Hi, looking for a bitmeTV invite. I can offer you basically nothing in return , Oink if ya havent already got it, and a bunch of L2-3 if ya really want ie. Kray, Horror Charnel, Bitgamer etc.
Not much of a trade I know, but heres hopin...
Ive been looking for one for ages, with no luck. Someone on a forum was generous enough to give me a chance on OiNK and now im a Power User there, and also a power user at TD.
Can provide as many ratio s/shots as ya want, and ONLY interested in this tracker, no others as Im quite happy with the ones I got.
cheers. *crosses fingers...

oink- http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/980/oinkoj3.jpg
td - http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/8503/tdss1.jpg