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Thread: One The FTWR Spies Who Betrayed us has finally fallen in our hands (We Got Him)

  1. #81
    SHUVT's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    I thought my shit was funny... Damn Melv I think you got me beat on this one. Priceless! Where can I get a daddyscock e-mail address? Fuggin hilarious

    As Melvin has clearly proved one of the FST spooks wears pink panties! Spread the news!

  2. BitTorrent   -   #82
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thats one of the funniest posts i've read in a while. He kind of had it coming, since there's not much to back up the accusations and he (they) is insisting. So what that some people lost their accounts due to trading? They knew the risks, now deal with it. This witch hunt is ridiculous.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #83
    Oh dont get me wrong. I know that people lost their accounts due to some people inviting other people, and im quite sure not everyone banned was at fault. However, most of them probably were rule breakers. I also know that you guys obviously have to have someone to toss the blame on other than yourselves so they were trying to put the blame on this guy... maybe hes guilty as charged... or maybe hes innocent. Due to the fact they have not provided any valid proof other than snapshots that the dude has accounts on such trackers I have not considered him guilty unless they find some valid proof to show otherwise, even in the event of them presenting some sort of proof I just proved to you just how easy it is to create falsified proof of this as well. (The Pink Panties thread)

  4. BitTorrent   -   #84
    SHUVT's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    Pink Panties, Pink Panties Spread The News. We Have Proof! I am starting a new group here called the PPC (Pink Panty Club) We currently only have one member, but I am sure we will find more with Melv's research abilities! LOL

  5. BitTorrent   -   #85
    j0hn's Avatar leet poster BT Rep: +1
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    dude, im sorry to be blunt, but who cares

    i've reported certain threads made here on the f*** leak reporting thread
    how are they spies? does that make me a spy? no
    it just means that i cared about the f*** community, and respected their rules.
    i reported threads that contained their url, or the full acronym.
    i didnt report any general trades.

    theres nothing wrong with that. i trade invites here, im not a "spy". i just prefer to follow other sites rules a little more than others.
    i dont get why some ppl are desperate to join some of these sites, and then do everything in their power to break their rules and throw their invites away to just anyone. if u want in these sites so bad, its because they are good/respected/sought after sites, with good community spirit.
    and retards like this thread-maker break that community spirit.

    the "spy" u "caught" simply gave a fuck about f***, and didnt want its secretive nature put at risk. good for him.

    although to be honest, since their nasty actions of banning entire invite trees, aiming at FST members, i couldnt really give a fuck about them now, but i still have the respect not to type their acronym.

    my point is: whats wrong with ppl using FST's invite section, and at the same time reporting ppl from here to a site hes a member of, for breaking their rules? absolutely nothing. its ur right to trade invites any way u want. its also his right to do it while following a sites rules. who made u judge and jury.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #86
    DefX's Avatar Macula.Lutea. BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    Quote Originally Posted by j0hn View Post

    my point is: whats wrong with ppl using FST's invite section, and at the same time reporting ppl from here to a site hes a member of, for breaking their rules? absolutely nothing. its ur right to trade invites any way u want. its also his right to do it while following a sites rules. who made u judge and jury.
    Here's my take:

    I guess from a technical point of view, theres really no law againts being a snitch. But from moral and personal point of view, I find it one of the most despicable acts anyone is capable of. I dont have a problem with Community Reps/BT private site staffs here reprimanding users in their trackers for trading invites as its their job to do so in the first place. But i do have a problem with someone masquerading as a regular user here, while at the same time linking the trading transactions here in another BT private site's forums. I dont know if his motivation is to just fall in good graces with the tracker's staff or hes just doing it because he thinks its noble.

    I give a "fuck" about the trackers i belong to but at the same time, i have no urge to rat out the people here for trading invites since thats the sole purpose of the "invites trading" section in the first place.

    Now i dont know if this guy is really the rat that hes made out to be but if he is, then i believe he got what was coming for him.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #87
    phrenzy's Avatar Baked BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    People need to care about the "Community" of the trackers they belong to more or they will not have their precious little invites. Every site I belong to say they have spies here now watching the invites section....Why I have stayed clear of for awhile now....As of now I don't think I would believe a word you say. So grow up and accept you got cheated and move on and stop wasting peoples time here.. Though it has been fun to panties.... LOL

  8. BitTorrent   -   #88
    TO Melvinmeow (Supposed to be acommunity Rep and aTracker owner)

    -You are acting like akid ,Grow Up

    -We have all the proofs needed but it won't be posted in public here for the security of our sources and members here or on any other place

    -Do u think what made us wait more than amonth then post something like that? don't u think that searching for proofs to get that spy made us wait that long?

    -Don't u think that posting unverified information will destroy our credibility in public?

    -If u want to know all the (unpublished details) then u can look for them as we did (it took us nearly amonth to get to one of the spies and we were working in teams so how long would take u?) but we are sure that u will get to the same result that we got

    -We have alist that contain some other suspicious names but we won't post or say anything until we makesure of every single information we got (from any of our sources here,in other places and even in trackers) is 100% Verified as we did in our first bust

    -Our Investigations may take days,weeks or even months but we can wait until we got all the information and all the proofs needed to bust the spy

    -As long as some staff trackers have the right to place spies in here ,we also have the right to defend ourselves

    -What we are sure of it depending on the evidences we got that touvex was one of the spies that participated in the mass bans of fst members amonth ago

  9. BitTorrent   -   #89
    Too Invite Rights... I have left Bold remarks below your quote to make it easy for you to understand. Hopefully you can get to the bottom of the post without having to change your pinkness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Invite Rights View Post
    TO Melvinmeow (Supposed to be acommunity Rep and aTracker owner)
    I am a tracker owner as well as staff on a few anonymous sites. I also upload on a few sites and have uploaded on many other sites in the past. As far as childish I have answered all your posts respecfully and very much adult like. I stated the obvious you had no clear information to verify your ACCUSATIONS. Your posts have been rather funny but other than giving me and countless others a good laugh with your "Proof" posts I dont really see much fruit coming from your accusations. You however seem rather childesh... your the little boy in 6th grade who always tries to confront people and when someone calls you on your actions you seem to run away crying.

    -You are acting like akid ,Grow Up
    I am a kid cause I dont buy your bogus stories??

    -We have all the proofs needed but it won't be posted in public here for the security of our sources and members here or on any other place
    Their so called proof will not be posted cause it more than likely does not exist. If your trying to protect the security of your sources then by all means im 100% sure you can post the info and still keep them anonymous like you did with that rediculious first post. If your info is anything like that post... your sources have nothing to worry about since nothing that looked like any shape, form, or resemblance to any evidence has been posted to back your case at this point. They had a burglary in the UK last year and the only eye witness was a PARROT, Quite frankly if this was a court system and I was the judge I for one would go with the PARROTs story over yours since the parrot would probably have more of a clue on the subject then you. You talk about being a kid... you also seem like a young boy who has a crush on this hot 6 yr old girl... rather than come out and tell this little girl how you feel about her.. you seem to be the type of person that would a.) Go tell her how you feel while having a paper bag over your head to hide you true identity. b.) Have one of your friends go tell her cause your too chicken to do so yourself. c.) Attempt to call her on the phone and being all giddy you go speachless when she answers and hang up the phone.

    -Do u think what made us wait more than amonth then post something like that? don't u think that searching for proofs to get that spy made us wait that long?
    You waited more than a month cause your nothing more than an idiot in my opinion... It took you all this time to stop the puddles from dripping down your rosey red cheeks.. (You seem to be whining still so im guessing your crying behind your monitor at every post you make here as well.) Be a man for once and fess up to your bounty... You and many others were caught not abiding to the rules of "said" site. You got found out. You reaped the consiquences. (Once again sorry for anyone who may have been unjustly banned.)

    -Don't u think that posting unverified information will destroy our credibility in public?
    Dude you have no credibility, you have no info, you have no proof... you destroyed nothing when you posted this cacamaymay in this forum. If you were really trying to provide CREDABLE TRUTHFUL information in my opinion you would do so on your REAL account not some pansy name trying to hide your real identity.

    -If u want to know all the (unpublished details) then u can look for them as we did (it took us nearly amonth to get to one of the spies and we were working in teams so how long would take u?) but we are sure that u will get to the same result that we got
    I have no need to find such unpublished details. I already know the parties of whom were involved acctually. To be quite honest it took me about 5 minutes to obtain this info on my own. So again comes the part of you being an idiot. Heck while we are at it if your so called "Team of PI (Private Investigators) does even exist.. hell they are a bunch of idiots as well. As I mentioned above it took me 5 minutes. I did in fact not get the same results as you... cause your results are nothing more than accusations without proof. Again this dude probably just scammed you out of an invite or maybe he refused to go out on a date with you when he found out about your pink panties. Hell I dunno. I do however know that you havent provided 1 drop of evidence to prove your case yet. (On the side note I just dropped a deuce in the toilet and I have already dropped more than you have in the last 5 pages of posts. )

    -We have alist that contain some other suspicious names but we won't post or say anything until we makesure of every single information we got (from any of our sources here,in other places and even in trackers) is 100% Verified as we did in our first bust
    Dude you didnt bust anyone... you think your part of the FBI now or something? Maybe we can come up with a catchy name for your crew as someone else suggested in previous posts. My opinion we could call you guys the POOPIE SCRAPERS. Heck we can even make you a nfo file and make it look all LEET or JEET or whatever. Well spell your name like this.
    P()()p!3 $CR/-\P3R$ if you like. Whatever floats your boat!

    -Our Investigations may take days,weeks or even months but we can wait until we got all the information and all the proofs needed to bust the spy
    When you have these so called proofs why dont you post them here and refrain from posting in this particular thread until you have such documents. To post here without proper representation is just making you and your so called P()()p!3 $CR/-\P3R$ Cr3VV look like morons.

    -As long as some staff trackers have the right to place spies in here ,we also have the right to defend ourselves
    You have the right to wear pink panties, the right to remain silent, the right to shave your armpits or even your genitilia... whos to say these so called site staffers do not have the right to remain anonymous on this site to hide their true identities. To plead my case you are after all the very thing you are accusing them of being since you are after all using a 2nd name to hide your true identity as well. Who are you to judge them when you are 1 and the same type of people hiding your identity. Theres a verse in the bible where Jesus states let you have not sinned throw the first stone. Meaning: Dont worry about what other people are doing when you are doing the same thing.

    -What we are sure of it depending on the evidences we got that touvex was one of the spies that participated in the mass bans of fst members amonth ago
    Well how can you be so sure and not have any evidence to back your case? Touvex could very well be a staffer on another site, the pope, my momma, or hell even Bill Clinton or the FBI. You havent provided anything more than speculation and conjucture to back your case. When you get some real evidence then you can freely plead your case. Until then SHUDDDUP!

    (Sorry if I seem to have gotten a little out of hand with some of my remarks. I felt the need to answer them as simple and clear as possible so he could understand the full meaning with his language barrier. Feel free to comment about my comments at will. I am only giving my point of view and that is that this guys cover story has more bull in it than Farmer Joes Cow Manure field.)
    Last edited by Melvinmeow; 02-07-2007 at 12:50 AM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #90
    that guy sucks

    get him disabled from all sites

    i was at ftwr like 2 days and x ed out

    Which guy? Be specific!
    //Chewie UK
    Last edited by Chewie; 02-07-2007 at 07:19 AM.

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