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Thread: How Much Do You Need?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    San Francisco

    See what I meant was back in the day like a few hundred years ago people didnt copywrite their art work.
    Bethoven never had a copywrite on his music. art WAS NOT considered a product then,
    but now it is, which I think is bullshit. art shouldn't be a product, it should'nt have a price or a is supposed to be an expression of the artist. who pays to see people get angry or smile

    I don't see a problem with people paying for art. ist good,
    it supports the artist and inturn they can produce batter art work with the extra cash, but paying shouldnt be a requirment.
    especially with music. if a band wants to get money for its music they should go on tour. If they make a cd it's free for all and they shouldnt complain about people sharing, they make enough money as it is.

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    Originally posted by Serus@22 July 2003 - 09:22
    if a band wants to get money for its music they should go on tour. If they make a cd it's free for all and they shouldnt complain about people sharing, they make enough money as it is.
    So do they take the proceeds from the tour they just did to pay for the cd's they are then supposed to give to you?

    That makes no sense. Of course they should get paid for it. My only dissagreement is the price. And the quality of the music.

    It is too bad that they couldn't really make that whole pick your songs and we will burn them thing go. Then we could have the whole package(fancy little book etc.) and only pay for what we want.

    I also can't think of a single thing I would want to do for a living if I had to do it under the same conditions/reward systems as they did "back in the day".

    Peace of mind Findnot

    No time to work out? Try Folding instead.

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    San Francisco
    if you notice I said "IF" they made CD's.

    and IF they made CD's some people would buy them but not as many as 10 years ago. I think they should just go on tour and make money without sitting on their ass.

    if they want to sell CD's it doesnt cost much to make a CD.
    Buy blank CD's in bulk and make a simple cover. it could be as cheap as $1.00 to make, and sell it for $5 at thier concerts. thats a good profit.

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    Ron's Avatar Poster
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    Jan 2003
    Going on tour costs a lot of money.
    How much do you think it would cost to rent a football stadium, rent/buy the lighting/amplifiers/speakers/stage, etc?
    Hire security personnel?
    Catering the roadies?
    And in your $1.00, did you account for studio time?
    That is not cheap, last I heard.
    I'm not saying that a top artists income isn't ridiculous, but I just think you're oversimplifying things a bit.
    Can't find the page right now, but I read that artists get around 12% of a CD's retail price.
    Reducing that price to $5.00 would get them like $ 0.60 a copy. Hardly a motive to keep going, IMHO. (especially when we're talking about bands)
    Some of them are married you see, and their wives wouldn't be too happy about it.
    Do NOT underestimate the power of a woman.

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    San Francisco
    Well thats if a compnay makes them thier CD's if they hire somone to just burn cds for them they could make a bigger profit.
    plus if they have a small fan group then they dont need to play in a stadium.
    they can work their way up.
    I'm saying that music shuoldnt be their career.

  6. File Sharing   -   #16

  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    Skillian's Avatar T H F C f a n BT Rep: +1
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    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by harrycary@21 July 2003 - 01:49

    Um, that article about Metallica is a hoax.

    Look at the URL of the story.
    My bad.

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
    Well although this got totally off the original topic, I have been thinking about the hole how much thing, and think about this. I can gurantee that i have never uploaded an entire file to someone. K-lite does not work that way (chunks) I do not stay on direct connect for too long at once, puts me way over my cap, and so on. So how can I be sued for distrubting a copywrited file, I did not give even 10% of the file, right? I dunno just thinking about that, a little.

  9. File Sharing   -   #19

    So now the music industry greedheads want to play rough. What’s the matter, their coke dealer won’t front anymore? Those techno-ghouls have been living high on the hog for the past 100 years and now they’re upset because the river of gold is down 10%. If they want to play rough, so can we. The only reason they can afford to pay their lawyers is because we all still buy CDs.

    There is only one proper response to the file sharing attack – a complete and total boycott of all new recorded music purchases. Imagine if you got a summons in the mail. We must support our file sharing brothers and sisters. I SAY NO PURCHASES OF ANY NEW CDS OR DOWNLOADS UNTIL THEY CHANGE THE LAW ON FILE SHARING!! If you want music go to a show, or buy or trade used CDs.

    Copy this and spread the word!

    To those who are concerned about artist's royalties, you've been brainwashed. Music is a performing art - the key word here is performing. If artists want to get paid, they need to perform. Not live like ghouls on the ghosts of old echos.

    Consider the artists who have been most commercially successful on recordings. They have almost all been destroyed by that success. On the other hand an old dope fiend like Jerry Garcia survived for years despite his self destructive ways, largely, IMHO, because his recordings were not money makers and he had to tour.

    Besides the whole industry is only the result of a technical glitch where it was easy to record, but difficult to copy. Those days are over. They all need to accept the new paradigm or fade away.

  10. File Sharing   -   #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Canada, eh
    Have you ever seen the copyright warning at the start of a movie it says copy in whole or in part of the movie is illegal that means any of it.

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