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Thread: Scariest Film ?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I'm a horror movie FREAK, when I was younger my ambition was to become an FX artist 'cause I loved the gore so much. From the black & white classics to modern day Hollywood fluff, there are still only a few movies that I can list as just truly scaring the piss out of me to the point that I still have a hard time watching them alone to this very day.
    1)Exorcist, based on a true story(look it up, it was a 14 year old boy), and for that reason it still freaks me the fuck out.
    2)Amityville Horror, based on a true story, although it's now debated that much of the story was made up to sell books/movies, I saw it when I was young and to this day the movie still really freaks me out(I'm still haunted by those lame red L.E.D. lights that were looking through the second story window).
    3)Evil Dead, to this very day is my favorite movie of all time, regardless of the genre. The forest/vine rape scene is one of the top three scenes of all time. Sam Raimi WAS a genius.
    4)Nightmare on Elm Street, saw this in the theaters when I was in my teens without nowing anything about it, and it freaked me out, the sequels have never compared.
    In no paticular order, those are the four horror movies that have not only scared the shit out of me, but actually had some impact on my entire life.

    P.S. I wish I could spell better, but even had no alternatives to my misspellings.

  2. Movies & TV   -   #42
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I saw steven kings IT, the TV-miniseries when I was 12 or something
    was afraid that clown would be comin up the toilet for weeks

    until I saw the crappy ending
    damn it was really bad...

  3. Movies & TV   -   #43
    Lilmiss's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +4
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    "the dark crystal" always scared the life outta fact, i dont think i''ve seen it all the way through!
    Last edited by Alien5; Today at 12:51

  4. Movies & TV   -   #44
    Dunno if you all know that all the movies you are referring to aren't horror. Horror was ment for people to laugh with not to be scared. F.e.: the old movies like dracula, everyone can see that it wasn't real and it was really overdone so actually it was funny. The type you a reffering to is a kind of thriller.
    I know this from a book I've had in class about the history of movies.
    But for me there were only 2 movies that scared me in my life. It was It (saw it when I was 11 so couldn't sleep for a few weeks) and Thirteen ghosts.



  5. Movies & TV   -   #45
    My top 3

    1) Salem's Lot

    2) Halloween

    3) Hellraiser

  6. Movies & TV   -   #46
    Skweeky's Avatar Manker's web totty
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    Dec 2002
    Exorcist 1 scared the hell out of me, I had nightmares days after!

  7. Movies & TV   -   #47
    Bad taste was hillarious, Hand up arse and turned inside out!!!

    Blair witch so so

    My faves are

    The Thing - cult classic

    Evil dead - Still creepy

    The Exorcist - as above

    Probably Because I saw them when i was young.

    Jaws shit the life out me as a 6yr old in the seventies but ignore the shark and you have got one of the best films ever put together

  8. Movies & TV   -   #48
    1) Blairwitch Project. Watched that alone in a big empty house...

    2) Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' clip. I was 5 when I saw it. Scared the bejeezus out of me then.

    p.s. Skweeky, did you figure out 'A Space Odyssey' yet?
    Can't remember a movie's name? Ask help at MovieWorld's Lost & Found

  9. Movies & TV   -   #49
    Skweeky's Avatar Manker's web totty
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    Dec 2002
    @ NotoriousBIC

    Not really....then again, Kubrick never explained it either. He probably just found this nice piece of black stone and wanted to use it in his movie.
    No, just kidding, I'll watch it again and I'll try to figure it out since no one wants to tell me

  10. Movies & TV   -   #50
    nizers's Avatar Poster
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    Yakima, Washington
    One movie that i've always thought was really scary was "In the Mouth of Madness." Mainly because of the psychological part of it. To think that the sane and insane could switch like that really gets you thinking. This movie is probably the best at giving grown men the creeps.

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