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Thread: Is Downloading Music Stealing? Not In My...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    im not sure
    No, i dont believe it is "stealing". The person(someone bought the CD&#33 your uploading from has let you have the file, which is sharing. Its not stealing unless someone in the first place stole the CD(store/work) and is stealing. I see it as sharing if someone bought it in the first place. Anyone saying it is "stealing", why are you using k-lite then?

  2. File Sharing   -   #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Somewhere between the cornfields of Central Illinois
    Originally posted by BlizZ@1 July 2003 - 15:53
    Stealing or Not?

    I download music.
    Some people believe that it's stealing.
    In my opinion, I don't think it is.

    If it was stealing, then it would be going into a store and sneaking an object out to keep for yourself. When you go to the store to buy a music CD, that's not the same thing what you're getting when you DOWNLOAD an audio file. An audio file is NOT a music CD. When you download a song, thats not what you get when your buying a CD at the store, your getting a file on your computer.
    Stealing (in my opinon) is NOT downloading some data with YOUR own personal computer, but is physically taking something from someone and keeping it.

    When you're downloading music on the computer, you're not downloading a music CD, your downloading an audio file.

    Anyways, that's what I think, PLUS I'm Christian and I don't want to believe that it's stealing.
    Everybody let me know what your opinion is. If you think it's stealing or not. 
    Good post. I agree with you. Downloading and sharing musical files is not stealing.

    Arrg, Mateys! :pirate:

  3. File Sharing   -   #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    How did this little gem get overlooked ?

    PLUS I'm Christian and I don't want to believe....
    Isn't there a thread full of these in the lounge ?

  4. File Sharing   -   #24

    PLUS I'm Christian and I don't want to believe.... 
    Yes, what's wrong with it?
    Yes, I'm Christian, and I don't want to believe that it's stealing.
    That doesn't change the fact of me believing it's not stealing anyway, even if I AM Christian or not.

    But anyway, lets not change the subject into religion,

  5. File Sharing   -   #25
    Originally posted by balamm@2 July 2003 - 08:14
    How did this little gem get overlooked ?

    PLUS I'm Christian and I don't want to believe....
    Isn't there a thread full of these in the lounge ?
    because it's irrelevant
    Anyway I say it's not stealing because... I own some of the music I download on CD/ tape. Secondly it's not stealing because 90% of the stuff I download that I don't already own legally I wouldn't have bought anyway!

  6. File Sharing   -   #26
    Yes it is stealing. But that doesn't mean it doesnt have legit uses. If more artists would target advertising their work on programs like kazaa, i think more people would buy it. I had Marilyn Manson's newest CD The Golden Age of Grotesque (a true work of art) a month before it was released. But i bought it the day it came to stores because i felt i had to support it. Maybe if more groups would make music worth paying for, people would like to support it like i did with that.

  7. File Sharing   -   #27
    Hey yall, speaking of "not changing the subject", why is it whenever you put your curser over the logo at the top left "K-Lite Discussion Board", text appears that says, "Powered By RIAA"... I don't get it, the RIAA is in charge of the K-LITE Discussion Board? what

  8. File Sharing   -   #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by BlizZ@2 July 2003 - 18:38
    Hey yall, speaking of "not changing the subject", why is it whenever you put your curser over the logo at the top left "K-Lite Discussion Board", text appears that says, "Powered By RIAA"... I don't get it, the RIAA is in charge of the K-LITE Discussion Board? what

    Never seen that before, someone having a wee pop at the RIAA perchance.

  9. File Sharing   -   #29
    Its not stealing. Its called SHARING.

  10. File Sharing   -   #30
    I Agree with "cole" i that it is shearing , i mean, they don't go after people with hundreds of recorded vhs tapes of stuff they recorded off the t.v. are people who share cd's with each other going to be targeted next????? what about minidisc, every one at my school borows each others cd's to put onto minidisc, or even copy a mini disc. What about the DVD recorders for the t.v. they must be illegal as well???? why not just let us get on with our sharing on p2p programs, i am a teenager, if i wern't at home using my pc, i would probably be doing worse things on the streets. with p2p it is about sharring, for instance. i had never heard of linkin park a couple of years ago, till i downloaded there hybrid album, i liked it!!!! so i went down to the shops and bought it, and have bought every album after that they have made, and like them all. i am discovering more artists i like and am buying there products which i would never had thought of doing, untill i had kazza lite. I feel it is more like a community sharing items with each other. it is not like these so called artists go without anything. so share!!!!!!!

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