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Thread: FTN is overrated

  1. #141
    Member BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    If everyone had the same attitude, there wouldn’t be any seeders at all. That’s the destruction I was talking about.
    Heh that's not bad for a n00b with 11 posts. It's true though, I know what you are saying. I don't care if tracker has pay2leech or whatever you guys call it because I don't have problems seeding. Well I did at FSC because that tracker has no leechers. I heard the same about FTN. So that's why I don't have FSC. The only 2 things I downloaded at FSC where because I had 3 free leech slots and I let the stuff seeding forever and no one was leeching so why would I want a tracker like that? The great thing I heard about FTN is that they do offer free leech which is great since they don't have lots of users and therefore not many leechers. Otherwise it would be a bitch to keep a good ratio there.

    TL has lots of seeders though. I does not have problems with hit and run. Stuff gets seeded very good there.
    Last edited by saulin; 07-15-2007 at 02:07 AM.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #142
    kaffeine's Avatar No queda el tiempo
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    Quote Originally Posted by saulin View Post
    Heh that's not bad for a n00b with 11 posts.
    Me being a n00b here at FST with 11 posts doesn’t mean I am a n00b to the scene.. but still, I’ll take it as a compliment.
    Last edited by kaffeine; 07-15-2007 at 02:42 AM.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #143
    ceasar's Avatar Slava R0b0taM! BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    Quote Originally Posted by saulin View Post
    The only 2 things I downloaded at FSC where because I had 3 free leech slots and I let the stuff seeding forever and no one was leeching so why would I want a tracker like that? The great thing I heard about FTN is that they do offer free leech which is great since they don't have lots of users and therefore not many leechers. Otherwise it would be a bitch to keep a good ratio there.
    There's a good points model to help you out when no seeders. Some sport sites adopted it. on 5mins you get a point for every hour seeding per torrent, and you can exchange 250 points for 5 gigs of upload, on Sport-scene they give you 2,5 Mb per 5 minutes of IRC. It makes more sense than having a freeleach on some file you actually don't need, but grabbin' it just to get upload later.
    TCS Byatch in training

  4. BitTorrent   -   #144
    Sexeh BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    Quote Originally Posted by peat moss View Post

    No of course not , I looked back at your last 20 posts and it seems like your pretty high on your self or site ? What can you offer here at FST ? I don't have a problem with self promotion but as a member here I was wondering about the self promotion . Some posts are closed whats that all about ?
    I'm not pretty high on myself or my site.. If I was high on myself or site, i'd say "screw all u haters, you're banned. I'm better than u all, I am a god."

    I'm simply defending my creation. I'm not quite sure what you do for a living, but lets say you build houses and you love doing it. You finish building a house after a long time, and you're so proud of it and can't wait to share it with people. And I go over to your house and say "LOL omg, this place is a piece of shit.. the house next door is so much better, man this place is crap." Wouldn't you defend what you've created? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying FTN is better than any other site.. Nor did I EVER say I was better than any user here. If you clearly think that, you obviously never read my posts. I even offered to invite you so you could see for yourself, I could have easily acted "high on myself or my site" and told you "too bad, ur not on it screw off."

    Now, you're asking what can I offer FST? Well, I can help the users here that need support regarding my site. For example, I get quite a few PM's asking "why was I disabled" and I kindly reply with the reasoning. I also offer invites to users I feel could help FTN benefit as a community. So I guess to answer in the easiest way, I help make FST users have a friendly place to come where they can easily find a staff member from every site and contact them for any support.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #145
    BANNED BT Rep: +15BT Rep +15BT Rep +15
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    Brandon is a cocky asshole. Zlo is a way nicer sysop. Too bad Zlo doesn't post here.

    Brandon, your creation is disappointing and doesn't deserve to be regarded as one of the best trackers. Anyone who can honestly say that FTN can compete with SCT is obviously high. FTN can't even compete with TL. It doesn't matter that your site isn't pay2leech. What matters is the slow pretimes, the slow speeds, and the lack of users. Your site also loads slow as hell. Most of those 5000 torrents have 1 seeder too. That means your site's torrents are close to dead.
    Last edited by mforcex; 07-15-2007 at 02:34 AM.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #146
    Dr_Green_Thumb's Avatar Mangina BT Rep: +4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Green_Thumb View Post
    emm "pay2leech" is whats keeping that tracker open, so how is it destroying anything?
    Not true at all. It's all a business model. You keep asking for more and more, in turn raising user limit making more profit and then upgrading the server as needed.

    Nobody ever forced them to purchase a server they can't afford
    My point being what is wrong with incentives it is used in business all the time and works. I understand people should give just because they love the site but many don't unless they get some kind of bonus. It doesn't even need to be gigs or invites it could just be a custom title, private forum or something simple.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #147
    Poster BT Rep: +17BT Rep +17BT Rep +17BT Rep +17
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    Brandon is a nice guy
    People just don´t give too much value to his FTN giveaways
    He offer invites to his tracker and people just cheat and trade =/

  8. BitTorrent   -   #148
    Poster BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Quote Originally Posted by saulin View Post
    Me being a n00b here at FST with 11 posts doesn’t mean I am a n00b to the scene.. but still, I’ll take it as a compliment.

    12 now LoL

  9. BitTorrent   -   #149
    Poster BT Rep: +5
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    One of the trackers I use has that irc bonus thing but I dont idle in that channel but I hear many do. I dont have a problem maintaining high ratios even to the sites where I dont upload to. I dont see how people have problems even without a seedbox keeping a good ratio on sites. If you are smart and torrent right you will never have a problem or need to pay. If you want to pay to help the site you find to be your favorite more power to ya.

    Pay2leech more often than not is the start of a more serious issue. It doesnt always go to where it should i.e. improving the servers, pre times and so on. That is why alot of people are against it...


  10. BitTorrent   -   #150
    Quote Originally Posted by L3ST View Post
    Well, people who start threads like this one really don't have a life. You must be a worthless piece of s*** if you bash high-rated trackers for no reason.
    Somehow the concept of "having a life" seems to have escaped you.

    Let me explain it to you.

    It means having a fucking life.

    What this person did was start a thread. Take a look around the forum, now you may or may not notice something depending on whether your IQ is below 70 or not. What I'm hoping you'll notice is that this entire forum is full of threads! Geez, all these people must not have lives what losers! And the people replying to them must be even worse! WHAT LOSERZZZZ!

    A "thread like this one". Well fuck a man for having an opinion for voicing it.
    Bashing a "high-rated" tracker for no reason? No, in the initial post he actually did voice several reasons for why he disliked the tracker.

    I would also like to point out how you had to include "high-level" in there, as if every high level tracker has source codes made of solid gold, speeds so fast that everything on the tracker is already on your computer and communities so great you'd tattoo the tracker abbreviation on your ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon View Post

    I'm simply defending my creation. I'm not quite sure what you do for a living, but lets say you build houses and you love doing it. You finish building a house after a long time, and you're so proud of it and can't wait to share it with people. And I go over to your house and say "LOL omg, this place is a piece of shit.. the house next door is so much better, man this place is crap." Wouldn't you defend what you've created? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying FTN is better than any other site.. Nor did I EVER say I was better than any user here. If you clearly think that, you obviously never read my posts. I even offered to invite you so you could see for yourself, I could have easily acted "high on myself or my site" and told you "too bad, ur not on it screw off."
    Going along with the analogy, lets just say this house really sucks. Lets say the person who built actually just took a huge dump and stuck a "House For Sale" sign in front of it.

    All kidding aside (and I was kidding), some people just don't like certain houses. Just tell those people to get GTFO your house and buy the one they do like.


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