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Thread: The Best tv series(Drama)(Game)

  1. #21
    Formula1's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    List copied from Raenbow's Post

    The Shield +1
    Gilmore Girls -1

    13 - Heroes
    10 - House
    11 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    13 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    11 - Band of Brothers
    09 - Grey's Anatomy
    09 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    10 - Nip/Tuck
    09 - The Sopranos
    11 - The Shield
    11 - Hustle
    11 - Carnivale
    09 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    10 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    11 - Boston Legal
    10 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    08 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    11 - OZ
    10 - Twin Peaks
    11 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    11 - One Tree Hill
    09 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    09- Brothers & Sisters
    09 - Desperate Housewives
    04 - Supernatural

  2. Movies & TV   -   #22
    Kirstein's Avatar torrent lover BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Supernatural +1
    Nip/Tuck -1

    13 - Heroes
    10 - House
    11 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    13 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    11 - Band of Brothers
    09 - Grey's Anatomy
    09 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    10 - Nip/Tuck
    08 - The Sopranos
    11 - The Shield
    11 - Hustle
    11 - Carnivale
    09 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    10 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    11 - Boston Legal
    10 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    08 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    11 - OZ
    10 - Twin Peaks
    11 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    11 - One Tree Hill
    09 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    09- Brothers & Sisters
    09 - Desperate Housewives
    05 - Supernatural

  3. Movies & TV   -   #23
    sons_of_libert's Avatar Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Heroes +1

    Lost -1

    12 - Heroes
    11 - House
    11 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    15 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    10 - Band of Brothers
    10 - Grey's Anatomy
    10 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    09 - Nip/Tuck
    11 - The Sopranos
    10 - The Shield
    10 - Hustle
    11 - Carnivale
    10 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    09 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    10 - Boston Legal
    09 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    10 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    10 - OZ
    10 - Twin Peaks
    10 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    10 - One Tree Hill
    09 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    07 - Brothers & Sisters
    08 - Desperat Housewives
    09- Supernatural

  4. Movies & TV   -   #24
    dbmp's Avatar ubuntu <3 BT Rep: +13BT Rep +13BT Rep +13
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    +1 Prison Break
    -1 Twin Peaks

    12 - Heroes
    11 - House
    12 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    15 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    10 - Band of Brothers
    10 - Grey's Anatomy
    10 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    09 - Nip/Tuck
    11 - The Sopranos
    10 - The Shield
    10 - Hustle
    11 - Carnivale
    10 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    09 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    10 - Boston Legal
    09 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    10 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    10 - OZ
    09- Twin Peaks
    10 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    10 - One Tree Hill
    09 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    07 - Brothers & Sisters
    08 - Desperat Housewives
    09- Supernatural

  5. Movies & TV   -   #25
    +1 Lost
    -1 Brothers & Sisters

    12 - Heroes
    11 - House
    12 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    16 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    10 - Band of Brothers
    10 - Grey's Anatomy
    10 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    09 - Nip/Tuck
    11 - The Sopranos
    10 - The Shield
    10 - Hustle
    11 - Carnivale
    10 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    09 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    10 - Boston Legal
    09 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    10 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    10 - OZ
    09- Twin Peaks
    10 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    10 - One Tree Hill
    09 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    06 - Brothers & Sisters
    08 - Desperat Housewives
    09- Supernatural

  6. Movies & TV   -   #26
    +1 Lost
    -1 Brothers & Sisters

    12 - Heroes
    11 - House
    12 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    17 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    10 - Band of Brothers
    10 - Grey's Anatomy
    10 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    09 - Nip/Tuck
    11 - The Sopranos
    10 - The Shield
    10 - Hustle
    11 - Carnivale
    10 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    09 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    10 - Boston Legal
    09 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    10 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    10 - OZ
    09- Twin Peaks
    10 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    10 - One Tree Hill
    09 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    05 - Brothers & Sisters
    08 - Desperat Housewives
    09- Supernatural

  7. Movies & TV   -   #27
    escuoop's Avatar ♥♥♥ BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Heroes +1

    15 - Heroes
    10 - House
    11 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    13 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    11 - Band of Brothers
    09 - Grey's Anatomy
    09 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    10 - Nip/Tuck
    08 - The Sopranos
    11 - The Shield
    11 - Hustle
    11 - Carnivale
    09 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    10 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    11 - Boston Legal
    10 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    08 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    11 - OZ
    10 - Twin Peaks
    11 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    11 - One Tree Hill
    09 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    09- Brothers & Sisters
    09 - Desperate Housewives
    05 - Supernatural

  8. Movies & TV   -   #28
    ajsi's Avatar think twice... BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    band of brothers +1
    gilmore girls -1

    15 - Heroes
    10 - House
    11 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    13 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    12- Band of Brothers
    09 - Grey's Anatomy
    09 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    10 - Nip/Tuck
    08 - The Sopranos
    11 - The Shield
    11 - Hustle
    11 - Carnivale
    09 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    10 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    11 - Boston Legal
    10 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    07 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    11 - OZ
    10 - Twin Peaks
    11 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    11 - One Tree Hill
    09 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    09- Brothers & Sisters
    09 - Desperate Housewives
    05 - Supernatural

  9. Movies & TV   -   #29
    +1 Lost
    -1 Brothers & Sisters

    12 - Heroes
    11 - House
    12 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    15 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    10 - Band of Brothers
    10 - Grey's Anatomy
    10 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    09 - Nip/Tuck
    10 - The Sopranos
    10 - The Shield
    10 - Hustle
    10 - Carnivale
    10 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    09 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    10 - Boston Legal
    09 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    10 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    09 - OZ
    09- Twin Peaks
    10 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    10 - One Tree Hill
    10 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    06 - Brothers & Sisters
    08 - Desperat Housewives
    07- Supernatural

  10. Movies & TV   -   #30
    BOOM's Avatar You are who you are. BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    +1 Lost
    -1 Supernatural

    12 - Heroes
    11 - House
    12 - Prison Break
    11 - Dexter
    10 - Veronica Mars
    10 - CSI
    17 - Lost
    10 - The Wire
    10 - Band of Brothers
    10 - Grey's Anatomy
    10 - Psych
    10 - Rome
    10 - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
    09 - Nip/Tuck
    11 - The Sopranos
    10 - The Shield
    10 - Hustle
    11 - Carnivale
    10 - The West Wing
    10 - Six Feet Under
    09 - Monk
    10 - Life on Mars
    10 - Boston Legal
    09 - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
    10 - Gilmore Girls
    10 - The Black Donnellys
    10 - Day Break
    10 - OZ
    09- Twin Peaks
    10 - Dead Like Me
    10 - Criminal Minds
    10 - One Tree Hill
    09 - Smallville
    10 - Without A Trace
    10 - Friday Night Lights
    06 - Brothers & Sisters
    08 - Desperat Housewives
    08- Supernatural

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