally got fans and cabling complete. Got a good deal initially on the white ram sticks but I may just take the heat spreaders off altogether. I wonder if I can paint them...

    Attachment 184013
    George W. Bush says you seem to mocking the great state of Texas with your tiny computer build. He wants to know if you even remember the Alamo, pardner.

    He also says that if your woman don't like it then sell her to the Apache. Harsh but fair.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #433
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Your builds are always amazing

    I've wanted to post pictures of mine in this thread since forever, but I gave away one of my desktop PCs last year and sold the other early this month. I was using my laptop basically 100% of the time, so there was little point in keeping the others even "just in case". Also saves me the hassle of having to synchronize files between two computers, now everything is in a single one.
    Thanks! They're a ton of fun to build. And I fully understand having a pc that just sits. I think a few pages back in this thread there is me discussing getting rid of mine. But I enjoy it and dont know what else I would do with my office space so... I definitely use my laptop more than my desktop now, especially since my issued work laptop is a Macbook. That was really a driving factor in doing a mini itx build as well as it would allow for a much smaller footprint in the office. I'll do some more pics of the full setup at some point as I've been on the lookout for a new sit/stand desk.

    @Idol- Tell W that I still have my previous rig so I'm not turning in my Texas card just yet.

    It's mounted to the wall in the garage now to replace my painfully slow and old garage pc. It's ridiculous overkill for a garage computer tho honestly. I looked into selling it but figured I would likely only get around $800 for it since I pulled the gpu for the new rig, and any mini pc I had to go then build for $800 would be a vastly inferior machine. So I guess full ATX, RGB, white, wall-mounted, garage pc it is.


  4. Software & Hardware   -   #434
    Heavy system you got .

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #435

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