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Thread: What To Do If The Riaa Gets Sue Happy

  1. #11
    Originally posted by MetroStars@2 July 2003 - 22:15
    dude your pritty up tight i was just saying how i would protect myself if the RIAA caught me and decided 2 sue me...
    "pritty up tight"?

    We'll speak no more until you buy a dictionary.

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    This is in response to artists not seeing a cent from us, that is true whether we buy the cd or download it. Artists are paid through a contract, they don't see shyt from the actual purchase of the cd. That is where the record companies get their money. And if you are so paranoid about getting caught, which you probably won't, then just mask your ip. That's right, spoof it. I spoof mine 24/7. I do not leave an ip trail. The ip monitored by this forum (if it is) is wrong.

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    hi there !
    i have hundreds of mp3's in My Shared Folder.
    i BOUGHT the lot of them(sure)
    try proving otherwise !
    they are my property and i'm going to share.

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    We'll speak no more until you buy a dictionary.

    fuck man this is not english class i speak how I type -- fucking newbie asshole

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    There isn't anything newbie about spelling right. You're not showing your message-board sophistication; you're showing that you're uneducated.

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    m8t ... I hear what you're saying. And I empathize with you.

    But if it ever came to that (and I doubt that it would), you've got to understand that these people consider sharing "your property" as much a crime as uploading it in the first place.

    They wouldn't much care about where you got it from.

    Another point here. How about everybody take a moratorium from using the word "paranoid"? There's a clear and present threat out there, and there's nothing paranoid about taking whatever measures necessary to avoid prosecution. The people using the word "paranoid" are the super-geeks who think they know every way around computers and the RIAA. And I hope they're right. Because if they're not, they'll get to be real "paranoid" in a little while.

  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle | England
    Won't loose any sleep over this .... RIAA ....

    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>AnimeGlobe.Com</span>

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
    Thank you shotglass. It isnt paranoid to be safe. Because there are going to be a few people getting sued, potentially a few going to jail over this. It will happen. probably not to me, but why should i take a chance over something so insignificant in my life? I lock my doors at night. Not that i really ever stop to think that my house is going to be broken into, but just in case. christ, one time i went into a grocery store to buy some Easy mac and when i got back to my car, the speakers and cd player magically disappeared... 5 minutes for easy mac, and my stereo is ripped off. hehe, a lil off topic, but you get the point&#33;

  9. File Sharing   -   #19
    matt, my friend, you nailed right there. I don&#39;t break a lot of laws, and I don&#39;t spend my life looking over my shoulder. So if this is going to make me look over my shoulder, it just may not be worth the hassle.

    (But geez, I do like getting the stuff...

  10. File Sharing   -   #20
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    This is just the kind of response the RIAA wants. They are trying to scare you into thinking that sharing music is a crime. In fact, the crime is being committed by the industry. I buy CDs, and in some instances, due to copy protection, I can&#39;t make multiple copies for my car, house, work, etc. Do they think that I&#39;m going to buy 3 copies of the same CD? I ask you who is committing the crime? The industry is forcing me to download mp3s to make backup copies of music that I have legitimately paid for.
    Proud member of MDS

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