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Thread: 66 Brilliant Facts

  1. #1
    zoe68's Avatar Enthusiast
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    1. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

    2. The "save" icon on Microsoft Word shows a floppy disk, with the shutter on backwards.

    3. The combination "ough" can be pronounced in nine different ways. The following sentence contains them all:
    "A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed."

    4. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.

    5. Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.

    6. The word "Checkmate" in chess comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat," which means, "the king is dead".

    7. Pinocchio is Italian for "pine head."

    8. In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

    9. The United States has never lost a war in which mules were used.

    10. All porcupines float in water.

    11. The airplane Buddy Holly died in was called "American Pie." (Thus the name of the Don McLean song.)

    12. The only nation whose name begins with an "A", but doesn't end in an "A" is Afghanistan.

    13. If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will not be heads 5,000 times, but more like 4,950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.

    14. The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. The only other word with the same amount of letters is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses, its plural.

    15. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

    16. Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.

    17. Wilma Flintstone's maiden name was Wilma Slaghoopal, and Betty Rubble's Maiden name was Betty Jean Mcbricker.

    18. Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.

    19. The characters Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's "Its A Wonderful Life."

    20. The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

    21. "Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.

    22. A group of unicorns is called a blessing. Twelve or more cows are known as a "flink." A group of frogs is called an army. A group of rhinos is called a crash. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. A group of whales is called a pod. A group of ravens is called a murder. A group of officers is called a mess. A group of larks is called an exaltation. A group of owls is called a parliament.

    23. Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.

    24. The phrase "sleep tight" derives from the fact that early mattresses were filled with straw and held up with rope stretched across the bedframe. A tight sleep was a comfortable sleep.

    25. Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight >floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself.

    26. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111=12,345,678,987,654,321

    27. If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes. (note: if the rider's head is up the horse's rear, the rider died a politician.)

    28. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple.

    29. Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down - hence the expression "to get fired."

    30. There are two credit cards for every person in the United States.

    31. A snail can sleep for 3 years.

    32. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter "A"? -- One thousand

    33. What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common?-- All were invented by women.

    34. Married men revealed that they change their underwear twice as often as single men.

    35. 40% of all people who come to a party in your home snoop in your medicine cabinet.

    36. The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

    37. Coca-Cola was originally green.

    38. Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury.

    39. It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs.

    40. If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it!)

    41. If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.

    42. The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.

    43. A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes

    44. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (Still not over that pig thing!)

    45. Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (So why does a damn PIG have the half hour orgasm!?!?)

    46. On average people fear spiders more than they do death.

    47. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmm.....)

    48. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.

    49. Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.

    50. Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.

    51. You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.

    52. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.

    53. In ancient Egypt, Priests plucked every hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes.

    54. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

    55. The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
    (From drinking little bottles of...?) (Did the govt. pay for this research??)

    56. Polar bears are left handed.

    57. The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds, that makes the catfish rank #1 for animal having the most taste buds.

    58. The flea can jump 350 times its body length, It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.

    59. A cockroach will live nine days without it's head, before it starves to death. (Creepy!)

    60. The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body The female initiates sex by ripping the males head off. ("Honey, I'm home. What the....")

    61. Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (In my next life I still want to be a pig...quality over quantity!)

    62. Butterflies taste with their feet. (Oh, .)

    63. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.

    64. A cat's urine glows under a blacklight

    65. An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

    66. Starfish don't have brains.

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    Not necessarily factual least the first one isn't anyway, so maybe some of the rest aren't either.

    You're like a human spam email

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    zoe68's Avatar Enthusiast
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    Thanks Barbie, just tryin to liven things up round ere!

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    Alien5's Avatar μετά BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    wow can a snail really sleep for 3 years?

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    kallieb's Avatar Spamaholic BT Rep: +4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alien5 View Post
    wow can a snail really sleep for 3 years?
    Well I guess when they move (very slowly mind you) they must be sleepwalking or sleepcrawling, or what ever it is that snails do

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    Alien5's Avatar μετά BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    snail trail

    43.i would rather be a pig.
    Last edited by Alien5; 11-21-2007 at 04:31 PM.

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    Something Else's Avatar sex a wolf in a bag BT Rep: +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70
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    45. Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

    I never did that, I swear.
    Now go away.

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    kallieb's Avatar Spamaholic BT Rep: +4
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    So what explains the large enclosed pool in your back garden.

  9. Lounge   -   #9
    Something Else's Avatar sex a wolf in a bag BT Rep: +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70
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    Now go away.

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    BANNED BT Rep: +3
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    1. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

    When examined by an audio-expert, it was found that the echo was "swallowed" by the original quack, due to the very similar acoustic structure between the quack and the echo. Because of this, it may be difficult to tell where the quack ends and the echo begins.

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