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Thread: BitMeTV

  1. #61
    sanjana's Avatar Cherish your life... BT Rep: +15BT Rep +15BT Rep +15
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    Inside my house
    What is tvip can anyone explain here...
    I am proud to be a part of this communities.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #62
    rvt's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    tvip is a mod@bmtv.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #63
    SAM's Avatar Fst philosopher BT Rep: +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50
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    Quote Originally Posted by misledhope View Post
    there is not a thing wrong with the staff at bitmetv, sure tvip can have a short fuse at times but if you sat in the irc channel, read the shoutbox and the forums everyday you would see why. People threatening to stop using the site if they dont comply to allowing their desired client, people admittedly cheating and saying it was only on torrents with no leechers so they had to. people bragging about it being there xxx number account after they come in and grab 50gigs in a few days before being disabled. if everyone that joined would read the homepage once a week and the faqs and rules a few times when they first join (and obey what they read) no one would need to be banned and all those complaining could stfu.

    and honestly anyone dissin ibslice is a wanker he is a very fair admin and a nice guy to boot.
    you talked from a personal experience so let's say this
    your experience is one against tons of others who suffered from the stupidity and ignorance of some of the bitmetv staff not to mention their attitude against members here and their ideas about how low the fst members are.
    any way bitmetv is a crabby site and a useless tracker you can easily find its content in many other trackers but its staff is the most worst one in all the trackers out there

    For Serving Community

  4. BitTorrent   -   #64
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by misledhope View Post
    there is not a thing wrong with the staff at bitmetv, sure tvip can have a short fuse at times but if you sat in the irc channel, read the shoutbox and the forums everyday you would see why. People threatening to stop using the site if they dont comply to allowing their desired client, people admittedly cheating and saying it was only on torrents with no leechers so they had to. people bragging about it being there xxx number account after they come in and grab 50gigs in a few days before being disabled. if everyone that joined would read the homepage once a week and the faqs and rules a few times when they first join (and obey what they read) no one would need to be banned and all those complaining could stfu.

    and honestly anyone dissin ibslice is a wanker he is a very fair admin and a nice guy to boot.
    Does bitmetv believe it's living in a vacuum? How else to explain the fact that they continue to trot out the tired old excuse that they're only short-tempered because of all the account traders. Somehow literally dozens of other trackers manage to deal with the same problems, and not treat their users like shit while doing it. Must be magic.

    Maybe if their incompetent coders worried more about keeping the tracker up on weeknights, instead of pulling out their tinfoil hats everytime a new version of utorrent is released, they wouldn't get so much bad publicity all over the torrent scene.

    Edit: Check out this thread, just from today: An active member banned because his 1452nd post contained some image that tequilavip didn't like.

    But no, it's only account traders who criticize tvip - well account traders and former staffers like frenchdm, who reminded tequilavip that this was once his avatar:
    and asked him to think before criticizing others (asking tvip to think LOL!). Of course his post was promptly deleted and he was warned; his past contributions already apparently forgotten.

    So why don't you take your 14 week old bitmetv account and stop talking about things of which you know nothing.

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