Quote Originally Posted by Cheffy View Post
Personally i like stmusic and softmp3 much more than oink. But thats becouse i only want scene releases. Cant stand home made stuff, renamed to their personal likings and such.
Were a member at oink like 2-3 years ago, but i just let the account get purged since i did not want anything form there. If there were something that i wanted that i could not get in scene release there were tonns of other choices.

And Btw if i see one more oink topic i might just shoot my self....
If you were into music and downloaded albums every single day i can see how losing oink could be considered the end of the world...
But is you guys can't really expect to find a tracker thats just as good as oink 2 days after it closed. Oink almost had a monopoly on the mp3 loving torrent users.
The only other sites that managed to survive was the once that when for something extra: like scene only or trance only, or indie or what ever.
So take it easy, relax and before you know it there will be a new tracker like oink up or a old one will take a step to become the next one, like removing some of the rules that made it different from oink.

Badmouthing all the trackers is really not going to get you guys anywhere. Unless Oink opens again there will never be a tracker exactly like oink. Its really no point in whining. So being mad because you dont like the design or dont like the rules is not helping anyone. Trying to hype up a crappy tracker is not going to help...
All you guys are archiving is getting a tons of users to sign up up on tons of different sites, but not really using any of them.

What could actually help is someone doing a review of all the different trackers, and telling people whats allowed, how many users, how many torrents and such. Then people could easy see what tracker is for them, go there sign up / get invited and start helping that site becoming the next best thing.
Fully agree to your views about oink and the increasing oink threads here.