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Thread: Hairy Putter?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2003
    "I don't read Harry Potter but my son does and he loves it.
    Anything literary that can hold a child's attention and feed their imaginaton is a good thing.
    Aren't we forgetting that these are childrens' books?
    In a culture sadly deadened by the advent of technology we should be grateful that the written word has had such a resurgence, even ii it is a hotch-potch of borrowed themes and style.
    Oh, and Harry Harrison- I remember his Stainless Steel Rat series from my teenage years. Thanks for the pleasant reminder."

    Again... I rest my case!


    ps. There's more to Harry (not Potter) than meets the eye!!!

    ps2. It kind of makes me wonder when (IF) kids don't read books anymore... all that wonderful interaction with the readers own mind and imagination and the written word... will it all vanish or turn into a kind of videogame in the end? Spooky! That is what makes literature so alive... anyone can just dream up their OWN worlds and surroundings to things happening in the text...
    Stainless Steel Rat was OK, but I STILL prefer the blue-eyed country-boy elegance of "Bill, The Galactic Hero"... the man with two left arms (or was it two right arms...) You never can be too sure about these things....



  2. Lounge   -   #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Well, the Harry Potter books a fine as far as they go- which is not very deep. I mean, come on, a book about a bording school?! (yes, Hogwarts is *shock, horror* just a glorified boarding school) Considering that boarding schools are part of the reason victorian britian had so many social problems...

    I read the Harry Potter books. They're ok.

    I don't know how much i will be crucifying myself here, but i never even knew there was such a thing as Harry Potter until the arrival of the fourth book, when my friends waved the book in front of face and asked me wheter i had read it or not, and which of the books was my favourite. I gave it a go. You can't do fairer than that.

  3. Lounge   -   #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Originally posted by H.H.@9 July 2003 - 11:41
    ... that is why I am so shy and silent all the time!
    so who made up this post and posted all that stuff on the first posts?

    the last time i checked, the was H.H.

    ps: i rest my case

  4. Lounge   -   #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    im not sure
    Well, i thought the Harry Potter were good books(awful movies) but lord of the rings were better.

  5. Lounge   -   #25
    iamtheoneandonlyone's Avatar Andromeda Ascendant
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    Andromeda Galaxy
    This ain't spam. You want spam, go eat some. I believe spam is made in Texas.

    The only thing good about these books is they encourage a child to read. Unless they all read Harry Potter.

  6. Lounge   -   #26
    I didnt think that harry potter was that bad until i woke up early on accident and i turned on the t.v. and i guess that day was the day when the new one came out and the news guy was talking to the kids about the book and the kids were excited about who should die and who they think should die. thats what the kids are reading murder fantasy books about witches and shit. now im not so certain about this whole harry potter phasade

  7. Lounge   -   #27
    dude. your kids love it and your still dissing it. well i guess they are your kids. you can say what you want.

  8. Lounge   -   #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Originally posted by that1dude@11 July 2003 - 00:37
    thats what the kids are reading murder fantasy books about witches and shit.
    first of all, it's not murder fantasies, and second of all, if ur not reading it, how can u judge sth w/o knowing the content of it? ur becoming like H.H.

  9. Lounge   -   #29
    cool, two posts why Harry Tosser is shit.
    HH is right.
    magic, wands, broomsticks!?!?
    gimmie a break.

  10. Lounge   -   #30
    I don't read the Harry Potter books and never have, so I don't attempt to insult them, like others. If you have not even read any Harry Potter book H.H. then how do you know how terrible they are?

    Personally I couldn't care any less if people want to read the books, so what, why do you care. In fact I like the idea that kids are showing an interest in reading again.

    Originally posted by that1dude@10 July 2003 - 15:37
    thats what the kids are reading murder fantasy books about witches and shit. now im not so certain about this whole harry potter phasade
    Murder fantasy books? The entire story does not revolve around murders, just because someone dies in a book you can't simply say that it's a murder fantasy book. And further more, I think this is the first death in the entire series of books. You are a moron.

    I don't think it's about witches either, it's just about children who go to a school of magic.

    Also, grow up. If you're seriously worried about children reading books that have such scary subjects then why not take a look at the video games that children are playing. Then have a stroke and die from amazement.

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