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Thread: @mievmo-why people hate Israel thing-

  1. #71
    4play's Avatar knob jockey
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    Im sure there are also plenty of videos on youtube showing exactly what Palestinian terrorists have done in the name of their country and religion as well. Posting these really is pointless as most people here already realised that both sides have committed atrocities.

    The plain simple fact is both sides are as bad as each other and there is no current deal that will satisfy both sides. So the killings will continue, the videos will keep appearing on youtube and the hatred between them will remain. People posting video clips and shouting look what these bastards have done while their own people carry out similar atrocities is just plain stupid.

    well, feeble apology don't consider an apology.
    the problem about those cartoons that it included the prophet muhammed u can choose any one to paint yet to choose my prophet to picture in nasty way and i saw the cartoons like most of Muslims saw it and we were mad because you choose to deliver your message through picturing our prophet in a bad way .
    and the pressure you talking about came from Islamic countries not Europe
    i remembered many Europeans' government stand besides both papers .
    If you read the piece that went with it they intended the picture of Muhammed with a bomb on his head to be the extremists view of what Islam is. Most people understood the piece for what it was meant to be as an attack on the way extremists have subverted Islam to fit their own needs. Chances are the writer in question never knew it was forbidden to draw a picture of Muhammed since i never did until after news of this spread. As far as i know the paper in question never issued an apology and in my opinion they shouldn't have to. oh yeah and having mass protests and bringing huge amounts of media attention to the cartoons wasnt the best way to make them go away.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #72
    Busyman™'s Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!
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    Well I have the start of a solution.

    Roll back the lines to the UN drawings.

    From what I gather, either through Israeli or Palestinian aggression, the Palestinians lost those lines.

    Since it is not clear who started what, the bottom line is that those were never mandated by the UN for Israel.

    From there we can explore whether Israel even had the the right to declare their own county in the first place.

    Palestinians need to get their act together. In today's world there will squables over land if it not clear what the hell is yours.

    I've seen pictures of "Palestine" when it was bigger but other countries took over the land.

    Was it okay cuz they were Arab countries. Admittedly those tracts of land were on the fringes. Israel is in the middle.

    It seems part of the problem is racism/"religiousism".

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #73
    Snee's Avatar Error xɐʇuʎs BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by SAM View Post
    [B][COLOR=Red]well said, snee

    first of all, denmark didn't apologize for publishing those cartoons and about this issue you just have no clue so let me enlighten you
    1-danish government refuses to apologize till islamic countries refuses to buy anything from denmark and the danish government felt they will lose a big marcket for their goods they just sent a feeble apology
    2-no pressure put to stop those cartoons in fact after the first cartoons published another one was published in france and some again published in some european countries so where is the pressure your talking about.
    4play already brought up the fact that you are contradicting yourself, however, the wrongs don't stop there, so:

    You really need to trust your media a bit less and start thing for yourself. When it comes to pressure, that didn't just (you've already given example of two kinds of pressure Denmark was subjected to) come from muslim countries, but there were also debates within Denmark, as well as in the surrounding countries regarding whether the paper was in the wrong, and like yourself, many chose to disregard the fact that the cartoons weren't intended to be anti-islamic, but rather anti-extremist. What with people complaining and so forth, I'd hardly call that a lack of pressure.

    As an aside, I should probably also point out that way before the protests against the cartoons started, the cartoons had already been in at least one newspaper in the middle east (in Egypt, even). And it took a long time for people to get upset about it. In fact, if one was a bit cynical, one might suspect that someone worked very hard to make people upset about it.

    about anti-jewish cartoons and anti-jewish newspapers there is no such thing
    That's odd, seeing as how there have been reports of cartoons labelled as anti-semitic (of the anti-jewish variety, obviously) or just anti-jewish in papers in your part of the world for years now. Racial sterotypes and all.

    But then again, maybe they were intended to be anti-israeli...

    if you mean anti-isreali cartoons that a different thing
    cause isrealis occupied our lands and some people in our country seeing this not fair.
    Yes, and every Israeli, no matter their age, in whichever part of the country has acted against you, or your country, then?

    there is no hypocracy about it .you are the one that don't use an equal measures.
    I daresay there is. Millions of people start whining about a cartoonist breaking some old (and fairly pointless) taboo, claiming he's insulting them as a people. The same people seem to think it's alright to put down an entire group of people, the Israelis. And blame a whole country about the cartoons as well. That is hypocrisy at its finest.

    [COLOR=Red]now let's talk about heads.
    [COLOR=Blue]outside my head isreal killed tens of people daily in the occupied land
    and i guess this outside your head too.
    Does this mean the other side has done nothing, or that you aren't preaching hatred of all of Israel right now? You should try imagining them as people, individuals, rather than what you seem to have been taught abou them as a whole, for a change.
    man, you watch too much tv instead read more about the whole issue
    You should take your own advice, and this time, you should try thinking for yourself and go outside of your usual biased sources.
    and i said before and i'll say it again we have nothing against jews
    Could have fooled me. But I guess you just hate an entire nation full of people.
    we want isreal to give us our land back and then only then there will be peace.
    [COLOR=Black]about your talk about you don't see many isreali in this thread
    well, they just keeping a little profile because they know the arguement won't turn to their benefit
    Or they don't see the point in arguing with a thread you've made to justify people making personal attacks on someone.
    Last edited by Snee; 08-07-2007 at 07:24 PM. Reason: Migraine, typos

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #74
    SAM's Avatar Fst philosopher BT Rep: +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50
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    i will agree with you that intentions behind those cartoons were good but can't you agree with me that the way it's published and using the prophet of islam was inappropriate
    and i agree with you that mass protest didn't help it and we should let it go but .
    about the videos you know there are millions of videos about isreali brutality but idoubt there is even 20 videos about Palestinians'

    i agree to everything you say
    but racism isn't the issue .
    if isreal give the land back it will end everything.

    @the rest
    there is nothing to comment about
    ooh, except
    well done snee

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  5. The Drawing Room   -   #75
    4play's Avatar knob jockey
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    There are quite a few videos on youtube to do with some of the evil's the Palestinians are up to. took me 3 seconds to find a video of a 15 year old child who had strapped explosives to himself to kill soldiers at a checkpoint and there are lots more than that. anyway does a higher ratio of bad things they have done make them worse then you or both as bad as each other.

    if isreal give the land back it will end everything.
    you really don't expect this to happen do you?
    do you really expect these 7 odd million people to leave everything they have built and their lives behind to move somewhere else?

    The way most people see it this will end one of three ways.

    1) proper borders are set-up that both agree is acceptable
    2) you both share the same country and have some form of power sharing
    3) some one is wiped out.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #76
    SAM's Avatar Fst philosopher BT Rep: +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50
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    ooh dear
    i meant by the occupied land =Gaza strip , western bank and Golan heights .
    and it's our right to ask for them under the international law and under UN 242 RESOLUTION.
    I'm not asking them to leave because it's impossible and not logical
    I'm asking them to withdraw from all the lands they occupied in 1967
    to give Palestinians a chance to build their own country.
    and i think it can be done if isreal stop to be stubborn and give us the land back.
    about the borders
    there is a well drawn borders which is acceptable from Arabians and the whole world except isreal !
    the only reason radicals in Islamic countries uses to attack isreal is isreal occupied Arabian land and it refuses to listen to the whole world and it disobey the international law.
    if we eliminate this reason ,people won't listen to them
    i really want peace ,many Arabians want but how can we accomplish this?
    isreal don't want to give the land back
    and all I'm trying to tell isreali people is to give the occupied lands back to make peace and end this struggle.
    dear friend ,
    people here like everywhere else thinks we want isreali to die out
    few of our people want that but the majority only want the land back and want to see a Palestinian state along with isreali state .

    here is a map showing how occupied the lands since 1947


    there are alot of maps man but who will follow them.
    Last edited by SAM; 08-07-2007 at 06:20 PM.

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  7. The Drawing Room   -   #77
    peat moss's Avatar Software Farmer BT Rep: +15BT Rep +15BT Rep +15
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    I'm a simple man and could never understand the religious struggles in the Middle East. Who said an Eye for an Eye ? I always liked that quote , and will try to continue to teach my children tolerance not ignorance . The haltered is taught from cradle to grave on both sides and not much you can do about that sadly .

    I'll get back to my favorite show the Little Mosque on the Prairie and leave you all to debate .

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4play View Post
    Im sure there are also plenty of videos on youtube showing exactly what Palestinian terrorists have done in the name of their country and religion as well. Posting these really is pointless as most people here already realised that both sides have committed atrocities.

    The plain simple fact is both sides are as bad as each other and there is no current deal that will satisfy both sides. So the killings will continue, the videos will keep appearing on youtube and the hatred between them will remain. People posting video clips and shouting look what these bastards have done while their own people carry out similar atrocities is just plain stupid.
    i'm more then sure that every nation, if was in the situation israel is in, would have acted much much more drastically then how israel reacts to the palestinians that shoots rockets into israel everyday, and invade into it in order to kill civilians.
    don't forget israel shows much patiece and restraint and gives them water, electricity, jobs..
    Last edited by torrentt; 08-07-2007 at 06:49 PM.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #79
    SAM's Avatar Fst philosopher BT Rep: +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50
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    i don't get it
    it's like we are moving in a circle
    let's stop arguing for a moment and talk
    me and you agreed that there is a problem regardless who caused it
    we need me and you to solve it
    my solution is:
    1- isreal evacuate the ocupied land under UN 242 resolution and we get UN TROOPS to watch the the borders in both sides.
    2- all acts against isreal stop and any act from any arabian group will be responded by both arabs and isreal.
    3-making peace treaty bet. isreal and arab countries.
    what you think of this ?
    please answer my question and don't change the subject

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  10. The Drawing Room   -   #80
    Poster BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by SAM View Post
    i don't get it
    it's like we are moving in a circle
    let's stop arguing for a moment and talk
    me and you agreed that there is a problem regardless who caused it
    we need me and you to solve it
    my solution is:
    1- isreal evacuate the ocupied land under UN 242 resolution and we get UN TROOPS to watch the the borders in both sides.
    2- all acts against isreal stop and any act from any arabian group will be responded by both arabs and isreal.
    3-making peace treaty bet. isreal and arab countries.
    what you think of this ?
    please answer my question and don't change the subject
    let's stop arguing for a moment and talk
    i'm not arguing with any1

    we need me and you to solve it
    i'm sure if we do come to understanding (and we probably won't), it wouldn't change a thing

    1- isreal evacuate the ocupied land under UN 242 resolution and we get UN TROOPS to watch the the borders in both sides.
    read what 4play said about it.

    2- all acts against isreal stop and any act from any arabian group will be responded by both arabs and isreal.
    u can't bring peace with terror, these are totaly opposite things
    other then that, many of your terror groups don't want to see even 1 israeli in this land.

    3-making peace treaty bet. isreal and arab countries.
    what you think of this ?
    peace is great, but its hard to make it with people who kill the oposition in the government

    anyway, about 70%-80% of Jordan's population are palestinians, i guess jordan is palestine, but u want israel too?

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