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Thread: Conspiracy Theories

  1. #41
    clocker wrote:

    She could have been there to add a feminine perspective?
    Uh-huh. Saddam was always an equal opportunity kinda guy. Now THAT I'd find dubious. B)

  2. Lounge   -   #42
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
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    There is no doubt that SH was very interested in WMD and his power/leverage was certainly increased by the perception that he actually had them.
    Isn't it possible he was bluffing? It worked for 12 years.
    He was a world class shithead, isn't it conceivable that he was a high stakes gambler also? Playing right into our deepest fears right up til the time his house of cards came tumbling down.
    And he may still be playing.
    Along with OBL he does seem to have pulled a Houdini...
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

  3. Lounge   -   #43
    Saddam Hussein was a "user." When people were no longer needed, they were purged ... or at least purged from his inner circle. Even Tariq Aziz was not in Saddam's inner circle ... and before "Baghdad Bob," he was Saddam's #1 mouthpiece. I don't think he was bluffing. And, I think Dr. Germ was in his inner circle for reasons other than her feminine charms.

    And he may still be playing.
    I think Bush will certainly use that as a reason for keeping a presence in the region. But honestly, with his entire regime in disarray (and a lot of his money destined to leave the country seized), I think he's simply chosen to retire as comfortably as he can. With the Kurds and Shias asserting themselves now, I don't think he has the chance of a snowflake in Hell of regaining a foothold in Iraq.

    And, like I said, the WMD "fat lady" hasn't sung itself out just yet. UNMOVIC and UNSCOM are eager to get back into the country. And, I suspect Bush isn't all that against them coming.

    P.S. If you haven't seen the film, rent "Uncle Saddam" from your local video store. It's a very eye-opening documentary on Saddam Hussein ... done by a French filmmaker.

  4. Lounge   -   #44
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
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    Which brings up another point-
    batten the hatches, I'm on a roll!

    Where the hell is Osama Bin Laden?
    In the months following 9/11 ObL became the poster boy for terrorism, the living embodiment of evil and all that threatened the American Way of Life. We weren't going to rest til he was brought to justice!
    Now the war on terror is "bigger than one man" and we shouldn't really concentrate on OBL but rather the larger picture.

    Bush is so fond of the trappings of the Tough Guy ( flight suits/ fighter jets/carrier landings), he likes to stick out his chin and play the part- time to sh*t or get off the pot.
    bin Laden in Syria? Send in a couple of divisions and drag his ass OUT.
    In Tripoli? Ditto.
    Peking? Same.
    Wherever he is, whoever is protecting him, no matter the expenditure in manpower, money or political good will- irrelevant.
    Go get the sob.
    For Pete's sake just for once follow through on something, finish it and damn the consequences.
    Then he still may be an asshole, but he'd be a determined asshole.
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

  5. Lounge   -   #45

    OTD, I believe it is your serve.

    I do believe Clocker is on a quasi-rant, he's cussin' and whatnot.

    At some point the sinking of the Lusitania and the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand need to be worked in here.

    On a different note- Yes Clocker, that is HIM, beyond a shadow of a doubt. I found a post explaining the difference between irony and sarcasm which was eerily familiar.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

  6. Lounge   -   #46
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
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    Originally posted by hobbes@30 May 2003 - 21:35

    On a different note- Yes Clocker, that is HIM, beyond a shadow of a doubt. I found a post explaining the difference between irony and sarcasm which was eerily familiar.
    hobbes, you are a bloody psychic.

    I was just looking at that same post, pondering the odds that two people would say the same thing.
    If he lets a "can't be arsed" slip then the package is sealed.

    OMG, He walks among us!
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

  7. Lounge   -   #47
    clocker wrote:

    Where the hell is Osama Bin Laden?
    Beardless, wearing an Armani suit, and living in the Karachi Hilton under the name, Jack Armstrong.

    For Pete's sake just for once follow through on something, finish it and damn the consequences.
    Sounds like a good idea to me. But, in the meantime, we're IMHO about to witness a couple of implosions. Saudi Arabia is on the verge of revolution ... but not a unified revolution. We've picked a good time to pull out. There are a whole bunch of radical mullahs, all of whom (1) want the whole country for themselves, (2) want to drag it back to the 13th Century, and (3) see OBL as part of the problem -- not part of the solution. In fact, he and his brothers (rich businessmen) are seen as traitors to the "old" way. Don't get me wrong. OBL is popular ... among Pakistani Muslims, Philippine Muslims, Indonesian Muslims, Nigerian Muslims, Palestinian Muslims, French (yes) Muslims ... but only ONE pro-OBL rally has been held among his own people in Saudi Arabia since 9/11 -- in Mecca (and it was so small even the mainstream media didn't report it). In short, being against the Saudi Royal Family doesn't equate to being in love with OBL ... and once the dust is settled in the post-Royal Saudi Arabia, his brothers will either be dead or in hiding ... and there won't be any welcome mat for him.

    The second implosion will come in Iran ... and not due to any tough rhetoric from Bush (or Putin ... who recently stood behind Bush to blast Iran for Hezbollah interference in Iraq). The implosion will come from the overwheming majority of people who (1) are under 35, and (2) are sick and tired of strict Muslim authority. In a country where satellite TV is banned, literally every rooftop of every building in Tehran has at least one dish on it ... pointed toward NITV, a station broadcasting from Santa Clara, California and run by Iranian dissidents in exile. ABC mentioned them in a PrimeTime special they did last year called, "The Many Faces of Iran." In short, Iran's biggest enemy isn't the USA ... it's their own young adult population who are no less angry now than their parents were when Khomeni took power from the Shah.

  8. Lounge   -   #48
    Hobbes wrote:

    OTD, I believe it is your serve.
    Serve returned, in a way. Please forgive me if I don't rant further tonight, though. Hehe, I have to get some sleep if I'm going to go to (ahem) work.

  9. Lounge   -   #49
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
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    What does IMHO stand for?
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

  10. Lounge   -   #50
    Originally posted by clocker@31 May 2003 - 05:37
    What does IMHO stand for?
    In My HOuse, I think, but that is only in my humble opinion.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

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