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Thread: Questions to Jaits !!! and what do you guys think ?

  1. #41
    Poster BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melvinmeow View Post
    BULL BULL BULL... did I mention bull? I didnt say it took 2 weeks either. It took 1 week for the first time. It took you almost 3 weeks the 2nd time you tried. But I did patch up your ussual 5 kiddie commands. So you gave up shortly after. Just to verify how full of shit this guy is. He says in one of the earleir posts that he ALWAYS does it with permission... yet about 2 - 3 of his posts back he said he was doing it on my site last week (Which he wasnt but just clarifying his lies). He didnt ask me for permission to check nor did he send or contact me in any way to explain the exploit. (Again hes full of lies and deceipt, AND HIMSELF)

    I acctually have the logs posted on a site where we acctually post all the silly attempts you and other morons like you make at getting into sites.

    The reason you didnt respond in the other thread was cause one of your pals had to wipe your dripping drops from your rosey red face. You put your foot in your mouth and didnt see any means of pulling it back out unless you pulled it through and out your bumhole.
    I am not convinced of anything false. Again I have logs to confirm what you did. No need posting them here since people will beleive what they want and others will know whats true. You know what you did so are you trying to have me post the logs here for you to brag about being a wannabe hacker or something? FYI the logs are older than a few months

    As I said in your last pansie thread we argued in... I post/comment in many threads on this site. You can make yourself feel good by thinking I only post in your threads but everyone knows otherwise. Whatever floats your little baby carrot I suppose.

    I dont have to claim it took you 2 weeks cause it did in fact take 1 week which I have said all along. Your the one slinging bullshit saying it took 2 minutes. It would probably take some people 2 mins to find some holes. But in all seriousness it did take you a week cause your a noob, what more can I say?

    Get your facts straight.. Melvin himself told about that incident in early January that one of his ex admins, Brenda from a site byte-I don't know it's name- like that did it .... Also the only site you mention in your first post is HDBits and I don't know what it has to do with this conversation here..
    Melvin is it coincidence that ONLY you and Wild are the only comm reps who attack Jaits all the time? I don't think so.. You probably have something personal against him and it would be better pming him about your personal instead of coming everywhere Jaits posts and accusing him (it seems that it's true as he said you're attracted to him )

    ps. The funny thing is that it's obious who told Texan to come and open this thread from the start
    Isnt it really nice when someone comes in with comments that dont even pertain to the subject at hand? The incident about Jaits I am referring to was from months before the Brenda incident. So if you havent a clue on the subject its better not to pretend you do. (Like jaits is supposed to be doing apparently not posting in this thread anymore yet hes made 5 posts since then lmao.)

    Is it a coincidence that ive seen 3 other site staff members comment in here and that they are not declare comm reps. If you would like comm reps to post in here about it im sure they would if they felt like showing their hidden names. I can tell you I voice my comments & opinions as I see fit. If other staff want to keep their lips zipped thats their own perogative I suppose. Wildbytes seems to voice his opinion as well. You just voiced yours did you not so what exactly is wrong with us using our provledge to do the same?

    Just so you know I have never seen nor know of who texan is... If he was sent here via someone it wasnt by me. However, wildbytes may know him possibly or maybe its jaits trying to make himself look big again... he does have a small err.. carrot so to speak, he has to make up for it via other means. (Might I recommend just using Viagra like your boyfriend does next time jaits.)

    I have no clue who Texan is.. But with all the sites that jait/jaits screws with, well it could be from many sites....


  2. BitTorrent   -   #42
    Torrent Addict BT Rep: +2
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    OK, Jaits is a lying douchebag and I'm sure this attention is making him feel great.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #43
    bunny67's Avatar THE ORIGINAL BUNNY! BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    WTF going on ive read n im still lost ,will read again sober

  4. BitTorrent   -   #44
    Texan's Avatar I know you !!
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    lol jaits , iam not a community rep and is not appointed by anyone ,(like what you did here to save your ass)
    but iam member of a community where you did lots of shits
    Dang !!

  5. BitTorrent   -   #45
    RecK's Avatar P2P Extremist !!
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    Its really shocking to see people in such a position do this to other sites

    just out of curiosity, why do you really do this ? i have gone through all the posts and you never seems to have answered that question.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #46
    xoxo's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    See it on the bright side maybe?They maybe know now how to prevent malicius attacks? It's a valuable lesson for every tracker and other site owners. That's my humble opinion.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #47
    TheFoX's Avatar
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    Interesting point xoxo. It appears that many trackers don't implement any security until they have been corrupted/exploited/buggered.

    I think that is half the problem, plus the fact that most sites don't appear to have anyone who really knows what they are doing, when it comes to coding.

    Complacency means it won't happen to us. LOL

  8. BitTorrent   -   #48
    Quote Originally Posted by RecK View Post
    Its really shocking to see people in such a position do this to other sites

    just out of curiosity, why do you really do this ? i have gone through all the posts and you never seems to have answered that question.
    To my knowledge (heard through grapevine) his site was hacked by someone a while back... He goes through sites checking them for exploits the same way the attacker did it on his own site. I see nothing wrong with the thought of him testing sites for these issues. But sending a simple pm to the staff there might get the issues fixed with better results/attitude than deleting stuff off the sites maliciously.

    In the long run he does help quite a few sites... when they go through the logs they see what/how he did it and most block the methods he used to get in. But only after the fact that he did a little damage. So in a way its good but in another way its bad.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #49
    Jaits's Avatar n00b BT Rep: +3
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    my sites have never been hacked (to my knowledge)
    Last edited by Jaits; 03-03-2007 at 09:08 PM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #50
    Poster BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    The problem is the way he goes around and does it.

    If he hacked his way in, and then said hey this is how i did it, look at this page or here is how you fixs it. The people might look at him in a different way. But because of the way he does it, has many many people pissed.. Not sure if he does it to get his rocks off or if he does it because he can.

    If he did it in a different way i would have had no problem giving him vip status and or say here is a few bucks and thanks for the heads up or the help.


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