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Thread: 25 Invites!

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by darkness View Post
    1) the only true the(fill it in).bz sites are and and they are all owned by a specific group of people. is biting their style of sites.

    2) Everyone, who is anyone knows like Adela said, that the original Mafia/Mafiosa Idea was first introduced by, which is now offline, i dont really care if they take other sites ideas, but it doesnt really show much innovation or imagination to the site. Only thats its just another tracker.

    3) I was one of the first members to signup and kept my account for a while, only thing is, i decided to go on browse and to my surprise, I see FTN Category Icons as their Icons. Talk about lame ;p

    IMO this is nothing special, just another tracker, signup, let it go on for a few months, then die like so many others.
    But hell, i could be wrong, and it might turn out to be a great tracker, but Staff really need to rethink what they are doing, but taking all these ideas from other trackers, who have been online a hell of a lot longer and have a lot more experience

    1) That's being closed minded. Try to open up a bit. Sorry that we've got that website ending. We did not intend to "bite the style" of these two.

    2) It's difficult to explain how much it irks me when people complain about this. You're not uncovering a new leaf here. We've been yelled at by multiple members about this. It's about time you all become silent. We did not sit around in an IRC channel thinking "haha, cool theme, lets take it," and I understand that you never said that we did, however, it's a bit aggrivating to hear complaints about our "lack of creativity."

    TheFamily was originally intended to be specialized in Mafia movies, music, and other this-and-that. But it was a joint decision by the staff to make it general. We've tossed around the idea to make the site specialized once more, but have not been able to find a suitable innovative idea.

    3) On the topic of stealing FTN's icons, I personally spent days to make special TF icons. When we let in new staff, a certain higher-up claimed that they weren't good enough, and replaced them with FTN's icons because he claimed they were cooler. The rest of the community was not involved in this decision. So, sorry to have aggrivated you, but this isn't exactly the site or the communities fault. Just one bad staff member.

    It seems you don't have the background information to understand that TF is a tracker that sprung from a few devoted members to another invite trading community. We've got a large community that commend the staff for putting time and money into TF, so before we even started, we had support. Sure the beginning may be rocky because we might not have your two hundred thousand torrents, and your userbase approaching the millions, but those that care are extremely devoted, not to mention backing from a mass of people from other communities who care. We're not stealing, we never intended to take anything from anyone. (With the exception of FTN, but I made a description of my issue with that one staff member... we in no way had any agreement about this, ignore it.)

    Don't condemn a small tracker while it is still getting set up. I can understand if you were writing this about a site that has been around for a long while, but what you're doing is quite simply throwing insults at an infant. If you have a problem, you could have talked to the staff.

    Enjoy the rant. I'll leave this thread alone now. I've also got plenty of invites if anyone is interested.
    Last edited by Regavebe; 10-25-2007 at 02:13 AM.

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