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Thread: Convince Me To Buy An X- Box!

  1. #31
    Nightwolf's Avatar Old Guy
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Your Mom's House
    Convince you to buy an X-Box? How about this...

    It's made by Microsoft, so it must be good. And they desperately need your money. :-"

  2. Games   -   #32
    Originally posted by Kid1A@4 June 2003 - 00:50
    get a ps2, easier to chip, more variety of games, and y would you want a pc in a box when you've allready got one?, Ps2's the better gamers console, but if you wish to be different and a microsoft jombie then x-box it is!
    Wow, boy PS2 owners will say anything to justify they have a better system. They try to use the escuse that more features make it worse than the PS2. Why would you want the Xbox because it is a PC in a box? Then what is the PS2? A piece of shit PC in a box that knowbody should waste money on when a equal priced better PC in the box exists(Xbox). What do you think gaming consoles are? They are shitty PC's in boxes that don't have as good of graphics, but can connect to a TV easier. Try to justify to me again why your agurement about already having a Computer should prevent you from buying an Xbox, because that even says you should stay even farther away from the PS2 using that resoning. Dumbass, doesn't even know how to make a valid point

  3. Games   -   #33
    Boycott Microsoft don't by the box (its too black ,and too big)

  4. Games   -   #34
    Originally posted by sharedholder@4 June 2003 - 05:38
    Boycott Microsoft don't by the box (its too black ,and too big)
    I hate to tell you all this but the new PSX is scarily similar in size and dimensions to the box

    and when someone say's the xbox is a pc in a box they're talking mainly about the games. The xbox just uses any pc game it can handle to try and sell itself. Like halo (which was started before anyone had heard of an xbox) that was meant for pc. The xbox is stealing our games doom 3, deus ex 2 they're all being taken from us pc owners

  5. Games   -   #35

  6. Games   -   #36
    DarkBlizzard's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Who cares if xbox steals PC games. After all....Mircosoft is a computer computer ....I think ur a ..... .....I havent played a computer game for like 3 newest computer game is Roller Coaster Tycoon and thats old...Xbox is the best game system in existence and you cant say it isnt or you'd be in denial .....Xbox is a 25 yr old and PS2 is a 65 yr old....PS2 is to old to even be good. All ps2 games have bad graphics when compared to a xbox or even a Gay cube

  7. Games   -   #37
    ahctlucabbuS's Avatar <
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    Jan 2003
    Well fighting and even flaming over which system is best sounds kinda dull to me...
    Just buy whatever system makes you happy. Ps2 have the most games, the x-box have better machine power, and the gamecube have Mario, Zelda, Metroid and all those classics which are still some of the best games out there. I´m sure there are like a ton of other arguments for buying anyone of these consoles as well.

  8. Games   -   #38
    To all those that constantly compare console systems to a gaming computer... come on can you really a tricked out computer gaming system to any of the console???? X-box has computer components that are already old news...Ps2 well I don&#39;t want to even mention that...GameCube same Tech age as the xbox...Don&#39;t Get me wrong here I own two thirds of the Big name consoles, but i am getting sick of people always comparing console gaming to computer gaming...with the newest components in a computer, you can have graphics that will make your eyes bleed,especially hooked up to a HDTV using an ATI Radeon...granted it costs more to get that quality, but do you know anyone who uses thier computer exclusively for gaming???The games are progressively getting better on the consoles(graphic wise) but the computer will always have better gpus...The gamecube is more geared to younger childern and the xbox is geared towards a mature audience...and for the ps2 well it does have a lot of games and it is backwards compatible ...their are exceptions to all the consoles best advice it to play the xbox with a few keys games for it(go see a friend,gaming stores have them on display, rent one,etc..) and see if it&#39;s the system for put four people who are all arguing the merits of all the gaming platforms and you would be there all week not getting anywhere...and to all those people out there please stop comparing consoles to computers... good luck in your struggle to find a good gaming system that suits YOU...

  9. Games   -   #39
    I have a ps2 and its pretty much straight forward console. You put in a game and play and thats it. Its all good if thats all you wanna do with it.

    WIth an xbox, you can mod it for very cheap and download a prog for it called evox. This allows you to upgrade your hdd, Play xbox games from hdd and you dont have to patch burned games.

    There are also tons of emulators for it to play snes roms, genesis roms and heaps of other ones including a psx emulator and the best thing about this is with evox you can copy all your roms and emus to the hdd and just play them of the hdd. (same for xbox games)

    Im just hoping there is a good n64 emu being made

  10. Games   -   #40
    just get an xbox all the good games are coming on it&#33; especially doom III halo 2 and counter strike&#33;

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