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Thread: Torrent Sites....WTF?

  1. #11
    Tokeman's Avatar Ron Paul 2012 BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    sct is very easy to seed at. You just need to partial seed if your upload is not equal to your download. I usually get a 2-4 ratio on any torrent I partial seed, and I have very limited upload compared to down (home connection).

  2. BitTorrent   -   #12
    No one's saying he can't have an opinion - we're just disagreeing with it. No need to descend into childish name calling upGrayde

  3. BitTorrent   -   #13
    FSC [Fight Club] BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by tindron View Post
    FSC....NO leechers....gone very poor too
    All i can say is we have a dedicated team that continues to supply only the best. Many packs that are currently rls'd on other sites were released months ago on ours. We have many advantages over other trackers (too many to name here) but in the end its your choice not to use it. Truly, we are happy with our community and the people who use it. We are not for every1.

    Instead of posting this waste of space you should have posted something constructive and informative in our forums or become +1 leecher on a torrent.
    Proud Member of:

  4. BitTorrent   -   #14
    kapowcowpwned's Avatar BCC token orange kid BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Everything I dl from fsc seems to have a good number of dlers and seeders and I'm almost constantly uploading there so I don't see why you are saying that nobody leechs there. As for FTN, a good number of people stopped leeching there because of the SCT free leech and now they are all using SCT because they have extremely high buffers. But once some of that runs out I won't be surprised to see people go back to FTN.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #15
    I can say that AFAIK, at least at ScN, all of the donation money goes toward server costs.

    If you look at some of these sites servers [Oink's Quad Dual-Core Server + 3 more big ones] and then try to price these at a non US site, they are very expensive. Sometimes I think people forget about this and just think that the SysOps and Admins are in it for the donation money.

    0-Day sites have become pretty common now, which can't really be that bad of a thing, but ScN is dedicated to try to seperate ourselves from the rest. You will see some interesting "upgrades"/improvements in the coming months, not just with v2.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #16
    TheFoX's Avatar
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    Makes me laugh that someone would complain about no leechers on a site that rewards for connection time as well as pure file ratio. No leechers means more bandwidth to download, meaning a slightly quicker download since you don't need to throttle it slightly.

    Many trackers don't disabled for poor ratio, because they are aware of how difficult it is to seed with a small userbase. Why are userbases so small these days? Well, it is probably because so many giants have fallen in the last few years, and Site Owners are being much more cautious.

    It is all right to slander a site because they are not attaining certain attributes, like a large leecher base, but you have to remember that it is those very sites that are trying to protect themselves by not becoming a too bigger target.

    One other thing about a small community is that you often get better service from the staffers, as they are not dealing with 10's of thousands of members, but just a few thousand, of which maybe a hundred or so are core members.

    Some people whine for nothing, or whine about nothing, or whine because they get something for nothing. If someone had the foresight to open a subscription based community, where you paid a monthly fee, people would join simply to brag that they pay for the service (it has already happened with TheaTorrents subscription service). It seems that there is a mentality that if you pay for it, you don't mind, but when you get something for nothing, you complain like Billy O...

  7. BitTorrent   -   #17
    digitalmayhem's Avatar I <3 torrents! BT Rep: +4
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    "i could go on, but i get so many anouncements about server bills and donating all the time, i would love to know where it all goes, and dont tell me it all goes on servers i aint that stupid"

    Though I don't think that many trackers make a huge profit, who cares if they do? Have you seen how much the staff at trackers are working on the tracker? That is in addition to their families and day jobs, all so you can get your DVDSCR or TS of a movie that's still in the theatre. If they want to make a little extra money and people are willing to give, more power to them.
    "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."

  8. BitTorrent   -   #18
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by tindron View Post
    i have noticed something in the last few months...torrents sites are losin the plot...

    FTN....not what it used to be, by a long, long way

    ScT....this will sound strange but....too fast....everyone has 100mbit servers and the like....u dl a dvdr in 20mins it seeds ok for 10 mins more then dies a death coz seeded out

    WB....used to be amazin...but its gone very poor

    TD....boring beyond belief

    FSC....NO leechers....gone very poor too a machine, so boring and no community at all

    i could go on, but i get so many anouncements about server bills and donating all the time, i would love to know where it all goes, and dont tell me it all goes on servers i aint that stupid.

    torrent sites are becoming the mgm,universal,dreamworks of the torrent world, big money machines that do as they like without regard for the point of bittorrent....sharing.

    and dont start me on invites, people beggin for Sct,FTN etc...

    its all makin me sick....

    BitTorrent is not what it used to be........sorry it just is not.

    Well, bittorrent is the new Kazaa - all the pneubs are using it. FFS, my Grandmother uses bittorrent and she doesn't even know how to properly shut down her computer.

    Reward yourself and move on to newsgroups like the rest of the old-schoolers have.


  9. BitTorrent   -   #19
    Right, are some people here stupid???...i spend over $150 a month on dedicated servers, my isp etc. have uploaded over 65TB on about 8 different trackers so dont reply with your lame crap

    i dont need to seed back coz im the guy your downloading from on all the best trackers.
    so dont come on here saying your paying out if u have a torrent site, who`s doing your uploading, eh who u idiots...

    it the general torrenter that keeps your sites going, and i for 1 am sick of your bitching,

    im criticising a free service, well its not free for me like i said, so imo i have a right to moan as i pay out each month more that most do, why are some torrent people so arrogant, u think i was a n00b???

    what i said is all true, its about time some of u read what i said, thought about it for more than 5 seconds and come up witha lucid, thoughtful answer/opinion.

    some of the torrent community is failing, mostly the so called big sites, them,you and i as and uploader, whats wrong well im not sure, thought i could start a conversation about it, obviously not...

  10. BitTorrent   -   #20
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by tindron View Post
    Right, are some people here stupid???...i spend over $150 a month on dedicated servers, my isp etc. have uploaded over 65TB on about 8 different trackers so dont reply with your lame crap

    i dont need to seed back coz im the guy your downloading from on all the best trackers.
    so dont come on here saying your paying out if u have a torrent site, who`s doing your uploading, eh who u idiots...

    it the general torrenter that keeps your sites going, and i for 1 am sick of your bitching,

    im criticising a free service, well its not free for me like i said, so imo i have a right to moan as i pay out each month more that most do, why are some torrent people so arrogant, u think i was a n00b???

    what i said is all true, its about time some of u read what i said, thought about it for more than 5 seconds and come up witha lucid, thoughtful answer/opinion.

    some of the torrent community is failing, mostly the so called big sites, them,you and i as and uploader, whats wrong well im not sure, thought i could start a conversation about it, obviously not...


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